Russian plane shot down UPDATE: S-300 for Syria

Yeah, if you scroll down the list you'll find 2014 and ongoing. Sorry I thought you knew how to do that.
No nation has attacked isreal since saddam did. Don't even need to read your link.
This is the most ignorant post of the thread. Do me a favor and just watch but don't interact.

The Syrian Christian's and minorities have been fighting for their very lives against wahhabi terrorist and extremists funded and supplied by america, U.K., France, isreal, turkey, house of saud and gulf states sorry was going to go to bed but I couldn't let you get away with your nonsense. Now I'm going to bed because work tomorrow. Not all of us can be Russian bots or 24/7 morons.
Let's wait to hear what CNN and bbc have to say about this...


Syrian forces shot down the plane. Then the Russians gassed their own men. Then they dropped a fake Israeli missle on top of them to make it look like an Israeli strike.

Anderson Cooper was there and witnessed it as he was imbedded with the White Helmets
Russia will do fookin' nothing!

They lost a fighter jet and pilot over Turkey a couple of years back. Everyone was expecting Mr Excrement to be introduced to Mr Rotational Air Cooling Device. Vlad the Impaler, Tsar of all the Russias, was so angry he tore off his shirt, RNC'd a Bear to death...and imposed economic sanctions.

Russia only picks fights it knows it can win.
It was probably the same mysterious people behind the nerve gas/poisoning/tea assassinations where there's no proof.
Oh be quiet. That's a basic response. It's just fucking lazy and uninspired.

Nighty night

You mean providing actual sources instead of just spouting your opinions and feelings is a basic response? You should try it sometime.
Russia will do fookin' nothing!

They lost a fighter jet and pilot over Turkey a couple of years back. Everyone was expecting Mr Excrement to be introduced to Mr Rotational Air Cooling Device. Vlad the Impaler, Tsar of all the Russias, was so angry he tore off his shirt, RNC'd a Bear to death...and imposed economic sanctions.

Russia only picks fights it knows it can win.

Erdogan had to humiliate himself and fly to Moscow and kiss ass to get out of that. No more Russian planes were threatened and Russia destroyed turkeys proxies in Aleppo and its countryside and turkey agreed to not give further support to those groups.

Basically what happens is putin then told erdogan that Russia is going to make sure Assad doesn't leave and turkey will have to accept it and no longer threaten Russian forces
You mean providing actual sources instead of just spouting your opinions and feelings is a basic response? You should try it sometime.

Go to bed. You will have another full day to devote to the state of isreal
The US army shits on both China and Russias combined. Russia only has 1 aircraft carrier and its diesel powered, so they cant move their army, they gave up on their stealth fighter Su-57/T-50 and cancelled it, while China only has 1 nuclear powered aircraft carrier, only has 1 stealth 5th gen fighters, meanwhile the US has 20 aircraft carriers, multiple 5th gen stealth fighters and variants, are moving onto 6th gen fighters, stealth destroyers, other stealth ships, and just better overall weaponry. The US spends 7/8 times(depending where you look) more then the next leading nations on military. If you see the videos posted above of Vostok, imagine that 7/8 times over if the US decided to hold a battle game that large.
The US literally flies by China and all they do is meow at us(yes meow at 2:04) and tell us to go away.

The only thing to we worried about with Russia and China would be if they ever decide to use nuclear weapons, otherwise the US military shits on them in every way possible.

Your post made me feel Murican as fuck lol

but yeah thats why I think the next war we see is gonna take place electronically, obviously we've seen them doing it already. I don't think anyone's really bold enough to out right attack the US head on but we got our hands in a lot of pots globally. Doesn't help that they've been so effective at driving a wedge between most US citizens with their fake news propaganda bullshit where now most US citizens are standing on either side of the line in the sand on every possible topic. Globally speaking we've seen the EU slowly but surely destabilizing for a myriad of unrelated reasons which only serves to benefit the major super power in the neighborhood. Hopefully (and realistically it will) mutually assured destruction will remain a big enough deterrent to keep nukes out of play but global perspective wise USA still has egg on their face for the past 17 years fighting in Afghanistan and we've seen countries like Russia making a ton of unchecked power plays lately.

Overall fairly interesting time to be alive as far as global politics goes, can't remember the last time the pot was stirred up this much world wide lol.

