Smith racks and squats

Curtis Gibbs

Amateur Fighter
Nov 12, 2007
Reaction score
Is it possible to do ATG squats in a smith rack? I just got myself a Nautilus smith rack but the bars are sort of diagnal and I find it hard to do them. any input?
Is it possible to do ATG squats in a smith rack? I just got myself a Nautilus smith rack but the bars are sort of diagnal and I find it hard to do them. any input?

Do you still have the receipt? I'm serious. Take the motherfucker back and get a power rack.
Do you still have the receipt? I'm serious. Take the motherfucker back and get a power rack.
I second that. Or cut it up and send the scrap to finnegan so he can make something decent.
Is "m e t a l" a bad word? Because when I type ****l it gets the asterisks.
Is "m e t a l" a bad word? Because when I type ****l it gets the asterisks.

Meta is because it allows people to do bad things with it

but i agree a return would be the best course of action with such equipment
Dude, you fight, and your fighter list is awesome, how could you fuck up this bad? I mean really.
Well I got it for 350 from my uncle with 500 lbs of olympic weight, comes with the bench and all the pully extensions and ez curl bar how could I go wrong. I only do my bench and military and bent over row on it. aswell as a peck deck.
Deep squats will hurt your knees. Send the 500#s of weight to me and buy a bosu ball. You'll thank me later.
Well I got it for 350 from my uncle with 500 lbs of olympic weight, comes with the bench and all the pully extensions and ez curl bar how could I go wrong. I only do my bench and military and bent over row on it. aswell as a peck deck.

Gotcha. But y'know...

the fixed bar path of a Smith, it's a plumb-ass line, that's just ridiculous. It's gonna mess with your form, it ain't the norm for the bench and overhead press. That's why free weights is the best. Plus, you want the stabilizers hit, and the Smith machine just babies that shit.

I ain't tryin' to bum your trip, but you best get on the power rack tip.

So keep the plates that you got. And take the bitch-ass Smith to a sportin' goods shop that sells used equipment for liftin' and tell 'em that you gotta be thrifty. Need a rack 'cause the Smith is wack, make a trade and maybe even get cash back.
Gotcha. But y'know...

the fixed bar path of a Smith, it's a plumb-ass line, that's just ridiculous. It's gonna mess with your form, it ain't the norm for the bench and overhead press. That's why free weights is the best. Plus, you want the stabilizers hit, and the Smith machine just babies that shit.

I ain't tryin' to bum your trip, but you best get on the power rack tip.

So keep the plates that you got. And take the bitch-ass Smith to a sportin' goods shop that sells used equipment for liftin' and tell 'em that you gotta be thrifty. Need a rack 'cause the Smith is wack, make a trade and maybe even get cash back.

Were you really into hip-hop as a youth?
You can't do a squat in a smith machine. You can do some motions that involve bending your knows and moving your butt. You can't do a squat.
Were you really into hip-hop as a youth?

No, I became really enamored of the song "Straight Outta Compton" a couple of days ago. It'll pass.

The mere fact that I said "enamored of" means that I'm returning to my normal, hopelessly nerdy self.
There was no hip hop during the bronze age.

When I was in the eighth grade I memorized all the words to "Convoy," which is sorta the mid-70s redneck version of gangsta rap -- rapidfire delivery, baffling slang, massive disrespect for public safety and law enforcement, etc.

"I said Pigpen, this here's Rubber Duck, we just ain't a-gonna pay no toll" -- IT'S LIKE DAT, YO!

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Is it possible to make a power rack out of a smith machine?
Is it possible to make a power rack out of a smith machine?

Yes, kinda. It wont be as good as a power rack, but you can just take the bar off. It'll be more like squat stands, though.
Gotcha. But y'know...

the fixed bar path of a Smith, it's a plumb-ass line, that's just ridiculous. It's gonna mess with your form, it ain't the norm for the bench and overhead press.

It won't just mess up your form, it will cause muscular imbalances in your shoulder area and open you up to injury in the future. It's truly a more-harm-than-good scenario.