Law SD Gov Kristi Noem Accused Of Abuse Of Power


Red Belt
Aug 26, 2011
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To help her daughter get her real estate appraiser certification.

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Just days after a South Dakota agency moved to deny her daughter’s application to become a certified real estate appraiser, Gov. Kristi Noem summoned to her office the state employee who ran the agency, the woman’s direct supervisor and the state labor secretary.

Noem’s daughter attended too.

Kassidy Peters, then 26, ultimately obtained the certification in November 2020, four months after the meeting at her mother’s office. A week after that, the labor secretary called the agency head, Sherry Bren, to demand her retirement, according to an age discrimination complaint Bren filed against the department. Bren, 70, ultimately left her job this past March after the state paid her $200,000 to withdraw the complaint.

Exactly what transpired at the July 27, 2020, meeting in the governor’s office isn’t clear. Noem declined an interview request and her office declined to answer detailed questions about the meeting

Noem's tweeted about the controversy:

She also tweeted these comments in regards to Hunter Biden last year
She could abuse me any day of the week.

And this would be the look of disappointment on her face.


So.... uhh... without actual details we dont know if any abuse of power actually happened? The demanding of her retirement is sketchy as fuck but isnt a smoking gun.
Seems suspicious, but getting a family member a certificate to be able to work in a state that is slow without much going on (less than a million people in entire state) doesnt seem on par with your normal political corruption. Pretty low on the give an F meter
She did nothing wrong, this is a successful governor being sandbagged
Harry Reid did corrupt land deals with his son for years and years.... nothing.

Did you know a guy figured out that Pelosi has to disclose her stock purchases 45 days after and tracks them. When they are disclosed he immediately buys the stocks. He's 9 for 9 right now.

Now we are supposed to lose our shit over this? I don't even see an accusation.
If you can’t use your position to help your kid get some work then what’s the point?
It sounds pretty fishy that’s for sure. It could be that the woman was blocking her daughter’s certification in a politically motivated manner and she handled it though. I cannot imagine that it’s very difficult to get qualified as an appraiser. But there are lots of stupid people out there.
That's pretty goddamn rich for a democrat to accuse someone of "abuse of power".

Whoa, her daughter didn't get a job or any money, but did get a certification so she can find a job that probably pays around $60k, and her mom met with the state's labor secretary 1/3 of a year earlier? What exactly is the accusation?

You have to pass a national exam to become a real estate appraiser.
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