It used to lean HEAVILY right. Over the past 10 years it has slowly slid left. It's damn near even at this point.
The current crop of MMA enthusiasts getting into the sport are 20-somethings. This demographic grew up under the full weight of DNC controlled information and media outlets. So it stands to reason that a large portion of them will be leftists.
Old fucks like me (Ive been here for 26 years) are considerably more conservative with some notable exceptions.
That being said, many ban waves have hit over the years. I would argue that more conservatives have been hit in comparison. Probably because we say more shit that is considered hateful, but also because people have become more sensitive little bitches over the years. And I think more leftists crave those positions of authority. A lot of mods are lefties these days.
A good idea would be to track the political leanings of the history of War Room Presidents because those are popularity contests. Take a look at the current WR president...