Silva is a pretty intelligent guy.


Jan 1, 2008
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Is it possible he trolled Sonnen to give GSP confidence? Although I do not believe this point, 99% of you sherdoggers say the best way to beat Silva is with wrestling like Sonnen did. Am I crazy or did you all get trolled too?

I know it sounds like a tin foil hat theory, but Silva has done some things in the past that have been pretty "out there" After the gsp greasegate Silva "blatenly" greased right in front of the cameras, judges, and fans.

Just a thought.
Travis Lutter is the Michael Jordan of BJJ, remember? Or some statement like that from Goldberg.
Anderson KO'd Leben to show GSP what he can do imo
Is it possible he trolled Sonnen to give GSP confidence? Although I do not believe this point, 99% of you sherdoggers say the best way to beat Silva is with wrestling like Sonnen did. Am I crazy or did you all get trolled too?

I know it sounds like a tin foil hat theory, but Silva has done some things in the past that have been pretty "out there" After the gsp greasegate Silva "blatenly" greased right in front of the cameras, judges, and fans.

Just a thought.

He allowed sonnen to dominate for 4 and a half rounds because he promised big nog a sub and he wanted to give gsp false hope? This sounds right
You're the reason I hate silva fans.

You don't see me saying GSP trolled everyone by lettin Serra and Hughes beat him, so people think he's beatable. I would never say that, because that's flat out retarded.

That's how you sound right now
AS plays with some of his opponents because he's that good and he knows it. He wouldn't play around when he knows he is in a fight and both fights with Chael it didn't take long for him to realize it. He was hit in the standup in the first fight and was smothered for much of it. No one would let a guy lay on top of him, literally smother him at times, constantly punch him everywhere, box his ears and what-not just to give a guy he wants to fight confidence. If Chael holds on for 2 more minutes in the first fight, he's the champ. The second fight looked like it could have been more of the same pattern until Chael got cute and was finished because of it.

AS is a great champion. He would not risk all that he has built up over the years just for the sake of someone else thinking they might have a chance and agree to a fight because of it. Sorry man, but that is really out there.
You're the reason I hate silva fans.

You don't see me saying GSP trolled everyone by lettin Serra and Hughes beat him, so people think he's beatable. I would never say that, because that's flat out retarded.

That's how you sound right now

Not all Silva fans believe what he said. Sonnen did great for 4 and a half rounds and gave Anderson all he could handle. But Anderson pulled through and then won the rematch.
You're the reason I hate silva fans.

You don't see me saying GSP trolled everyone by lettin Serra and Hughes beat him, so people think he's beatable. I would never say that, because that's flat out retarded.

That's how you sound right now

You get angry enough to hate complete strangers on the internet because they say things you disagree with about people whom you have never met that you only see on TV?

Your life sounds terrible.
AS plays with some of his opponents because he's that good and he knows it. He wouldn't play around when he knows he is in a fight and both fights with Chael it didn't take long for him to realize it. He was hit in the standup in the first fight and was smothered for much of it. No one would let a guy lay on top of him, literally smother him at times, constantly punch him everywhere, box his ears and what-not just to give a guy he wants to fight confidence. If Chael holds on for 2 more minutes in the first fight, he's the champ. The second fight looked like it could have been more of the same pattern until Chael got cute and was finished because of it.

AS is a great champion. He would not risk all that he has built up over the years just for the sake of someone else thinking they might have a chance and agree to a fight because of it. Sorry man, but that is really out there.

Legit points. Only thing is Silva can stand and let Bader tee off on him and not be affected slightly, and Sonnen drops him with a punch? And seriously if you watch the first fight closely, when Sonnen was on top and punching, when he got some power behind his shots, Silva hit him hard from the bottom, making Sonnen cover up and thus making his shots much weaker.
Legit points. Only thing is Silva can stand and let Bader tee off on him and not be affected slightly, and Sonnen drops him with a punch? And seriously if you watch the first fight closely, when Sonnen was on top and punching, when he got some power behind his shots, Silva hit him hard from the bottom, making Sonnen cover up and thus making his shots much weaker.

Sounds like TS is trolling all of us.
Pretty sure he trolled Dana and the fans with his performance against Maia, but that would be about it.

Really, TS? ....Really?
Sounds like TS is trolling all of us.

I am not trolling. I believe this shit. If Henderson, who many thing is in the top three goats of all time, who has horrendous KO power, and who has Olympic wrestling credentials, couldn't faze Silva with his punches, and couldn't out wrestle him, and then gets subbed in round two...

fuck it. Ya all can just call me crazy now, and a genius in ten years.
You're the reason I hate silva fans.

You don't see me saying GSP trolled everyone by lettin Serra and Hughes beat him, so people think he's beatable. I would never say that, because that's flat out retarded.

That's how you sound right now

Silva didn't lose the fights in question.