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September 11, 2001-A Tribute


<img src="http://thesquirt.com/usabelt.gif">
Apr 6, 2002
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There has been threads made about it before. This is a thread that you can express whatever you want about what happened. If you are happy, sad, pissed or whatever let it fly in here. Any and all 9/11 pictures are welcome in here. If you want to post pictures of the towers going down, feel free.
I lost a friend that day. He was on the 104th tower one. During cleanup they found some of his remains, we know this b/c of a dna test. He was to be married two months later. Because they were not married she didnt get any assistance. She had to sell the house they worked so hard to get. That sucked!!!! :mad:

RIP Mike Davidson -26years young

Hell yes USA......Thanks HCT
Sorry about your loss Wondermut
sorry to hear that you lost somebody that day. Although I am on the other side of the world I really feel involved in the 9-11 hapenings..... it is just a fucked up thing that such things happen!
HCT- when the hell did you get the double yellow?
As a human, I shared in great loss. As a firefighter I suffered the loss of 'brothers'.

Friends of family were lost both, in the attacks and unfortunately, in the anthrax outbreak afterward.

We have all suffered a loss and must always remeber the sheer magnitude of what happened and rather than mourn on Sept 11th each year, celebrate life and honor those we lost.

Members of my dept went up to assist in the cleanup afterward and it was the hardest thing they have ever done and worst thing they have ever seen. That says a lot...because I assure you we see disturbing things everyday.

My love is with everyone with personal attachment to the attacks, those lost, and those who share our grief.
Now thats a great pic Tiki!!!
Yeah, I figured it fits in perfect with this thread. I can't believe a whole year has gone by already.
remember that day like it was last night..

it was one of the first days here where i live now..(just moved here), and a friend of mine called me when i was driving home from school.... and he said that 1 minute ago a plaine ran into the world trade center.....
and i was like: dude.... if u wanna lie to me say something that can happen and not just a stupid joke like that...

and of course it was true.. that was just sick....

and i watched cnn for 4 weeks nonstop.

Sorry about your loss Wonder. I am sorry for the loss of others too. This event seemed like yesterday. It will always remain with us and I will never forget this tragic and senseless act.
Although I am VERY skeptical about several aspects of the attacks, I thought this rousing patriotic poem might be appreciated.

Osama Bin Laden, your time is short;
We'd rather you die, than come to court.
Why are you hiding if it was in God's name?
You're just a punk with a turban; a pathetic shame.

I have a question, about your theory and laws;
"How come you never die for the cause?"
Is it because you're a coward who counts on others?
Well here in America, we stand by our brothers.

As is usual, you failed in your mission;
If you expected pure chaos, you can keep on wishing
Americans are now focused and stronger than ever;
Your death has become our next endeavor.

What you tried to kill, doesn't live in our walls;
It's not in buildings or shopping malls.
If all of our structures came crashing down;
It would still be there, safe and sound.

Because pride and courage can't be destroyed;
Even if the towers leave a deep void.
We'll band together and fill the holes
We'll bury our dead and bless their souls.

But then our energy will focus on you;
And you'll feel the wrath of the Red, White and Blue.
So slither and hide like a snake in the grass;
Because America's coming to kick your ass!!!
I was getting ready for a job intterview and had turned on the news to catch the weather and traffic when they cut away to NYC. I watched the second plane hit live and both towers as they collapsed. I watched children screaming as their parents ran from the cloud of debris. I watched, and watched, and watched, for literally 17 hours straight and countless hours over the following days.

I can't even remember where I was supposed to go for the interview.

You can't walk away from that kind of tragedy without it changing your life and the way that you judge your own value as a human being.

I hope and pray that I, as an individual, have learned something from those who were lost and will be able to live my life in a manner that reflects the gift they gave to us. They did not die in vain and it is up to all of us to guarantee that the rest of the world and escpecially our own children, now and forever more, know that.
My old Platoon Leader lost a good friend in the towers. His parents sent us a note shortly before the deployment across the pond to the sand box...and it was something beyond motivating. Although my weak, ruined ankles prevented me from being where I wanted to be, and from doing what I felt must be done, I want you guys to know that brass fell, casings were smoking and bodies crumpled. If UBL is still around and kicking, we're just around the corner. We're in his closet and beneath his bed. We're the research toilet cam when he as the shits, and we're the metal shaving in his eye.

My wife is a firefighter/paramedic, so this shit has hit us pretty hard as well. As hard as anyone who didn't lose somebody close, that is. For those who did...

Hang in there. It's how you act in your time of loss and weakness that defines your character.
much respect to the people that die in 9/11

wonder bro` sorry about your lost.