Elections Second Assassination Attempt of Trump at his Florida golf course

<{clintugh}>Did Foxnews put a tranny in cuffs with his trans boobs hanging out on its front page?
Man Im not getting a clear answer here

Was it a swifty, da libs, the deep state, a maga nut?

of just another,real deadly assassination attempt????

There have been no racial attacks. All 33 of the bomb threats have been confirmed to have originated over seas and were likely an attempt by democrat operatives to make Trump supporters look bad. They know the democrat voting base is so stupid that something as simple as a stupid hoax will have them convinced of "oMg NaZIs" being a real thing.

The fact that we're talking about an amount of fucking 33 separate bomb threats really tells you all you need to know.

Write that down as another hoax the loonies fell for.
His detractors need to shut up? So the way to deal with Trump is to not criticize him at all and pretend he's not there in the hopes he goes away? The guy is running for president but we're not supposed to talk about him? We would never apply this absurd standard to any other politician, its only Trump and his followers who demand special treatment.

The left has to tone down the "divisive rhetoric" of directly quoting things Trump has said, commenting on Trump speeches, or being concerned when he says unhinged nonsense.

BUT Because nobody had attempted to assassinate Kamala, Trump has Carte Blanche to say whatever he wants about her, regardless if it is in line with things she has actually said. IF someone attempts to kill her that won't be his fault either (because nothing ever is), they will blame her and say she brought it on herself.
You're right, each year there is no dictatorship should be an additional year of AV and sig. So could be a 1-year bet, with the potential for 5 years punishment. So many people seem so confident it should be the easiest bet of all-time. I expect the takers to be swarming at the door!
I'd take a bet on how big of a failure the mass deportation turn out to be if Trump wins.
No I won't make that bet and the fact that you offered it shows you completely missed the point. Even if there's only a .1% chance Trump could meaningfully entrench himself in the office of the presidency its .1% more than virtually every other president in the history of the US or certainly recent US history. Nixon, our most corrupt shitbag of a president before Trump, resigned after the Watergate scandal because he was being threatened with impeachment by Republicans.

In contrast after Jan 6th Republicans refused to impeach Trump with some of the people who voted for impeachment being excised from the party afterwards. The party has abdicated their responsibility for holding Trump accountable and in tandem with the SCOTUS decision granting POTUS criminal immunity for his actions while in office they are setting up Trump to be an unaccountable executive.

Even if Trump doesn't become a dictator(I agree its highly unlikely), he will erode democratic norms as he already has; 2/3rds of Republicans still believe the last election was stolen. Imagine if from here on out the precedent is set and the election doesn't end in November but instead we get regular challenges to the result, would that not be a threat to democracy?

So we both agree that Trump is scum of the earth, and also won't be a dictator. Could have just started with that ya know. No, I don't think the "new norm" will be challenges to the results lol. Trump will be gone forever in a couple of months and be remembered as a stain. The end. It really is that simple.

Anyone else wanna take the bet? I'll even add $100 of cash money wired to you if you win, no money sent to me if I win just the AV/sig. You'll probably need it under the dictatorship by then. Easy money as they say.
You don't hear the "very top" leadership calling him a "threat to democracy" and implying he'll be a dictator? I'm pretty certain that has been thrown around for quite some time.

Here's why:

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," Trump wrote on Truth Social on December 3, 2022. "Our great 'Founder' did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!" - Donald Trump

So Trump lies about the election, claims that his
His election lie is grounds to terminate all rules, regulations, and articles in the Constitution...

“We love this guy,” Trump said of Hannity. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’”

So...just a dictator for one day lmao?

It's weird how people hear Trump lie about election fraud, then post how it grounds to terminate the Constitution on his own social media account...then he talks about being a dictator...but only for a day...in an interview with Hanity....it's weird that they talk about this and point to his own rhetoric as evidence isn't it?

That's without getting into his disdain for our strategic military alliances, him basically getting on his knees for disctators. We could make a pretty extensive list and you will just say "hmm. No big deal. It's the left" 🤣
All 33 of the bomb threats have been confirmed to have originated over seas
Reasonable. Another nation with a history of trying to divide our country along political lines, no doubt.
and were likely an attempt by democrat operatives to make Trump supporters look bad
Fuckin wat??! My brother in Christ, we don’t have to make Trump supporters look bad. They do that themselves daily.
You're right, each year there is no dictatorship should be an additional year of AV and sig. So could be a 1-year bet, with the potential for 5 years punishment. So many people seem so confident it should be the easiest bet of all-time. I expect the takers to be swarming at the door!
Its a dumb bet that completely misses the point. There's a gradient between "perfectly functioning democracy" and "endless dictatorship", someone doesn't have to end democracy to push the nation down the road towards less democracy. Just the fact that he set the precedent of a sitting president trying to use extralegal means to tamper with the procedural mechanism in place to facilitate the peaceful transfer of power is already insane.
So we both agree that Trump is scum of the earth, and also won't be a dictator. Could have just started with that ya know.
What a bad faith way to respond to the post and dodge the relevant point entirely but then again you tried to dodge my point earlier so not surprised.
No, I don't think the "new norm" will be challenges to the results lol. Trump will be gone forever in a couple of months and be remembered as a stain. The end. It really is that simple.
We just going to pretend like the election isn't basically tied at the moment?
Anyone else wanna take the bet? I'll even add $100 of cash money wired to you if you win, no money sent to me if I win just the AV/sig. You'll probably need it under the dictatorship by then. Easy money as they say.
How about we make a slightly different bet? I bet that if Trump wins Kamala won't contest the results of the election but if Trump loses he will. You win in two scenarios, a Trump win where Kamala contests or a Kamala win that Trump doesn't contest.
The left has to tone down the "divisive rhetoric" of directly quoting things Trump has said, commenting on Trump speeches, or being concerned when he says unhinged nonsense.
Except this isn't what happens. Trump says plenty worth criticism, yet the overwhelming majority of quotes attributed to him by leftists are taken out of context or outright lies. This has been going on for 8+ years now and is the reason why legitimate criticism of him gets ignored. You guys go way too crazy with the rhetoric.
Here's why:

"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution," Trump wrote on Truth Social on December 3, 2022. "Our great 'Founder' did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!" - Donald Trump

So Trump lies about the election, claims that his
His election lie is grounds to terminate all rules, regulations, and articles in the Constitution...

