Shawshank Redemption remake.... this is going to suck.

Sounds good. Jaden Smith is playing Red also according to imdb.
That was pretty funny...after i unbunched my panties from reading the thread title.
You need to do more film reviews and reflections.

You can't be serious! Shawshank is a masterpiece. Why the hell would you try and replicate a near flawless film. Should have won the Oscar over Gump imo.

All the 2000's are, are remakes.

Paul, where do you come up with this shit?
I refuse to believe this is real until I see it confirmed elsewhere. Otherwise, I'm not wasting my time to check it myself.

ZERO chance they would cast Giant Valuev as the star in a remake of Shawshank. Period.

Damn, reading this, you're actually mad huh?

Calling it shawshank redemption 2: the revenge of duffrene.
I personally cant wait until Michael Bay follows this up with an adaptation of schindlers list
Absolute bullshit travesty...just google'd ..

Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) is playing the part of Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding, originally played by Morgan Freeman


Hopefully Andy's escape will be at least somewhat believable in the remake.

Oh, Michael Bay? That ain't gonna fuckin happen.