Elections Second Assassination Attempt of Trump at his Florida golf course

I think it's fairly obvious that people who hate Trump can be of any political leaning and background.

Politics isn't made up of two types of people, regardless of how many like to wear uniforms and become hardcore team players.
We agree.
That does not invalidate my question.
Answer it or move on please.
Are we (people with common sense, you may be included) supposed to believe that the two would-be assassins are (were) not Trump haters just like yourself?

Yes or No question.
Again. If you identify as Left Liberal or Dem and You Do NOT hate Trump this question is NOT for you.
Well there you go lmao.

If they are going to be that lenient on criminals, they may have seen his background and thought it wasn't a huge deal.

They also may not have checked at all despite putting that on a list. Might have just been a way to deter people from applying, but they didn't want to throw money at doing real background checks.

I could see Ukraine letting him in out of a desperate need for man power but that still wouldn't explain how he got through the check points in Moldova or Poland. Lots of insane possibilities here to be honest.
This is the result of Trump's pro Russian rhetoric and threatening to withdraw military aid from Ukraine lmao.

Have you forgotten about the time that he threatened to do that when Rudy was trying to blackmail the Ukrainian government to open an investigation into Joe Biden? jfc
NPC's gonna NPC, hook line and sinker. yall spent 4 years with the russia hoax, right, it was a hoax
He published an entire 291 page journal about his time there. He has published correspondence with dozens of Afghani's looking to go fight in Ukraine. Paperwork with official seals ect. There's 1000x more evidence of him being in Ukraine than there is of him not being there. Literally the only reason people are trying to make him up as a liar is because the only way this dude would get out of the country is with a sponsor.

Have you read any of that journal? The guy's a complete fantasist. It's full of total bullshit. That's where his analysis and promotion of the amazing strategy of Ukraine pre-emptively nuking Russia came from.
If i were to make a guess about this guy's trajectory in the last years:
- life ain't working out great, gets into trouble with the law, felonies, is unemployed a lot and when he is employed he's not doing a great job at it, resentments build, goes from one hope to another to save "something" that grows from "himself" to abstract concepts like democracy in the world, the country etc
-has the bernie period, has some trump period, then tulsi, then hailey, sends money to shareblue, etc. allover the place.
- covid happens, focuses on that - antivax
-ukraine happens - his mind is latching onto this as yet another "something" that needs pursued to the utmost intensity - sells his shit, jumps on a plane, sets up a base of recruiting, almost 100% chance he gets in contact with all sorts of spooks (american, ukrainean, euros) that most likely see he is a bit of a nut. so far i have no reason to believe he was "shaped" into returning home with a trump vengeance, but if that somehow happens to be the case, it's only from that other nut Budanov's entourage
- funds run out, the recruitment operation isn't going well, he has to go home
- need to focus that loon intensity on something else, first trump assassination attempt happens, and loon sees it as a possibility to make his mark on history when that other dude didn't, and show those guys in ukraine that didn't give him the time of day that he single handedly can eliminate the risks that trump comes and imposes a peace.
- how did a felon get his hands on a AK47? well, i'm sure i don't know. was a dude like this likely NOT to be on some sort of a list? very unlikely, it will probably be another one of those "we were aware of him" types.
lol You guys seriously have no shame. Makes me wonder what kind of people raised you to be so insane.

It’s hilarious to me that you can claim we have no shame while simultaneously posting some dumbfuck’s tweet saying “Ryan Rouh was InViTeD To DeStrOy DeMoCrAcY”. <lol>

Your lack of self awareness continues to amaze.
For all of the conspiratards.. I ask again.. why have these worst of the worst losers try and kill trump instead of professional killers?

Do you think the CIA is that inept where they couldn't really kill him if they wanted to, and instead keep hiring incels and crazy losers?

These guys aren't deep state lol - they are fucking scum that get attracted to the craziness of American politics in 2024.
It’s hilarious to me that you can claim we have no shame while simultaneously posting some dumbfuck’s tweet saying “Ryan Rouh was InViTeD To DeStrOy DeMoCrAcY”. <lol>

Your lack of self awareness continues to amaze.
You wish so bad he was a right wing nut so you could justify your lack of care that Trump was almost murdered, AGAIN. Keep coping.
NPC's gonna NPC, hook line and sinker. yall spent 4 years with the russia hoax, right, it was a hoax

Lmao. Trump literally withheld $400 million in Ukraine Aid a week before Trump's own phone call with Zelenksi in which he pressured him to investigate Hunter Biden. What are we talking about here?
You wish so bad he was a right wing nut so you could justify your lack of care that Trump was almost murdered, AGAIN. Keep coping.
I don’t really care what kind of nut he is. And I’ve condemned assassination attempts previously, including ones on Trump.

You guys are so weird and sensationalist. Nobody is “inviting” some unstable nutbar to do anything. Nor does some wackadoodle represent all politically left-leaning people any more than all the right wing wackos that have blown up buildings and killed people represent you.
Screw the gun. We NEED to know how this mfer got to Taiwan and Ukraine with his criminal record and Social Media post history. If this were you or I the feds would be kicking your door in within hours of you purchasing the ticket in your name.

You can leave the country with a criminal record can't you? I thought America was the land of the free?
You wish so bad he was a right wing nut so you could justify your lack of care that Trump was almost murdered, AGAIN. Keep coping.
maybe he was just a nut? an independent nut, who saw trump as a threat to his interests in ukraine (based on trumps own words)?

he doesn't look to be anything other than that. certainly not a professional killer or have deeper interests on the far left.
Does anyone actually care this time...
They should have given him an ankle sprain at least