Russian plane shot down UPDATE: S-300 for Syria

Isreal may have done it on accident as during their missile attack on Latakia perhaps the Russian plane was caught being in the way.

I'd hate to think isreal would just target Russia. I'd be furious as an American because then isreal would demand our protection for their action. Which we shouldn't give

Yeah they arent dumb. They arent anti Russian like half the americans are. They arent even really anti chinese. They realize America might not always dominate and being irrationally against other NON islamic but powerful countries is just not helpful. Both china and russia are not governed by religious idiots or an ideology that wants to destroy israel. So it would be unwise for them to be against those countries. Israel wont ever be powerful like them on global stage so need allies and good partners to work with when possible.

Could be accident but any war involving Israel vs russia would be Israels end. And yes America i a sure would jump at an excuse for war with Russia which would also be Americas end.
Oh GTFO. It was a joke. I’m all for uncensored news. But not just visually.
Nah bro. I'm just hella stoned and wanted to have a cool ass conversation about dudes with shitty beards and white helmets digging bodies out of a warzone.

Not even joking.
Yeah they arent dumb. They arent anti Russian like half the americans are. They arent even really anti chinese. They realize America might not always dominate and being irrationally against other NON islamic but powerful countries is just not helpful. Both china and russia are not governed by religious idiots or an ideology that wants to destroy israel. So it would be unwise for them to be against those countries. Israel wont ever be powerful like them on global stage so need allies and good partners to work with when possible.

Could be accident but any war involving Israel vs russia would be Israels end. And yes America i a sure would jump at an excuse for war with Russia which would also be Americas end.

First, America wouldn't jump to fight Russia. Isreali-Americans would jump right into an attempt to get America to fight isreals battle. The American people wouldn't want that. Not at all.

Second, you are darn right isreal is hedging its bets on Chinese ascendency. ANd they will give China so much more stolen military tech, and corporate secrets and whatever else they can to curry favor
They do help civilians, but they are also buddy buddy with some of the most extreme Muslim extremists such as al qaedas HTS and Ahrar Al-Sham.

People that can be friends with al qaeda child sex slave bride rapists and murderers are capable of any type of treacherous villainy

The enemy of my enemy. A lot of the buddy buddy thing you reference is more about how White Helmets pulling children from Assads bombs benefits the rebels.

There's plenty of videos of dead and maimed children being pulled out of buildings from the barrel bombs. I really think they should be required viewing to discuss this topic.
The enemy of my enemy. A lot of the buddy buddy thing you reference is more about how White Helmets pulling children from Assads bombs benefits the rebels.

There's plenty of videos of dead and maimed children being pulled out of buildings from the barrel bombs. I really think they should be required viewing to discuss this topic.

Seen em. I've also seen way to many car bombs and suicide bombs on innocent people.

White helmets made bad allies with al qaeda. I can't trust any of them due to that.
The enemy of my enemy. A lot of the buddy buddy thing you reference is more about how White Helmets pulling children from Assads bombs benefits the rebels.

There's plenty of videos of dead and maimed children being pulled out of buildings from the barrel bombs. I really think they should be required viewing to discuss this topic.

As long as the rape and the murder is shown conducted by these rebels also.
First, America wouldn't jump to fight Russia. Isreali-Americans would jump right into an attempt to get America to fight isreals battle. The American people wouldn't want that. Not at all.

Second, you are darn right isreal is hedging its bets on Chinese ascendency. ANd they will give China so much more stolen military tech, and corporate secrets and whatever else they can to curry favor

Dude most of the defense establishment and people like John Mccain types want to destroy not only Russia but china as well. It als doesnt matter what American people want a lot of politicians are on the Anti Russia train.

The democrats in USA now also dont want war with Russia but want to poke the bear even more and turn the EU against Russia more than the EU wants to. (Just like during obama presidency they were o
Pushing EU to be mroe anti russian and support illegal coup and neo nazis in ukraine!!).
Na screw your ciaaaa propaganda and russian or eastern sphere paranoia.

