So, what's everyone's opinion about tony Ferguson?


Brown Belt
Dec 13, 2009
Reaction score
Just watched his fight against Edson Barboza, and couldn't believe the shots he could take. That guy is as tough as they come and the pressure he puts on people is ridiculous. He should be fighting rda instead of Eddie imo.

Ps. I think Barboza has all the tools and skills to be a champ, his biggest flaws are his chin and his heart.
Very good fighter. Annoying as fuck.
I think the general consensus is that he's a piece of shit human but a great fighter.
Dirty fighter but also a killer.
Absolute savage. However, a bit of an angry drunk! (wheres your kid @)
Love me some


Dude hits REAL hard for his division, and does some crazy, acrobatic shit that makes me LOL at times.

Very fun, exciting fighter.

I think he will get that gold one day.
He's one win away from a shot at the belt. I'd like to see him fight Poirier.
Tough, skilled, athletic. But wild and too risky. He hasn't been caught yet but it will come
Killer. I like watching him.

Haven't bothered building myself an opinion about him as a person.
Good fighter.

Total douche.

Hey what do you know hes on his way to being a superstar
Not the brightest guy in the world. Possibly the worst deadlifting form of all time. Fighting savant.
Never cared for his personality on TUF, but TUF does that to people you'd never expect.

He's grown on me over the years, and his capability in the cage is second to none, dudes a beast.
Ridiculously fun fighter to watch, and he'll never stop trying to finish an opponent. Always willing to take a risk at any time during a fight.

What's there to dislike?

Oh yeah, cause of one bad moment while drunk during a show. 5 years ago. And maybe because he seems overly confident in himself. Because a fighter shouldn't have the utmost confidence in himself, right?

I assume every single person that hates him for that has never had a bad moment while drunk.