Cormier is my favourite fighter, but Jon was landing 2 or 3 strikes to every one of DC’s. Cormier couldnt have kept that pace up either, and if he couldnt KO jones whilst fresh he wasnt gonna ko him in the later rounds.
Jones is the best fighter ever. Makes me sad but its true
Jones was heavily juiced to the eyeballs ever since Matt Riddle Beta'd him and he went running to his big brothers medicine cabinet.
Jones that beat OSP was clean. Imagine Cormier or Gus vs that Jones.
Jones is like Ben Johnson in sprinting. Yes he won, but no one ever talks about him in GOAT terms.
Your hero is a fraud, a cheat and everything he ever achieved is null and void. He'll kill himself before he's 40.
Although expect the hordes of Juicehead fans to dispute that.
Shut up with ur fantasy goat bs. 80% of this forum believes overrated doughboy Fedor is GOAT. The real world knows who the real most feared man in UFC is...and it sure as shyt aint DC. DC isnt anywhere near Jones level.
Even Jones disagrees with you. If he didn't, he wouldn't take performance enhancing drugs.
Same reason why Johnson isn't in running GOAT talks, and why Bonds, Sosa etc aren't in GOAT talks in baseball.
GOATS don't drink juice.
Jones that beat OSP was clean
prolly done before but who do you think won the first two rounds? just rewatching the fight and I think Jones won the first and DC won the second. what was the consensus when this fight was going on?
1/1 before the ko. He was doing better than the first fight, but like others said that was a high pace for DC to keep up for five rounds.
And the reason he got KOed is all that leaning trying to avoid body shots because they were getting to him.