While its true Russia was invited into syria and America and others were not. I find myself only sympathetic to Israels security zone around the golan on basis of the threat posed by hezbollah and iranian militants in syria.

At this point though Assad must go and syria partition is only way for peace. US keeping prescence in around Kurdish area is fine as a kurdish state should be pursued and Israel have presence near golan and outside security zone make sense. Along with Russia still being invited to coastal syria.

Anyhow i doubt Israel did this. Netanyahu gets along sith Putin and Israel is not anti Russian. A lot mutual benefits for both nations.
CIA propaganda is Russian rebels shooting a passenger plane... wow....

Great CIA agents right here.... You trolls kill me.

Seen em. I've also seen way to many car bombs and suicide bombs on innocent people.

White helmets made bad allies with al qaeda. I can't trust any of them due to that.

Dude so did the US, the white helmets arent giving them fucking Stingers. They're seen as a propaganda arm because Assad dropping barrel bombs assists a sympathetic view to the rebellion for good fucking reason.

The arguement for your side is that Assad does terrible things but it's better than a multi front civil war isn't it? Why do you have to diminish hero civies saving children to completely overwrite the point of the rebellion in the first place?
I'd say no chance
why no chance I know U.S. has their nukes and Patriot missile systems in Turkey and Poland

having nukes so close to U.S. interests and a state of the art Missile system like the S400 would be in Russia's interests making it public wouldn't
The US army shits on both China and Russias combined. Russia only has 1 aircraft carrier and its diesel powered, so they cant move their army, they gave up on their stealth fighter Su-57/T-50 and cancelled it, while China only has 1 nuclear powered aircraft carrier, only has 1 stealth 5th gen fighters, meanwhile the US has 20 aircraft carriers, multiple 5th gen stealth fighters and variants, are moving onto 6th gen fighters, stealth destroyers, other stealth ships, and just better overall weaponry. The US spends 7/8 times(depending where you look) more then the next leading nations on military. If you see the videos posted above of Vostok, imagine that 7/8 times over if the US decided to hold a battle game that large.
The US literally flies by China and all they do is meow at us(yes meow at 2:04) and tell us to go away.

The only thing to we worried about with Russia and China would be if they ever decide to use nuclear weapons, otherwise the US military shits on them in every way possible.

Honestly how can the untied states engage in war with the next two largest militaries and not have it be total, all out war? I mean we are talking about ww3 correct? Russia and China would have 0 interest in a conventional, limited war which they can't win, so if we are engaging we must be discussing nuclear war no?

And if it is nuclear war than the amount of money we spend policing the world and feeding the military industrial complex matters alot less. Things like EMP capabilities, the element of surprise, and strategy, are more important.

And also, we shouldn't measure our military prowess by dollars spent alone. Our government pisses away money like it's their mission and engage in the most egregious corporate warfare imaginable. At some point China may reach a point where they are spending half of what we spend but are more effective because they are stealing R and D, and paying their people peanuts
As long as the rape and the murder is shown conducted by these rebels also.

That's the conclusion of the United Nations' Human Rights Council, which just released a new report on the horrific sexual violence facing the people of Syria.

It documents an astounding array of atrocities. And it highlights the way Syrian government forces, under the control of Bashar al-Assad, have systematically used rape and sexual violence as a tool to victimize and humiliate its perceived enemies.

The stories in the report, written after interviews with more than 450 people, document a terrifying and systematic pattern of sexual abuse by the government during house raids, at checkpoints and in detention centers.

Rape and sexual humiliation weren't a bug of the system — they were a feature, designed to break combatants and destroy the structures of family life.

So now where do you stand? Can you point to the FSA doing the humanitarian work that the WH do? Most civilian assistance comes from international agencies, and even then they arent as in the thick of things as the WH.

You think a government gassing and dropping barrel bombs is sending in civilian aid?

