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Brand Nizzle

Tonight I did 54 push ups without stopping and 17 chin ups in a row. I know that seems like a warm up to most of you guys, but it's the most I've ever done at once.

NICE!! Next week Ima go for 60. Self-motivation during workouts rock! The shit that goes through my mind when I am pumping them out are harsh. Masochistic even. It works. Yayuh.
Well done, dude.

54 pushups is not that hard, and I'm sure you'll improve on it immensely if you continue working at it. 17 chinups is a respectable result.
FCFighter316 said:
heey! you shaat ap! Good Job man i remember back in wrestling season when i used to do pushups every day, got up to 50-30-30 i think, i could and still probably can do 20+ pull ups

Damn, 50-30-30 sounds really good. Ima try to see if I could do that.

Evil Eye Gouger said:
Well done, dude.

54 pushups is not that hard, and I'm sure you'll improve on it immensely if you continue working at it. 17 chinups is a respectable result.

Thanks mang.
Evil Eye Gouger said:
Well done, dude.

54 pushups is not that hard, and I'm sure you'll improve on it immensely if you continue working at it. 17 chinups is a respectable result.

+1 to that. My old ass can do 60+ pushups, 12 chins.

New goal for me - next PRT outstanding high standard. (I'll be 37.)

pushups: 76 - (in two minutes, no resting)

situps: 95 - (in two minutes, no resting)

1.5 mile run: 9:25

PR's so far, since having to do PRT:

pushups: 75

situps: 70

1.5 mile: 11:18

I gotta get running, and lay off the fatty foods.
Cmart said:
+1 to that. My old ass can do 60+ pushups, 12 chins.

New goal for me - next PRT outstanding high standard. (I'll be 37.)

pushups: 76 - (in two minutes, no resting)

situps: 95 - (in two minutes, no resting)

1.5 mile run: 9:25

PR's so far, since having to do PRT:

pushups: 75

situps: 70

1.5 mile: 11:18

I gotta get running, and lay off the fatty foods.
I don't know if I'm a genetic freak or what, but I seem to be much better at bodyweight stuff than most, and really horrible with real weights.

Last I checked, I could do about 45 pushups, after not training them for years. I used to do about 100 while I was actively training them. 10 chinups @ 90kg BW last time I checked, I can crank out pistols in sets, while holding a dumbell, even a couple of handstand pushups. Clap pushups with 3 or 4 claps, one-handed, you name it, and I can dunk from the spot.

But put any serious weight on, and game's over. :/

EDIT: Just retested pushups, and I got 50. Seriously, I haven't hit the gym or done any pressing motions for at least two months.
Eeeeew. Is that Matt Furey in a speedo? He's white like a fish belly.
my white heritage is offended!!!! BANNINATED!!!

im like EEG, great at bodyweight, shit at lifting weights.

side note: post per day: 6.66!!1111 BLHAAAHAHAH!!!
Mat furey in speedos is truly a disturbing sight. I need therapy now. Help.

Oh and on the original post, good job man!
Matt Furey could kick all of our asses!!! :D
I don't know if I'm a genetic freak or what, but I seem to be much better at bodyweight stuff than most, and really horrible with real weights.

Funny, Im kind of the same, my overhead press sucks but can do handstand press-ups until I lose balance from the blood rushing to my head.

As for the original post, good work man if you want to try and challenge yourself have a go at seeing how many press-ups you can do in 30 seconds with good form.
Good job.
FCFighter316...stop posting gay porn pics. That'll give me nightmares