So Obama second term is ending, how do you rate it? 1 to 10


Green Belt
Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score
I give him a 7.5, of course he will be talked about for centuries, first black man in the white house? crazy. Now in policys discussion which some of you know better than me, since I'm a outsider and not from us, some of his promises fell short, closing guantanamo? free health care for everybody? much stronger hand in gun control? helping out the black community? after a year in the job, it was clear he was another politician, I go as far as calling him a blue dog Democrat, his supreme Court appointments were hilarious, and he also correct me if I'm mistaken had the Senate for a year until elections. On the good side the economy got much better, green energy was talked about, and apparently he wasn't a crazy Muslim trying to destroy the Constitution like some nut jobs were fear mongering. I could still go on, but I'm open to discussion.
A strong seven.
No wars of choice, the economy isn't in the shitter, he's still thoughtful and measured.
65 million people displaced worldwide -most ever

A never ending stream of terror attacks

A country divided

The lowest work participation ever

most transparent admin ever? IRS computers wiped, VA hospital wait times manipulated.

Ended the war? I guess that depends on what day you ask.

2 of 10

Personally, I hope he isn't talked about for centuries. He's a middling president whose greatest claim to fame is his skin color and, frankly, in the future I hope we're not so racially oriented that we treat that as something worthy of note.
He's left the country in such a divisive state that I don't think we will ever see both parties coming together on anything for a very long time or until there is a President that actually has the ability to unify. This started very early when his surrogates would call anyone that criticized him as "racist."

I give him a 2/10. He has actually damaged the country. Not legislatively but mentally.
7 or 8 out of 10. I can't imagine anyone arguing that either bush was better than him (and being serious about it). and consensus among dems seems to be split on him vs. clinton, so I'd say 7 or 8. Without a doubt, the country is much better today than it was in 2008.
The Great Divider / 10

"Hope and change"...

He has set the United Statesistan in progress

End times are near
5 or 6.

My life, and the life of my family barely changed, but nothing good really came of this term, and racial tensions rising, so middle of the road for me.
7 or 8 out of 10. I can't imagine anyone arguing that either bush was better than him (and being serious about it). and consensus among dems seems to be split on him vs. clinton, so I'd say 7 or 8. Without a doubt, the country is much better today than it was in 2008.

Exactly! Things have been just great under The Great Divider. :rolleyes:

This will define Hussein Obama's presidency:


Why didn't I get a special invitation to immigrate to US? Disgraceful!! I demand instant citizenship!
Nothing really changed. We slower then naturally recovered from the recession.

Race relations have taken a dive from much progress. He and other liberals continue to draw a bigger divide simply for votes.

He didn't really help health care. It might be a good step to a single payer system which truly is the only thing that makes sense.

He did a few things for public land I like and paying back tuition.

Im no conservative but liberals sicken me and political correctness is about shaming and silencing for power and votes. Once people figure this out we can be up from about our problems as a nations and better ourselves.
9/10. 7 points for cleaning up Bush's mess, +2 points for causing maximum jimmy rustling among the white trash demographic. Can't wait for Hillary to continue that good tradition.