It's disheartening that the biggest humanitarian crisis of this era is seen so black and white.
They're there because Bashar Al-Assad is a puppet for Putin and has been committing genocide on his own people and was about to be overthrown. The guy makes Saddam Hussein look like a choir boy but whatever floats your boat. I can't deal with sherdog tonight, I'm going to bed.

Russians are there because Assad invited them into their country for protection. And yes Russia and Syria have a mutually beneficial ....friendly relationship. Is that bad or Something?

Isis, rebels, moderates bla da bla were being supported financially and militarily by corrupt war pushers like John McCain. They were sent to terrorize and attack citizens and Syrian forces using these resources...claiming They are rebels against big bad mean Assad. Their goal is to destabilize the region and overthrow Assad so that they can come in and "rebuild" Syria like they did Iraq and every other country they think needs a change. Oh...and nevermind the talk about why they are really there...has nothing to do with a petty pipeline.

It's the same story told over and over and shitsuckers like you just eat it up. Oh....assad is bad he gasses his own people. Get real moron. Those were all setups. Damn don't be so stupid.

Syrian people (especially Christians in syria) overwhelmingly want Assad to stay in power. I saw what happened to Libya after gadaffi was murdered right? Wake up.
Your post made me feel Murican as fuck lol

but yeah thats why I think the next war we see is gonna take place electronically, obviously we've seen them doing it already. I don't think anyone's really bold enough to out right attack the US head on but we got our hands in a lot of pots globally. Doesn't help that they've been so effective at driving a wedge between most US citizens with their fake news propaganda bullshit where now most US citizens are standing on either side of the line in the sand on every possible topic. Globally speaking we've seen the EU slowly but surely destabilizing for a myriad of unrelated reasons which only serves to benefit the major super power in the neighborhood. Hopefully (and realistically it will) mutually assured destruction will remain a big enough deterrent to keep nukes out of play but global perspective wise USA still has egg on their face for the past 17 years fighting in Afghanistan and we've seen countries like Russia making a ton of unchecked power plays lately.

Overall fairly interesting time to be alive as far as global politics goes, can't remember the last time the pot was stirred up this much world wide lol.

*Also unrelated AF but speaking of ridiculous Russian technology have you seen their fucking floating NPP?


Id like your post but for obvious reasons i cant lol (damn yellow cards)
Their floating NPP is really anything special to be honest, almost all our nuclear powered aircraft carriers have stronger reactors in them.
For instance the Russians NPP produces 300MW with two reactors
"2 modified KLT-40S nuclear reactors (icebreaker type) producing 70 MW electric or 300 MW heat power"

Now take the reactor in the new USS Ford it produces 700MW of power(while its total number is undisclosed)
"The A1B reactor plant total power is classified, but the electrical power generation is 3 times that of the current A4W plants on Nimitz-class carriers.[5] It is estimated that the total thermal power output of the A1B will be a 25% increase on that provided by the A4W, i.e. around 700 MW.[6] Improved efficiency in the total plant is expected to provide improved output to both propulsion and electrical systems."

Russia really has nothing on the US, but they do make decent missile/missile systems as the S500 system should be more or less the equivalent of the US THAAD.
Shit really is getting stirred up and even though im sure the US would win a war, it would still suck to see so many lose their lives(on all sides) of something so stupid.
Honestly how can the untied states engage in war with the next two largest militaries and not have it be total, all out war? I mean we are talking about ww3 correct? Russia and China would have 0 interest in a conventional, limited war which they can't win, so if we are engaging we must be discussing nuclear war no?

And if it is nuclear war than the amount of money we spend policing the world and feeding the military industrial complex matters alot less. Things like EMP capabilities, the element of surprise, and strategy, are more important.

And also, we shouldn't measure our military prowess by dollars spent alone. Our government pisses away money like it's their mission and engage in the most egregious corporate warfare imaginable. At some point China may reach a point where they are spending half of what we spend but are more effective because they are stealing R and D, and paying their people peanuts

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