Based on the fact that you're being rude and making bad faith assumptions about me.
No, it's me telling you that arguing a different point than the one that I made is not arguing the point that I made. Again, what you're doing is called sophistry, and I have no interest in it.
Telling of what? Of what I told you when I pointed out that one could get wrapped up in a semantic battle but that it was not necessary to do so?
Did you even read that part?
When I said Trump is unique in his contesting of the election that was not to say that no one in the history of the US has ever contested an election after election day under any circumstances. Its to say that the way he contested the election stands out; a sitting president attempted to use extralegal means to attempt to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
Having clarified that, do you agree or disagree with that claim? If not, what part do you disagree with?
I know this already. It's why you picked this fight. I don't care what you do, though. I've accepted that nothing that I say will change what you think or how you act. That's not why you're here and that's fine. If you want to keep banging your head against the wall, go to it. Just don't pick fights with people who suggest that banging one's head against the wall is not advisable and then deny that you're banging your head against the wall.
I didn't pick a fight, I disagreed with a point you made. I'm perfectly open to having my mind changed, just because I don't find your arguments convincing doesn't mean I can't be convinced.
I respect him. He's proven to be capable of introspection, of adjusting himself and his tone, of reassessing his opinion of me through honest and intelligent conversation. And I've demonstrated the same thing. Our exchange is what it should look like when mature people who don't share the same views converse. I'm not going to extend the same courtesy to you because you haven't earned that courtesy from me. Remember, again: You started this. You picked a fight with me. I don't care why, but you did, and so it's not incumbent upon me to like you or respect you based on the way that you've conducted yourself thus far. You'll have to do something different for me to see and treat you different. Can you find anything that you've said that you think is evidence of a misunderstanding, or a strawman, or sophistry? Could you even point to a single part of a single post about which you'd say that you expressed yourself poorly? Give me something. Anything. Show me that you're not just arguing for the sake of arguing, that you're actually interested in understanding what I'm saying. If you can't do this, then don't bother responding, because this will be the last time that I respond to any of your posts.
Again I didn't start a fight, I disagreed with a point you made. That's the point of the WR. You're complaining about how I've conducted myself but you've been far more rude and bad faith if anything. Calling me a parrot, questioning my reading comprehension, these are not things a good faith person does in trying to hash out a misunderstanding.
I don't think I've engaged in strawman or sophistry but clearly we're having some kind misunderstanding somewhere.
The first misunderstanding seems to center around your point that you're against hyperbole when it comes to criticisms of Trump, that Trump's critics should shut up about him, and my response to these points.
I pushed back by saying that its not hyperbole to point out that Trump is a threat to democracy based on his history of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
You then responded by saying that perhaps I'm making sober criticisms of Trump but if so then you're not referring to my argument and that its directed at those who are.
The issue with that is that many people do think that merely engaging in a sober retelling of the events that lead up to Jan 6th is "TDS" or hyperbole. So where do you draw the line to determine what is and isn't hyperbole in criticizing Trump? We probably both agree that Hitler comparisons aren't helpful but beyond that its not clear at all. So there's some misunderstanding as it relates to this point.
The other misunderstanding seems to center around this point about whether Trump is unique in his contesting of the election. I was specifically referring to the unique set of circumstances leading up to and during Jan 6th. You seemed to have interpreted that as my saying that no one has ever contested an election in the US after election day. Certainly I wouldn't claim that as I lived through the Al Gore debacle but its possible my wording could've been better and that if so you would not have misinterpreted my post.
I then interpreted your response as equivocating between what Trump did and what Clinton did and here you claim I misunderstood you and that you weren't equating the Jan 6th plot with Clinton's comments, just the rhetoric. So that's one potential source of the misunderstanding on my end though I still went on to address that point on its own terms and I think I made a solid case that even just comparing their rhetoric Trump's was distinct.
So the main misunderstandings relate to the point about which criticisms of Trump are hyperbole and which aren't as well as whether or not Trump's attempted coup is unique in the context of US history.