Sensei Seagull sued for sexual harrasment

Looks like a lady boy....but whatever blows your hair back, TS...

I've never heard much good about him from people that worked around him.
Prime chick looks like an import model or a booty gogo dancer at the club. Maybe Sensei met her at an import car show or at the premiere of Fast and Furious.



I hope she's going to even up that sand after she gets up. Too messy, would not bang.
Prime chick looks like an import model or a booty gogo dancer at the club. Maybe Sensei met her at an import car show or at the premiere of Fast and Furious.



lol, looks like a lady boy. disgusting. i just threw up in my mouth.
Refrigerator Doors have a class action lawshuit against him for Unlawful Trespass and Aggravated Penetration.

This is one of the greatest things I've ever seen.

How can anyone question this guys sanity after seeing this. He's mental.
Refrigerator Doors have a class action lawshuit against him for Unlawful Trespass and Aggravated Penetration.

I sill don't understand how someone that skinny and flat can have that Unshapely body and out of shape stomach.

I'm fully perplexed
he does.

my dad worked for warner bros. for 30 years and word round the lot was seagal was the biggest scumbag of them all. he even knocked up his kids underage babysitter. this all happened in the nineties, but now that the internet is around a lot of stories of the shit he did can be found. he's also the only actor i ever heard the studio had had enough with, and cancelled his movie contract.

i cringe that he's found a way back into the spotlight cause that guy is an asshole of the highest caliber.

Gropkido is his Martial Art though.
my favorite seagal story was when i read it in stuff mag. dmx was promoting some movie and they asked him about seagal

"Steven Seagal is a fu**. He's a fu**ing sh**head. With spray-on hair. He talked like he was an old slave master.
weirdest thing about Seagull, for me at least, is that he's the only action star from that era that was never filmed with out a shirt on. dude was always covering up his inferior muscles.

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