should bjj be an olympic sport?


Black Belt
Aug 6, 2003
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just like the thread title says. what do you think? if judo is why cant bjj? bjj is like judo on crack and is way more popular then judo. at least to me. why isnt bjj in the olympics?
bjj is dwarfed by judo in terms of popularity...i dont think its gonna happen.
It should, but it probably won't.

Then again, with all the ridiculous shit in the olympics, I'm not going to say it's not possible.
Not to hijack the thread but did any of you see the SATO combat wrestling clips?
Now that would be a great spectator sport and it has guard and subs too!
No I don't think Brazilian JiuJitsu should be an olympic sport.
It doesn't enough participents, and it's not well organized enough on an international level to make it happen.

I mean almost every country in the world has a Judo federation and it's the 2nd most popular sport in the world in terms of partcipents.

Would be great if it one days happen, but that's far far in the future. But then again, what hell is Trap shooting doing in the Olympics?
Seriously dude some sort of cross the boundries submission wrestling type competition would be great to have in the olympics. Something that all grapplers could compete in. Im thinking gi optional, heavy rewarding throws, takedowns and going for subs.
judo spawned bjj remember? the Olympics contributed big time to the watering down of sports judo making it the geek it is today... If Judo never became an olympic sport and the us didnt shut down the kodokan temporarily, then there wouldn't be a judo and bjj rivalry amongst you internet geeks BJJ is still pure and allows to grow and evolve different games due to the freedom of not having one governing body... Trust me on this.. It won't happen.. nor should it...

Let's keep it underground..
lockjaw211 said:

If the average viewer wants to watch people fight, they watch tae kwan do.
If the average viewer wants to watch people wrestle, they watch wrestling.
If the average viewer wants to watch people wrestle with clothes, they watch Judo.
The average viewer isn't going to care about BJJ because it looks the same as Judo - without the throws.

There isn't a niche' for it. BJJ is better suited to MMA, where it's fan base is bigger.

Besides all the facts, I just don't think it should be. *shrug* It's my opinion.
I said this before in another thread...
There already IS an Olympics for BJJ/sub's called ADCC.
If you really want to know the answer why BJJ should NOT be included in the Olympics, just take your average person who knows NOTHING about BJJ, tell him you want him to watch some video of REALLY good fighting/martial arts to get his opinion, then show him UFC 1 with Royce, and when you hear his reaction, you'll know why most people wouldn't care to see BJJ in the Olympics.
Answer: to the untrained eye, BJJ is BORING.
Yeah, this is a rehash thread, but it's a fun topic.
The best idea I can come up with is to accept the fact that Judo is already in there; and then work to change Judo competition rules.
3 steps:
1) Allow leg submissions in Judo.
2) Allow competitors a little more time on the ground before standing them back up.
3) Penalize for inactivity on the ground.

This is actually a battle that can be won, starting at the grassroots level and working upward. A 10-15 year plan.
I think freestyle jiu jitsu should be a olympic sport.
Hey guys I just had a better idea...
Fuck the about BJJ in the X GAMES?!?! Still lots of corporate sponsorship, TV time, and exposure for the sport, but keep the hardcore intensity...
What do you think?
becasue BJJ sport is boring.

It is not exciting for the fans.

The brazillians love soap operas so much they created their very own called BJJ, where as one will promote at different levels than another. Where as one will charge more than others, where one will declare his system the best and all others are inferior.

BJJ as a fighting discipline is so much more exciting. Mixing BJJ with striking. Watching two experts going at it untill a submission. (ie no counting of the points) Disarms, self defense, there are many aspects to BJJ than just the sport.

Now I am not denying that if BJJ was in the Olympics I would watch it .. but as it is .. it takes me two or three months just to get the Judo because no one watches that either.
I agree with the submission grappling idea in the olympics. I don't know how well that would go over, either.

They cycle in new sports every Olympic, though. So maybe if the Olympics ever go to Brazil or Japan (instead of the U.S. every time) it might be seen.

(BTW, why is wrestling done during the winter, but is in the summer olympics?)
DMcKayBJJ said:
Hey guys I just had a better idea...
Fuck the about BJJ in the X GAMES?!?! Still lots of corporate sponsorship, TV time, and exposure for the sport, but keep the hardcore intensity...
What do you think?

Ah. You're an idea man I see. Excellent! If X Games wants to expand beyond snowboarding and skateing, they'd be wise to add new sports like bjj.
Soulfly said:
If the average viewer wants to watch people fight, they watch tae kwan do.

TKD is the most like "real fighting"

hehe, ok then!

Personally, yes, I think BJJ should be an olympic sport, just because that would actually get me to watch the olympics
Does it matter? It's not like NBC will show it anyways. :rolleyes: