over the last few years I have noticed a slow but increasing view from the right that is favorable to Putin/Russia and even Hitler. we just found out that Russia has been paying off right wing influencers to sow discontent within our country so does that also explain the move towards sympathy for Russia?
if it does how do we explain the growing sentiment and defense and admiration of Hitler on the right? WW11 has always been something so dreadful to me, so blatantly horrific and evil that I am loath to even learn about it. germany's actions in that war are so vile and dark that it can genuinely be called evil without hyperbole. It stands out in history as one of the worst things to even happen to humanity (yes I know there are worse things).
how on earth is it possible that people on the right including Musk and other prominent figures seem sympathetic towards Hitler and sometimes even seem to admire him? What is happening because I truly cannot understand it and I find it so repugnant that I have no response at all.... I mostly just avoid hearing about it. But with the recent tweet deleted by Musk in favor of hitler I feel like its time for me to be educated on this topic.
what Is going on with the right that they could be brought to a place so morally bankrupt that Hitler needs defending and apologizing for?
I would really appreciate thoughtful answers on this because it fills me with dread.
If I were being fair, I would say it isn't really about Hitler. So much of conservative motivation and their thought process is based on fear, reactionary thought, contrarianism, and being conspiracy theory minded.
When that's how you're making your decisions and looking at the world there is no stupid door you won't open.
In their world, people can simultaneously be Hitler and Stalin, your fellow countryman "HATES" America and HATES freedom, everyone's a communist, global warming doesn't exist, a blowhard, reality TV star can make for a great President, January 6th wasn't a big deal because there were riots in other cities about a completely unrelated topic somewhere else, the election was stolen even though Trump's own VP and appointed judges didn't back him, a serial cheater that is loathed by his own wife can somehow be the leader of the party of "family values" etc, etc. The contradictions and ridiculousness are endless.
Many of their arguments boil down to them having to fight some 'evil', so they need a "strong" man to save them. Trump is the hero of the MAGA saga.
It's why Trump always brings up the likes of Viktor Orban, makes veiled praises of the strength of Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un. Conservatives gravitate towards these so-called strong men because they are weak of mind. Instead of engaging with the arguments, they make up stories, deflect, do whataboutisms, or just attack with ad homs.
If someone on the left calls out the right for some Naziesque tactics, instead of denying it or properly refuting the argument, you'll get someone like Candace Owens to downplay what the Nazis did, and then hit you with a "you're a Commie", because the only thing that matters is "Pwning the Libs". It's contrarianism on steroids.
If the starting point of the discussion is "I think this person is an evil, godless, heathen that wants to destroy my country", then you can justify anything to fight against that. You don't even have to be honest because you're dealing with 'lunatics that can't even tell the difference between a man and a woman'.