Sherdog owes an apology to Stephen A Smith

Everyone who isn't a complete mong knew that Smith was obviously correct at the time. It's just that most MMA media members and fans are complete mongs.

The only question with this fight is whether Cowboy mentally collapsed or whether he outright threw the fight. While it is more likely that he just froze, perhaps the lady doth protest too much by openly talking about it...

If it is the conspiracy option, I don't think it was an explicit fix, perhaps Cowboy just knew that was expected of him as his end of the deal for getting the fight.

I wouldn't be surprised if we also see Chandler talking about 'being overwhelmed by the bright lights' too.
That pesky Dustin Poirier just forgot to get the memo twice, as did Khabib.... Only that Donald fella was in on the fix....

Donald is the Ghost of Tony Ferguson's last MMA win. That should tell you all you need to know about where Cowboy was at, in this stage of his career.
Owe him an apology for what? I don’t think anyone who watched that fight went away with the idea that Cerrone wasn’t taking the ez way out or that it was even fixed. I think the problem was with who delivered the message and how they delivered it. Stephen a Smith is a race baiting douche who had no business being on national tv and sounding off the way he did. Cerrone could’ve smacked the shit out of him that night and he would’ve crumbled faster than Cerrone did.
This is such a weak sauce excuse. "The one I got walked through... I didn't want to be there so that doesn't count". He said he did. He signed the contract like he did. He geared up and made his walk like he did.

At what point did a win or a loss cease to count because of one guy's feelings that night? Does this apply to everyone? Maybe Conor was feeling mopey when Dustin cracked him so that doesn't count. Maybe he was grumpy before the Khabib fight so we should pretend that doesn't count to protect his feelings.

Even my kid's nursery school doesn't try to change the outcome of a game if the loser whines about being sad, it certainly doesn't apply to cage fighting. WTF has become of this fan base.

Tyson Fury was actually landing this uppercut on Usyk last weekend. He learned from watching Smith.
Stephen A Smith could save a baby from a great white shark, and I still wouldn't apologize to him for a damn thing.

I also didn't give two fucks about what he said about this fight when it was said, but that guy is so completely intolerable that apologies aren't going his way for anything lol.
Cowboy has always melted in the big moments of his career, and nothing he says now will make any difference.

He either flat out threw the fight or he caved like usual... either way it makes zero difference, because he got rolled over and that's all anyone will remember.

Skilled fighter...yes.
Well rounded...yes.
Folds under pressure... abso-fuckin-lutely
Stephen A Smith could save a baby from a great white shark, and I still wouldn't apologize to him for a damn thing.

I also didn't give two fucks about what he said about this fight when it was said, but that guy is so completely intolerable that apologies aren't going his way for anything lol.

Yeah he comes off like a total asshole most of the time so any time someone can stick it to him they will...with total disregard for his feelings sir. lol
Had no respect for Cowboy after his blowing his nose with a broken nose-gate.
Then his dumb shit eating grin ' doing it for the fans ' schtick
He can GFH
Nah, that pudgy motherfucker got worse hands than Rousey. He can't say shit about anyone with the balls to walk in that cage after he put out that disgraceful pad session.
The goofy shill mods here were deleting every post saying that wasn't a real fight

Now cowboy says it

They're probably still not gonna let us talk about it because it's not good for the UFC image