Social Salvation Army has gone woke, might go broke!

As usual, all the MILs cry about people choosing not to support something they don't agree with.
Certainly not going to donate to an organization that is racist by their own admission.

Shame, it was a good charity and now they've apparently been commandeered by grifters and race vultures. The fake boycott of chik fil a and the nutjobs harassing and threatening teenage girls working there was because the owners donated to the Salvation Army and funded summer sports camps for kids, and now the Salvation Army has apparently decided to shit on the charitable Christians who donate to them to please the least charitable and angriest people in society who were never going to give a penny to them anyway.
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The Steele Dossier was raw (unverified) intelligence for campaign opposition research purposes, and was disclosed as such. Comparing something like that to a blatantly fake news story is a pretty poor analogy.

I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to find some source material.

That said, I’m underwhelmed. This (and the other circled sections in your previous post) are what has you guys all riled up?
“We must stop denying the existence of individual and institutional racism”?
How dare they!
Or the section where it simply points out disparities in healthcare, education, and police brutality?
Or the section where it merely gives the definition of institutional racism?

The nerve of those people….
How about the part where they talk about going out of your way to make friends with people just because of the color of their skin? or to invite them into your home, or place of business because of their skin?
More like SLAVEnation army, as they kowtow to the woke globalist who are trying to create a subservient population of poor/lower middle class slaves who will need to rely on donations discarded from the rich elites, the limousine liberals who pay themselves on the back for giving their scraps away

m i rite?
A couple useful idiots won't uin an entire org for me. SA is a good org in that everything it gets it puts right into the places it is needed most. No huge ad campaigns and executive salaries like almost every other charity nowadays and I'm sure that's why they arebeing attacked. Where I'm from all they ever ask for is food and time. I'll keep donating.
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they're only doing it to ensure the progressive message is controlled by a leech class of fake progressives that yap about identity politics but would never talk about progressive economic measures that would really reign in the corporate abuse. the "woke" message has been thoroughly taken over by the big corporations.

on topic - go read what homeless people and people that deal with salvation army have to say about it. they're actually the first ones i have ever heard talking about how we should never give to salvation army, it's massive scam and they treat people horribly. but of course johnny trustfund doesn't care, he just need a place where to periodically dump some shit so he feels better about himself.
After the Mormon church charity scandal, it has become alarming clear that many charities are basically a place to park the well connected and the children of them and the rich. If anything actually gets solved or taken care of it’s ancillary imho. Small and local cherries still function but most the big ones just skim and make cushy jobs while doing as little as possible
"Go woke, go broke" is mostly wishful thinking by conservative hacks anyway.
Pretty much all of the biggest companies in the Western world feign wokeness and progressivism.
I'm under no delusion to think they're actually interested in social progress, but it's at least a prefered marketing tool.
Not sure I'd call it wishful thinking. Nobody ever wished for shit like this.

Watchmen was the only comic book movie I liked. Cowboy Bebop is my favorite anything.

You'll notice that none of these things below are original works. They're all politically charged sodomizations of good things. These are all commercial and financial failures, and they all took something that was cherished by many and made piss-poor additions to them, bereft of charm and creativity, replaced with transparent and gratuitous barking of politically correct messages.

What's worse is you have woke pieces of shit constantly doing damage control for these shitty productions too. LOOK AT THIS ARTICLE.

They literally say the new Cowboy Bebop isn't supposed to be good. Well what a relief!

The biggest problem with wokeism or however you want to denote it is it's not enough that they can sit around parroting their own stupidity-- they want the things you like to be as distorted as them





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Lmao righties are the biggest cancel culture snowflakes around. Sound like some women in a state of hysterics.

Two distinct differences that you don't understand.

1. The right isn't calling for them to be canceled, they are simply not using the service anymore. That is a big difference.

Example - Dave Chappelle

The left screams for him to be removed from Netflix and banned from performing. They don't just decide "well I won't watch Dave Chappelle anymore"

2. The right actually has morals and values
CRT crap:

How is 'stop being colorblind' such a bad thing? It's actually very poignant. You'd think it's something conservatives agree with as it's always the woke progressives who want to act like racial and cultural differences don't exist.

And honestly, systematic racial inequality still exists in many developed countries in the sense that there are remnants of it left over from previous decades. It's not written into the law but it is present in the opportunities available. As much as this makes right wingers throw fits, some equity is needed to bring these poorer communities (many of which are white) out of their rut. Funding for schools, building of educational facilities, extra mental health support, bigger police force, etc.
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Two distinct differences that you don't understand.

