Sage attempting any level of trash talk is ridiculously funny!


Gold Belt
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score

I came across this vid and had to pause it right at the beginning due to laughing so hard. The way he acts with the big smile when he said "be careful what you wish for" was so absurd. This guy should never try to trash talk. I mean maybe it will make his opponents underestimate his abilities due to making fun of him, so I guess it could help, but he certainly isn't ever going to look intimidating.

Some day we should make a compilation of every little attempt he ever makes at trash talking. It will never get old. So funny.
Good trash talk comes with experience. Sage is still very young
Sage just acts like himself. While it's sometimes awkward, it's also pretty refreshing.
I like the guy but he seems a little nervous in front of camera, but I think he should get into christian ministry...
Yeah, his personality is refreshing until you realize his nice exterior is in reality an excuse for an awful many terrible beliefs and actions about his fellow man; especially about non-Christians.

Go ahead and be fooled by it though; you won't be the first.
Drinking game: Take a shot every time Sage says "Yes Sir"
Sage is a good kid. Naturally cretins from a cesspool like Sherdog have a problem with that.
Like some teenage cult member from birth trying to talk tough.

I don't know what you guys are watching because this is TERRIFYING to me.

Sage is a good kid. Naturally cretins from a cesspool like Sherdog have a problem with that.
Work on your serial killer radar before you end up in pieces, buddeh.
If this were the Men In Black universe he's defiantly an alien.
Listen to you internet nobody's, talking about a teenager. For fuck's sake, he can't even by alcohol. Who cares. I love how the slimy reporters try to bring him down to their flawed level. This is a good soul. Hopefully he flys and doesnt fall, like the rest of you cunts.
Sage is probably the nicest guy I've ever come across (no homo), I can't possibly hate him.
Reminds me of Faber "The California Kid" interviews back in his WEC days
Haha, funny interview. He's a dork, but I like him! Probably one of the very few good kids out there.
"God is going to fuck you until you love him, you dirty atheist. I will smite thee for his glory. Your soul will be damned to the eternal burning fire after I kill you in the first round. I'm going to eat your children. Praise be to Jesus."

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