Social Shower, bath or both?


"That's fucking illegal"
Pink Belt
Sep 17, 2005
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I shower. The last bath I ever had was definitely in my teenage years. I think I've had the odd bath with female company, but that's social and romantic more than anything.

I don't like the idea of lying in my own dirty bath water. I just wanna be in and out and showering does that for me.

My brother is different, he never ever showers but always runs a bath instead.

What about you?
I mostly shower but will hit the jet tub every now and then
I take a hot soak in epsom salt in a mini tub after training. It feels ghey to say it's a bath but it is. I don't drink or read but I do watch shows while doing it.
You can find advanteges in both.
Shower to do the quick cleanup or just to sit while the water is falling down on you and contemplate,
but you can also take a rest and think about life in hot bath,maybe also touch yourself
Shower. Used to love baths until I turned about 16 and have never looked back since, fuck baths.
Showers when you want to get clean, but baths when you value friendship

I switched from baths to showers around age 7.

Since then I’ve only done baths with the wife for sexy time, or when I’ve been sick, like if I’ve got a fever that’s making me feel all achy or chilled, or when I’ve been passing a kidney stone and am in a lot of pain.
If I do take a bath to relax, I shower very quickly to get the grime off while the bath is filling up.
I stand to pee, therefore I stand to shower!

If I ever felt like I needed a bath I go hit the hot tub.
Showers. Relaxing in a bath often sounds appealing, but I get bored of it every time I try.
Both suck as they are, you need a 6 foot lonmg bath to really lay and chill. A good shower needs multiple heads and strong nuff flow to be really good.