MMA IAN said:
Sorry but your post is chock full of stuff that gives away the fact that you are seeing what you want to see.
I remember before Trump (BT) .............
Now you idolise perhaps the most obvious puppet in US political history.
You're talking about Trump right? Because nobody idolizes Kamala, and nobody idolizes Biden. People support them politically, people will vote for them, and during the election season people will go to rallies and events as a show of support.
Trump is hero worshipped year round by his supporters, they throw money at all sorts of Trump related nonsense and his political rallies are also year round, even when its not election season, because he craves attention and praise. I can go for a brief drive and there is a good chance I will see a lifted truck pulling a trailer with giant Trump 2024 and "FJB" flags. Using the term (BT) is ironic because Trump is basically their Jesus.
Its not even a secret how easily manipulated he is, dictators do so via flattery and praise, and he repays it in kind (Why do you think he gushes about Victor Orban all the time). There are plenty of stories from people who worked with him about how they'd use similar tactics to get him to make decisions they wanted.
If you objectively look at the cause of the current divisiveness in your politics, as an overseas observer it appears to me the majority of it is caused by the rhetoric of democratic supporters and their politicians.
You are clearly not an objective observer if you believe this. The right called Obama a secret muslim terrorist sympathizer who was born in Kenya, had a fake birth certificate, was married to a man, and a Manchurian candidate who wanted to destroy the country by invoking marx/commun/social/ ism, and fear mongered about how he would confiscate guns and ban christianity.
Trump himself helped foment the anti-Obama rhetoric, even before running. He called the elections Obama won rigged (surprise surprise) and spread birther lie bs.
What's the absolute worst thing Obama said about the right? "People cling to guns and religion" oh no how dare he be so divisive by accurately describing a large subsect of the rights political ideology.
To that point; what specific rhetoric is the left using now in relation to Trump that either A. He isn't also using in relation to Kamala/the left, or B isn't just directly drawing attention to specific things he has said or done? People wouldn't compare him to Hitler if he didn't say stuff that sounds exactly like stuff Hitler said, such as:
- Constantly complaining about the "fake news" (Hitler called them "lugenpresse" or lying press)
- Saying illegal migrants are poisoning the blood of the country (Hitler said the same thing about the Jews)
- Talking about "rooting out the radical left Marxists, socialsts etc that live like vermin within the confines of our society" (Hitler said the same thing about the same groups, and Jews)