

Yellow Belt
Oct 5, 2005
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Not sure this is the right forum to post this in, but no other one made much sense either.

I train 5 or 6 days a week from 7:30pm until about 11pm. I want to add a morning routine to my schedule from 6 - 8 to do cardio, strength training and calesthetic type drills for agility speed and flexibility. Since i am usually in bed around 12 - 12:30 that give me 6 to 6.5 hours of sleep. I am wary of cutting sleep, but I have heard different theories on how much sleep you need. On one end people say you need a full 8 hrs on the other people say about 5. I generally wake up around 6, but go back to sleep, suggesting my sacadian cycle has completed. Should get up then even though i am still tired?.What do you all think?
The only one who knows how much sleep your body needs is you. Experiment with it and see if you are tired. If you naturally wake up at 6 then I would get up at 6. No reason to stay in bed.
Ya I agree you just have to try it out for a wile see how your body reacts then make whatever adjustments needed I work with a guy that only sleeps 4 hours a night and then some of the other guys cant even function on less than 10. I think just gotta try it
Some people can so with less, but in general most people recover better and perform cognitively better on 8 hours sleep.
Snar said:
Not sure this is the right forum to post this in, but no other one made much sense either.

I train 5 or 6 days a week from 7:30pm until about 11pm. I want to add a morning routine to my schedule from 6 - 8 to do cardio, strength training and calesthetic type drills for agility speed and flexibility. Since i am usually in bed around 12 - 12:30 that give me 6 to 6.5 hours of sleep. I am wary of cutting sleep, but I have heard different theories on how much sleep you need. On one end people say you need a full 8 hrs on the other people say about 5. I generally wake up around 6, but go back to sleep, suggesting my sacadian cycle has completed. Should get up then even though i am still tired?.What do you all think?

5 hours is supposed to be the bare minimum. 8 hours is reccomended for enyone to get. You body does all of it's repairing while sleeping and you mind sorts evereything that happened in the day. If you replace sleep with training, i might put a lot of strain on your body and you may end up getting ill or just injuring yourself. I learnt this cos i didn't get enough sleep and i was just gettign ill all the time. then i fractured my heel but that wasnt related but i can now get all the sleep i want cos i cant go many places.
Do the hours of sleep have to be consecutive? I try to sneak in an afternoon nap pretty often, so I was wo ndering if I could kind of 'spread my sleep out' throughout the day.
tinker_190 said:
Do the hours of sleep have to be consecutive? I try to sneak in an afternoon nap pretty often, so I was wo ndering if I could kind of 'spread my sleep out' throughout the day.

they suggest 8 hours un-interupted. most naps to go much further than rem state. you need to be in a deeper sleep to get intense healing and repair. saying that the say you recharge your bodies energy mostly in teh first couple of hours of sleep.
How Much Sleep Is Enough?

Sleep needs vary. In general, most healthy adults need seven to nine hours of sleep a night. However, some individuals are able to function without sleepiness or drowsiness after as little as six hours of sleep. Others can
Try it out. I find that I can function off of 6hrs a night as long as I'm getting one or two long (10-12hr) sleeps a week.
tinker_190 said:
Do the hours of sleep have to be consecutive? I try to sneak in an afternoon nap pretty often, so I was wo ndering if I could kind of 'spread my sleep out' throughout the day.

Some lifters do this: 7 hours of sleep, train and 1-2 hour nap.
The more you train the more sleep you need for you body to recover.

Try your new schedule out and see how you feel. If you can get an hour or two of nap time during the day you may be fine. You just need to try and see how your body reacts.

Let us know what happens.