1. The right isn't calling for them to be canceled, they are simply not using the service anymore. That is a big difference.

Example - Dave Chappelle

The left screams for him to be removed from Netflix and banned from performing. They don't just decide "well I won't watch Dave Chappelle anymore"

2. The right actually has morals and values
Conservatives don't hate cancel culture just ask Colin Kaepernick.
As for The right actually has morals and values
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Conservatives don't hate cancel culture just ask Colin Kaepernick.
As for The right actually has morals and values

Kaep? WTF are you babbling about? You think the guy is a good QB? I'm a 49er fan. I followed him from Reno to S.F. The guy has a huge flaw that all the Defensive Coordinators figured out. He can't check down receivers. His progressions are shit. It was so bad that the 49ers had him hang a whole summer with Kurt Warner to teach him how to do it. He came back and was worse than ever, they then knew he was a bust. The whole league knew it. He was about as useful as Tebow at that point.

Now add Police are pigs socks, kneeling, and some ridiculous politics brought right to the field and he's a liability that costs you ticket sales and viewers. Fuck Kaep. His comrad Eric Reid went from a solid D-Back to a target to exploit. It's like whatever woke touches turns to shit. Where have I heard that before?
Kaep? WTF are you babbling about? You think the guy is a good QB? I'm a 49er fan. I followed him from Reno to S.F. The guy has a huge flaw that all the Defensive Coordinators figured out. He can't check down receivers. His progressions are shit. It was so bad that the 49ers had him hang a whole summer with Kurt Warner to teach him how to do it. He came back and was worse than ever, they then knew he was a bust. The whole league knew it. He was about as useful as Tebow at that point.

Now add Police are pigs socks, kneeling, and some ridiculous politics brought right to the field and he's a liability that costs you ticket sales and viewers. Fuck Kaep.
Conservatives wanted him canceled not because of his QB play but his political views.
How is 'stop being colorblind' such a bad thing? It's actually very poignant. You'd think it's something conservatives agree with as it's always the woke progressives who want to act like racial and cultural differences don't exist.

And honestly, systematic racial inequality still exists in many developed countries in the sense that there are remnants of it left over from previous decades. It's not written into the law but it is present in the opportunities available. As much as this makes right wingers throw fits, some equity is needed to bring these poorer communities (many of which are white) out of their rut. Funding for schools, building of educational facilities, extra mental health support, bigger police force, etc.

The colorblind thing is people treating each other equally, regardless of their race. The woke want people to see each other as individual groups based on oppression status and not as equals.

The majority of right wingers would absolutely love it if their tax dollars were used on building good schools in poor areas. I don't know a person out there who doesn't like helping children get a step ahead. Especially if they grew up poor. What right wingers don't like are their tax dollars being wasted or spent on programs that indoctrinate children into radical left wing ideologies.

Don't for a second think that the only thing that is holding poor areas back from getting a good education is money. As if the government doesn't have an absolute endless supply of money. If they wanted to educate kids and give them better facilities, they'd do it and they certainly wouldn't need a tax hike either.
How is 'stop being colorblind' such a bad thing? It's actually very poignant. You'd think it's something conservatives agree with as it's always the woke progressives who want to act like racial and cultural differences don't exist.

Because it means interacting with people differently based on their colour, emphasising a shallow race awareness along the most myopic lines.
Being colourblind allows you to see the value of the individual in front of you. Not being colourblind means measuring an individual's needs/value by the colour of their skin.
Removing colour-blindess is also necessary to instituting a system that focuses on equality of outcomes rather than equality of opportunity - which is a system built to falter.

For example, according to CRT, an African American and a Nigerian American are to be treated the same because of their skin colour, but Nigerian Americans are amongst the most successful ethnic groups in America, they tend to be well-educated and have a phenomenal work ethic. They can often afford to immigrate precisely because they come from the upper echelon of their society and can outperform the locals.
A hypothetical Nigerian American actually may well take offense at being treated like he's impaired, so the CRT assumption that being black-skinned means being impaired is actually potentially very divisive and damaging.
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Conservatives wanted him canceled not because of his QB play but his political views.
So? Wasn't that the whole point of his protest? He's a classic example of someone demanding things when they're not in a position to demand them. Combined with abysmal performance? Pfft. The NFL don't give a fuck.
Compared to the guide on racism itself (which is linked in your sources), the National Review article seems biased and inaccurate.

Yea, that read was pretty tame. Don't expect the dumbasses here to read it though.

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