Shoyoroll Belt, worst belt that I have ever worn.

Dude get a WAR belt, I hear good things about them.... I see the point of getting whatever belt your given, but I also see a guy wanting to wear a quality belt as opposed to someone elses hand me down, thats all torn up and ragged....

Get the WAR, you wont regret it.

where can i get the War belt? never heard of it
my intructor actually has 3 belts. one from his master, which is mizuno, and 2 others given by his friends. but he only wears mizuno one.
Hah! When I got promoted, I was given the blue belt from another student who got promoted to purple. Who gives a shit what brand the belt is? Seriously, the gays have taken over the sport nowadays. You've got guys with zero training coming to Muay Thai now decked out in color co-ordinated top of the line gear from Fairtex, Cleto Reyes, Grant, etc. insisting they only wear the brands of champions, wearing custom made replica Buakaw shorts, etc. Meanwhile these guys can't throw a roundhouse for their lives and punch with the force of a crippled midget.

and they are there to learn, what seems to be the issue with what they wear? don't sound bitter man it's just gear.