small hands, thin wrist


Purple Belt
May 3, 2005
Reaction score
I'm 6ft 190lbs. I have small hands and thin wrists for somebody my size. Prior to lifting weights 7 years ago, I was 155-160 lbs. I have a naturally thin frame, but have put on a lot of muscle over the years.
My question is can I still be a good striker with power if I don't have big hands and thick wrists?
actually, i believe you could have more force that way. Think of it like this, the bigger the hand, the more the force is spread. Would you rather be hit with a frying pan or a baseball bat? I have the same thing, small hands for my size (5'11 210) but my wrists are pretty good size.
I have thin wrists.. Normal size hands with thin wrists. It's a real pain and I've fucked my wrists up pretty good hitting people and bags.
I-Shoji said:
I have thin wrists.. Normal size hands with thin wrists. It's a real pain and I've fucked my wrists up pretty good hitting people and bags.
If you wrap your wrists while training, how much does this really help?
when you say you "fucked" your wrists up, what do you mean?
I have thin wrists .. but big hands. Thin wrists don't take anything away from your power -- if anything it adds because you get more handspeed -- but you definitely are more susceptible to wrist problems, particularly if you are a heavy puncher. Mine got pretty jacked up, so I started double-wrapping them, and it helped a lot.

By "jacked up" I mean strained so much that I couldn't even do pushups, couldn't put any weight through them bent, they were weak as hell. Just be careful and you're fine.
DEFINITLY have to wrap your hands well before sparring..It stabilizes your hand and wrist, Ive broken small bones in my wrist and its not fun..hurts like hell. I dont have the biggest hands but ive got big forearms and my hand size has Never affeccted my punching power or technique
amandakissnhug said:
If you wrap your wrists while training, how much does this really help?
when you say you "fucked" your wrists up, what do you mean?

Wrapping your wrists will prevent a lot of trouble.

I used to hit things without any protection cuz I was dumb and wanted to "condition my knuckles". Ok, so my knuckles are probably pretty hard and I don't feel much when I hit things hard, but it wasn't real good on my wrists.

Sometimes the two bones that comprise the forearm seem to misallign with the bones that comprise the start of my hand and I have to literally "work" on my wrist holding acupressure points and massaging ligaments and it will literally pop back into place kinda like a chiropractic adjustment. It's a pain, and you can literally look at my wrist and tell something is definately messed up :p It doesn't happen a lot, just when I twist them wrong somehow.

I have a theory that the cartilage between the bones is pretty worn down, cuz sometimes it hurts in a way that makes me think that is the case.

You can see how narrow my wrists are in my av picture.
i have thought of the same thing, since i have thin wrists too. but my crosses and hooks are strong, so i dont think it affects punches alot. just as long as you wear hand wraps and punch with correct technique you'll be fine. you're wrist should get stronger/bigger with more training.
z0nk said:
you're wrist should get stronger/bigger with more training.
Is that really possible? I've been lifting for the past 7 years and I do wrist and forearm exercises on a regular basis. It seems as though my wrists are staying the same while I've gotten bigger everywhere else. As a result, my biceps/forearms look pretty big.
Yeah am also interested to know if you can strengthen your wrist strength against injury. I know some of you guys will give the blanket answer of:
I also have thin wrists with normal hand size. Wrapping up your wrists will help a lot.

To answer your question, yes you can be a good striker even though you dont have big hands & a thick wrists
aljeffery said:
Yeah am also interested to know if you can strengthen your wrist strength against injury. I know some of you guys will give the blanket answer of: