
Wado Guy

Orange Belt
Aug 31, 2002
Reaction score
Anyone else have this?
If so, how are you dealing with it?
I try to do stretches and a heating pad help things alot...also do reverse crunches to exercise the lower back with low stress but it helps the muscle imbalance from front to back.
I'm not an expert, but I've had A LOT of experience with this.

IF you have sciatica or the symptoms of sciatica (symptoms are: pain in the lower back, butt, and leg pain that may include outer thigh, and outer lower leg. This pain may also be numbness.), its possibly 2 things.

1) You have a herniated disc in your spine, probably your lower lumbar area, and you need to seek medical attention via MRI NOT X-ray. This is the only thing that will tell you if you have any kind of pinched nerve due to herniation or "slipped" discs.

OR (This is the most likely cause, esp if you have not had some kind of truamatic accident, like a car crash, or falling straight on your neck after being german get the idea.)

2) The muscles in your ass are extremely tight....meaning they are so tight that they are constantly pressing on your sciatic nerve. This you can work with. Your best bet is to head down to your local book store, take a few minutes to read about massages you can do on yourself, or get done to you. Look for books that have things about "Myofascial Pain" or "Trigger Points." The book that I have that worked for me is titled "Trigger Point Therapy Workbook." You should just peruse the massage books and find what works for you.

Deep Tissue massage, stretching, and once I got most of the pain away, doing workouts like deadlifting and yoga to strengthen and train the lowerback and glutes, worked best for me.

In the mean time, use Advil or Aleve for the pain. Also use ice and heat when you can. You probably can't lie down for very long, so sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs to relieve any pressure. Good luck!
Thank you guys for the replies.

I've been doing some stretching and walking for whatever reason seems to target the area that has been giving me the issues.

It's funny, the sciatica, at least in my situation, doesn't quite feel like pain. It's more like, an almost slightly numb pressure. It's weird, but aggravating. It kicks in the worst when I'm sitting. Standing doesn't bother me, nor does lying down.

Thanks again for your replies. It's good to know there are others out there that have dealt with it.
Adding to antant;

Be sure to not stretch it all the time, or whenever you feel like you need to.
Same goes for massage.
They are very benificial yes, however, those actions are still in essence working the inflamed region. Use them sparingly, just enough to offer therapeutic benifit.
Rest cannot be expressed enough.

So don't kill it with massage and don't stretch the shit out of it all day.
Is this a condition seen in both strikers AND grapplers?
Would one tend to get it more than the other?
I don't believe sciatica discriminates between the two, but weightlifters are known to be at risk.
I think I got my sciatica from stressing my posterior chain with out the proper strength foundation (ie, trying to use plyometric burst type movements without first warming up or stretching first, as wells as that area being under-developed.)

Chad's totally right. Don't overdue the massage or stretching. Maybe someone can verify this for me, but I usually don't stretch at all until I've done my massage. I only do my massage across the glute muscles 7-12 strokes at about level 8 pain (scale of 1 - 10, 10 being unbearable pain.), then move on to lower back massage, hip massage, and calf massage, basically all the areas I feel the sciatica shooting through. I use a tennis ball against a sturdy wall, and lean against it. It looks funny as hell, but its the only way to go for self massage for your back and glutes.

From what I've read, if you try to stretch a tight muscle (if thats what's ailing you), you can cause more sciatica problems because the stretching won't release the tension that massage can do.

Let us know how your progress goes. By the way, I found out about the massage technique from a runner's forum. Apparently they suffer from a lot of symptoms of sciatica too because of their glutes.
sorry to hog the thread, I forgot to ask:

what do you do everyday? Do you sit at a desk all day working or studying? Weak glutes and sitting all day is NOT good, and cause sciatica as well as make it worse.

Don't forget to get that MRI if you need it.


I've been almost 1 year sciatica free =)
Because of my job, I can be doing a number of things from sitting at my desk to , name it.
Now that I look back on my situation, I'm positive my lower back/glutes need some strengthening. I haven't worked out strenuously in a few months because of some back issues(which stinks because I'm dying to do some bag rounds), but I'm pretty sure they all come from weak lower back/glutes and needing to stretch even more than I was. Everything has settled down in my back with the exception of the sciatica, which, in all honesty, is more aggravating that painful.

I've been strecthing lightly, walking alot (which seems to help) and using a heating pad at night for a while. I certainly plan on taking everyone's advice.
Thanks guys again for all your help.
Wado Guy said:
Is this a condition seen in both strikers AND grapplers?
Would one tend to get it more than the other?

From what my doctor explained to me, mine was most likely caused by a twisting motion that herniated my S1 disc. This makes sense since I felt it trying to escape the mount. But since there are twisting motions in both aspects of the game (I guess a hard Thai Kick could cause the same stress) I doubt either one is more dangerous, though I do think that twisting against too much resistance is a main cause, which would occur more in grappling I suppose.

Incidentally, I just got my first Cordizone (sp?) injection yesterday. They say it can take up to 2 weeks to work fully, so I will return to this thread and let you know how it turns out. I was actually here to search for some light exercises/stretches suggestions that I could do in the mean time. Anyone know of any per chance?
I had a problem with this 6 years ago, and had to have surgery on the disc - but it was all ok until the last 12 months. The disc went out during training a year ago and its been an ongoing thing ever since. A couple of times i thought i had it beaten, and then it would come back in full force as a result of training (kicking seems to be be the catalyst) - which is very frustrating and dis-heartening.

I'm dying to find something that actually works - or at least a way forward with the goal of getting back to training properly without fear of it re-occuring.

i've been focusing heavily on core exercises since the initial injury 12 mths ago, but no improvements yet. At the moment most exercises involving my back, and anything that places any sort of compressive force on my spine (ie. running, skipping, jumping, lifting any amount of weight) brings about inflammation and discomfort. The sciatica is nowhere near as bad as after the initial injury, its more just a numb burning that lasts a couple of days. Anti-Inflammatorys help. I think i might try to spend a bit more time walking, i've been doing stationary bike as it is better cardio - but perhaps the walking might be better in terms of rehabilitation for the injury.

anyway that is all probably irrelevant to your question, i just felt like sharing in case anyone has any red hot tips about how to get better.

My only suggestions are that the one thing that i do believe is greatly beneficial (and has really helped me) is swimming. I cant do it at the moment because i have a shoulder injury also, but previously it has really helped, its a good low impact exercise that really builds your total body strength and cardio.

The other thing to watch out for is your posture. I sit all day, and until recently hadn't worried too much about my posture - which is probably a contributing factor to all my ailments. I've since swapped to a kneelsit chair and am a lot more conscious of my posture. Since good posture is more of a preventative thing, i cant say it has had any benefit to the injury - but it cant hurt for the future to develop some good habbits.

but given how many problems i've had, you may want to take that with a grain of salt :)
other than surgery, if the nerve is compresed by your disk, theres nothing you can do, training los lower back for "weak muscles" is going to do nothing

oh and btw, how did you injured yourself?