Should Shogun retire?

I understand where you coming from, but he definitely lost a step. I'm not saying this like he would be 213-7 if he hadn't had a surgery. As for you saying he hasn't said anything about his knees, of course he wouldn't say its hurt. Some people that trained with him at Kings mma said he stopped training for the fight a week early cause his knee's bothered him.

He lost a step because he's gotten older, taken damage and fought agains better competition than in PRIDE.

Shogun's great, but his loss was legit, as was his loss against Jones.
Shogun still has at least 3 fights left in him.

Shogun should either drop to middleweight or just have picked fights at light heavyweight against fighters his style compliments.
Shogun could still be relevant from a physical perspective, but he just seems mentally burned out. From what we hear coming from his camp, he doesn't want to put forth the effort to keep his diet right, do his S&C like he should be doing, and take the time to work everything he needs to be. He's a bit like BJ Penn in that he just wants to show up and fight. Until he finds the fire again, he won't be able to be at the heap of the division.
he shouldn't retire, but its ashame when you see guys losing to people they would have destroyed in their best days,
no. people act like he got dominated last night like bj penn or something. chill the fuk out. shogun is still top 5 easily in the 205 division. shogun gets so disrespected on these forums its ridiculous.
Shogun vs Mousassi
Shogun vs Hendo 2
Shogun vs Machida 3 or Little Nog 2 or Rampage 2

then retire
he hasn't looked the same since machida where he tore his kneww
he doesnt throw hard leg kicks, which really helped him in the past
Exactly this, and I can live with that. Shogun is my favorite fighter and it really hit home yesterday as to why. It's not because he wins every fight or is some unstoppable killer. It's because the guy has TONS of heart and ALWAYS gives it his all. Even in bad performances he grits his teeth and fights. A true fighter

Much respect.
For a few fights i've been wanting to see him at MW but either way he doesnt have long left IMO. Its really sad seeing Shogun a shell of his former self.
Its the right time or just drop to mw. His kid is very young and his mind is with his little girl not more on fights.
He wont be a contender again. The rest of the division has simply surpassed him in skill and talent.

There are like 2 or 3 guys that have surpassed him lol relax. He could still beat everybody but Jones, Gus and Glover.
the way shogun cardio gone i think Aldo could murder shogun in a lhw fight. lol

Shogun already made his life, he has tons o money and a kid to raise. Retire now when u are on top and focus in coaching your gym fighters!
Love me some Shogun, but all those knee surgeries really wrecked his aggressive style.

He needs a legit camp, but I wouldn't mind just seeing him wreck pillow fisted cans the rest of his career. :icon_lol:
Shogun is 31 years old. Retire??? Seriously???

Should any loosing sports franchise consider folding just because they're having a loosing season? Hell, 5 loosing seasons? As long as they're not hemorrhaging money and all involved still enjoy it, and in fact are making money, the answer is no.

These newb fans, who consider nothing but the rankings and title shots, and respect neither the history of the sport nor the mentality of a professional fucking FIGHTER, are the worst kinds of fans.

By your logic, only 40 people shouldn't be retired; the top 5 ranked in each division!

He lost a #1 contender fight...
He shouldn't retire. Just has to realize he's not a contender anymore while these younger and more diverse fighters are at the top on his division.