shoulder tendonitis ruining my work out. questions


Green Belt
Feb 27, 2006
Reaction score
Ok, this isnt really an injury thread... but i didnt know where else to put this.

I found out i have shoulder tendonitis, im seeing my doctor saturday to treat it.

what i wanna know is, if anyone has had it, and how their doctor treated it for them, and if they were fine after it was treated, and how long till they were able to get mobility back in their arm...

im just curious, and im all antsy till saturday. i made the appointment, i just dont know what to expect.

sorry if this is an unacceptable post. i just went to the gym today and felt useless with no use of one arm.
That vid in your sig is horrible. Don't have any real advice for you though, sorry.
my dad had really bad tendonitis in both shoulders it didnt need surgery but he was on anti inflamitories and was out of working out for a solid 4-6 months i assume since you are younger maybe you will heal faster but i think you will be taking some time off. Dont rush it either there is really no way around it but rest was the verdict he got
I suppose glucosamine and fish oil would be good in general.
I too have mild shoulder tendonitis (caught it early). I have been taking extra fish oil and vitamin c (about 3-5 grams per day) for a week and a half now, and it is much better. I am also performing rehab-like exercises very light, to get the blood flowing in the area.
I swear by the - Shoulder Rehab Protocol. I had given up on Barbell Bench Press or Barbell OHP and was only doing Dumbbells until I started this. Now I can bench and OHP with no pain and no problem.

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