“We love this guy,” Trump said of Hannity. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’”

So...just a dictator for one day lmao?

It's weird how people hear Trump lie about election fraud, then post how it grounds to terminate the Constitution on his own social media account...then he talks about being a dictator...but only for a day...in an interview with Hanity....it's weird that they talk about this and point to his own rhetoric as evidence isn't it?

That's without getting into his disdain for our strategic military alliances, him basically getting on his knees for disctators. We could make a pretty extensive list and you will just say "hmm. No big deal. It's the left" 🤣

You wanna take me up on the bet I offered above? Easiest bet you ever won brother.
Ok, so walk me through it the conspiracy and what exactly you think the democrats had to do with it

Same shit as always lmao.

Yeah man people on Sherdog are gonna have the full conspiracy figured out and give you all the details the day after it happened.

Maybe look into some of the inconsistencies and things that don't make sense and go from there.
So it's a binary choice between saying absolutely nothing critical of him and dog whistling for the many lunatics among you to go and try to shoot him? OK bro

Can you guys not come up with rhetorical tactics more sophisticated than "I know you are but what am I?" Every time we point out what you're doing, you just pretend we're the ones actually doing it.

Lee Atwater invented dog whistling, specifically for conservative campaigns.

You start out in 1954 by saying, “N-r, n-r, n-r.” By 1968 you can’t say “n-r”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N-r, n-r.”

And you can shut right up about liberals inciting violence. A conservative suggesting liberals are responsible for stochastic terrorism is idiotic.
Having a healthy USA will be both good for the world and good for my American business. Why would I not hope that he wins?

But you "worship" him!!!! WORSHIP!!! You likely have an entire Orange shrine complete with MAGA hats. You probably run the apprentice non-stop on loops on 17 different screens throughout your house. You likely named your dog "Baron" and your cat "Ivanka".

These Left Cult clowns claiming any of us worship the Orange Ogre is a joke. We can like the man's policies above the Democrats and not like the man. It's like they only think in absolutes... like cult members do... hhhhhmmmm???
Can you guys not come up with rhetorical tactics more sophisticated than "I know you are but what am I?" Every time we point out what you're doing, you just pretend we're the ones actually doing it.

Lee Atwater invented dog whistling, specifically for conservative campaigns.

You start out in 1954 by saying, “N-r, n-r, n-r.” By 1968 you can’t say “n-r”—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “N-r, n-r.”

And you can shut right up about liberals inciting violence. A conservative suggesting liberals are responsible for stochastic terrorism is idiotic.

The democrats are the party of violence, that's just a fact at this point.
Its a dumb bet that completely misses the point. There's a gradient between "perfectly functioning democracy" and "endless dictatorship", someone doesn't have to end democracy to push the nation down the road towards less democracy. Just the fact that he set the precedent of a sitting president trying to use extralegal means to tamper with the procedural mechanism in place to facilitate the peaceful transfer of power is already insane.

What a bad faith way to respond to the post and dodge the relevant point entirely but then again you tried to dodge my point earlier so not surprised.

We just going to pretend like the election isn't basically tied at the moment?

How about we make a slightly different bet? I bet that if Trump wins Kamala won't contest the results of the election but if Trump loses he will. You win in two scenarios, a Trump win where Kamala contests or a Kamala win that Trump doesn't contest.

Just responding to the last part because we're going on circles now. No, I wouldn't make that bet, because I don't have any confidence in Trump doing the right thing, like ever. But if there is one thing I know that is absolutely, positively, never gonna happen, it's him being a dictator.
But you "worship" him!!!! WORSHIP!!! You likely have an entire Orange shrine complete with MAGA hats. You probably run the apprentice non-stop on loops on 17 different screens throughout your house. You likely named your dog "Baron" and your cat "Ivanka".

These Left Cult clowns claiming any of us worship the Orange Ogre is a joke. We can like the man's policies above the Democrats and not like the man. It's like they only think in absolutes... like cult members do... hhhhhmmmm???

Most things they do is projection, it's the same strategy their masters use.

Accuse others of what you're doing. And it's hella effective because all the NPCs eat it up and start repeating that nonsense.
No, I wouldn't make that bet, because I don't have any confidence in Trump doing the right thing, like ever.
So why act like its weird to see him as a threat to democracy when we know he's reliably going to try to contest any free and fair election that he loses? You don't see how that's corrosive to our democratic norms? How that reduces trust in our democratic institutions? Again 2/3rds of Republicans believe the last presidential election was stolen, is that an accident or a result of Trump's rhetoric and attempted coup?
Which, again, is nothing close to what happened with Trump. Glad we can agree on something.

People get closer to Trump because he's an asshole who doesn't pay his bills and indoor venues often won't book him.

If Obama was half the deadbeat Trump is he'd be dead by now.