School Review NJ: East Brunswick BJJ (WARNING)

The easy and fast way to resolve this is to notify your bank that the charge to your account is unauthorized, which it is. This should take care of it. Your bank will issue you a credit, and the problem will then become one between Educational Funding and the bank.

I can tell you from personal experience than Educational Funding is borderline shady as it is. Also, the school employee/owner who deals with billing issues probably doesn't know what they are doing or how to work with Educational Funding.

Just do what I said and report it to your bank - end of problem.

And you absolutely should be posting about this type of thing here.

that's exactly what i was thinking...should have prevented any bounced checks, right?
I just can't believe people still use checks

I have vague memories about my folks doing that almost 20 years ago
I just can't believe people still use checks

I have vague memories about my folks doing that almost 20 years ago apartment complex I used to live in would only take checks. I remember thinking "WTF is this, 1920?!" :D
Did you happen to sign two contracts?
One for school and one for EFC?

Maybe this has more to do with EFC not cooperating, rather than the school. I've read situations where both parties point fingers at each other. It may not be the school's fault that you're getting charged, but I think the school owner should have kept you posted on the matter (for better or worse).

This should be the FIRST question when looking for a new school:
Do you use EFC?
Here is what is likely. The instructor probably just forgot to take care of your concern before going on vacation. He will probably refund the charge when you come back.... ?
So he called me yesterday finally and apologized for not contacting me sooner (he was extremely nice) - he offered me 2 options:

1. He could write me a check for 100 dollars (because EFC takes 30 dollars cut from the deal) and that is what he has of my money.

2. I can dispute it with my credit card company and then get the money back that way.

He said EFC doesn't give you credits back for like 2-3 months after a contract is canceled. So basically until I get the money back in my account I am not dropping the case with the attorney general because nowhere in the contract does it say anything about this. I also would seriously never recommend training at a school that uses EFC as they violate their own contracts.
if you linked it to a checking account how can you dispute it with your credit card company?
if you linked it to a checking account how can you dispute it with your credit card company?

Unless TS paid with a debit card, maybe?

Anyway, TS, I'm glad the gym is working with you. They may have just forgotten about you with all the other pressures of running a business (and dealing with EFC). I wouldn't take it personally.
yeah the EFC is just so that studios can say "look you have to talk to them to handle this." it takes a lot of responsibility off a studio and even though it sucks, it helps them focus more on important things like teaching.

I can sympathize with you but I agree with others in that I would not of signed a contract so fast. But I see where you are coming from. But BJJ does not make crazy money. Even with all the popularity lately, it is still not a cost efficient business which is why people do seminars, online stuff, charging for belt tests.

I mean how many times is a stupid thread put up about someone laughing about not paying for their bjj because no on asks? I know that's not what your doing but people are like that.