Schaub gets cut after next loss?


Black Belt
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
I see he is added to 157 vs Lavar Johnson.

Schaubs last 2 fights were losses due to KOs in the 1st. And all of Lavars wins are all KOs and his losses are all via subs. I see Schaub getting KOd in the 1st round...

UFC 157 is starting to look like a decent card, even with the BS headliner...
I don't think he gets cut...that division isn't deep enough to just cut game young fighters.

That said, I think he beats Lavar if he doesn't go in and fight tentative.
Lavar Johnson almost got americana'd by Pat Barry
very unlikely he gets cut after tapping Lavar in the first round.
if he loses...... maybe but i doubt it. he should beat lavar if he has any fight IQ at all.
I hope not. He's never going to be champ, but he's too talented to not be in the UFC considering how shallow HW is.

I know Sherdog hates him for KOing crocop and calling out Nog, but he's not a bad guy and he's generally exciting.
I would miss him.
It is always fun to see him get KO
very unlikely he gets cut after tapping Lavar in the first round.

Not a chance. Not because he doesn't have the skill, but because he'll try and stand with Lavar and show everybody he's got a good chin, which he doesn't.
I don't think he'll be cut. Heck, after Keith Jardine, I don't think anybody who loses 3 in a row and gets cut is justified.
Not a chance. Not because he doesn't have the skill, but because he'll try and stand with Lavar and show everybody he's got a good chin, which he doesn't.

if he does that, he deserves the KO loss and to be cut, LOL

but Schaub said himself many times that he loves to grapple, seriously, its the PERFECT time to show us.

If he comes out with a gameplan, he will tap Lavar. Unless he gets hit in the first 10 secs before taking the fight down
if he does that, he deserves the KO loss and to be cut, LOL

but Schaub said himself many times that he loves to grapple, seriously, its the PERFECT time to show us.

If he comes out with a gameplan, he will tap Lavar. Unless he gets hit in the first 10 secs before taking the fight down

Lots of dudes say their going to do somthing different, then they get in there and do the same things they've always done. I guess we'll see though
The division is shallow but not so bad they should keep guys around who get KOed three times in a row

Im pretty sure there are other HWs they could sign
if he does that, he deserves the KO loss and to be cut, LOL

but Schaub said himself many times that he loves to grapple, seriously, its the PERFECT time to show us.

If he comes out with a gameplan, he will tap Lavar. Unless he gets hit in the first 10 secs before taking the fight down

yep, fight IQ is all that is needed. lavar is terrible on the ground, if schaub tries to brawl and gets K.O then good riddance.

seriously only a fool would strike with lavar.
Not a chance. Not because he doesn't have the skill, but because he'll try and stand with Lavar and show everybody he's got a good chin, which he doesn't.

This. I keep saying this. Schaub said that he wants to prove he has a great chin.
Johnson by KO.
With that chin, fighting at heavyweight, he should consider retiring if he gets KO'd again.
Schaub has that glass jaw, he might get cut, he's early in his career performing like Liddell late in his career
I think he subs Lavar personally. Rooting for Lavar though
Yeah, Schaub needs to stick around. He's still young and fresh into his career. I think all that helmet-on-helmet contact from his football career has used up most of his chin, but he's athletic enough to make fights exciting. He should be a staple of the UFC HW division for at least the next 2-3 years. He may never be Top 5, but he's good for a show.