*Also unrelated AF but speaking of ridiculous Russian technology have you seen their fucking floating NPP?

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Great news.
Fuck Russia. They were the cause of giving the weapons to the rebels who shot down flight MH17. A passenger plane full of the worlds leading AIDS researchers and other doctors....Almost 300 people dead.


Na screw your ciaaaa propaganda and russian or eastern sphere paranoia.

Because Russia has been getting screwed over ever since they were legally invited into the country to help protect Syria and it's sovereignty. Turkey shot down a russian bomber a couple years ago saying that it briefly entered their airspace. In other words...turkey had terrorist connections with rebels, Isis or whatever the hell they are called and were upset Russia was bombing them. Turkey was receiving stolen oil from Syria at the time.

Israel, France, US and everyone else are committing war crimes by occupying Syria and illegally bombing a sovereign nation.

While its true Russia was invited into syria and America and others were not. I find myself only sympathetic to Israels security zone around the golan on basis of the threat posed by hezbollah and iranian militants in syria.

At this point though Assad must go and syria partition is only way for peace. US keeping prescence in around Kurdish area is fine as a kurdish state should be pursued and Israel have presence near golan and outside security zone make sense. Along with Russia still being invited to coastal syria.

Anyhow i doubt Israel did this. Netanyahu gets along sith Putin and Israel is not anti Russian. A lot mutual benefits for both nations.
Syrian forces shot down the plane. Then the Russians gassed their own men. Then they dropped a fake Israeli missle on top of them to make it look like an Israeli strike.

Anderson Cooper was there and witnessed it as he was imbedded with the White Helmets

The White Helmet hate from your side is perplexing. It almost seems like brainwashing, the dead and wounded children they yank out of bombed out buildings forces the issue beyond ideology into harsh reality.

Besides your thoughts of White Helmet political alignment, do you really not believe they're saving people?

Its shit like this that makes me wish graphic videos were apart of the news. Even the violence in our neighborhood seems far away so why the fuck would we not use dead children as propaganda.
Na screw your ciaaaa propaganda and russian or eastern sphere paranoia.

While its true Russia was invited into syria and America and others were not. I find myself only sympathetic to Israels security zone around the golan on basis of the threat posed by hezbollah and iranian militants in syria.

At this point though Assad must go and syria partition is only way for peace. US keeping prescence in around Kurdish area is fine as a kurdish state should be pursued and Israel have presence near golan and outside security zone make sense. Along with Russia still being invited to coastal syria.

Anyhow i doubt Israel did this. Netanyahu gets along sith Putin and Israel is not anti Russian. A lot mutual benefits for both nations.

Isreal may have done it on accident as during their missile attack on Latakia perhaps the Russian plane was caught being in the way.

I'd hate to think isreal would just target Russia. I'd be furious as an American because then isreal would demand our protection for their action. Which we shouldn't give
The White Helmet hate from your side is perplexing. It almost seems like brainwashing, the dead and wounded children they yank out of bombed out buildings forces the issue beyond ideology into harsh reality.

Besides your thoughts of White Helmet political alignment, do you really not believe they're saving people?

Its shit like this that makes me wish graphic videos were apart of the news. Even the violence in our neighborhood seems far away so why the fuck would we not use dead children as propaganda.

Oh GTFO. It was a joke. I’m all for uncensored news. But not just visually.
Isreal may have done it on accident as during their missile attack on Latakia perhaps the Russian plane was caught being in the way.

I'd hate to think isreal would just target Russia. I'd be furious as an American because then isreal would demand our protection for their action. Which we shouldn't give

Oh. I totally believe it was an accident whoever did it.
The White Helmet hate from your side is perplexing. It almost seems like brainwashing, the dead and wounded children they yank out of bombed out buildings forces the issue beyond ideology into harsh reality.

Besides your thoughts of White Helmet political alignment, do you really not believe they're saving people?

Its shit like this that makes me wish graphic videos were apart of the news. Even the violence in our neighborhood seems far away so why the fuck would we not use dead children as propaganda.

They do help civilians, but they are also buddy buddy with some of the most extreme Muslim extremists such as al qaedas HTS and Ahrar Al-Sham.

People that can be friends with al qaeda child sex slave bride rapists and murderers are capable of any type of treacherous villainy