Crime Russian influence campaign, yup all those right wing grifting dorks!

well i guess newsmax is carried by some cable companies in the states but they push a good amount of their shit online. may as well call them trumpmax. people really only go to newsmax when faux noise isn't telling them the bullshit that they want to hear.

I'm surprised I haven't seen it just from posting here then. Usually all that sort of Daily Mail, New York Post, Epoch Times, OAN, WND, Sky News Australia, Gateway Pundit, Breitbart stuff will hit my feeds as a result of posting here.
I'm surprised I haven't seen it just from posting here then. Usually all that sort of Daily Mail, New York Post, Epoch Times, OAN, WND, Sky News Australia, Gateway Pundit, Breitbart stuff will hit my feeds as a result of posting here.

i'm sure you've seen it at one point or another. especially in the threads related to the 2020 election. the cottage cheese guy still pushes this guys verbal diarrhea all the time.

epoch times, gateway pundit, and breitbart? yuck!

benny johnson used to work for breitbart too lol. right before he moved over to buzzfeed only to get shitcanned from there as well. for plagiarism lol. i guess benny boy just can't ever seem to come up with an original thought of his own. no big deal for him these days i guess, when putin and his pals are paying him to say what they tell him to say.
i'm sure you've seen it at one point or another. especially in the election threads. the cottage cheese guy still pushes this guys verbal diarrhea all the time.

epoch times, gateway pundit, and breitbart? yuck!

Yeah, it's a pity you can't get an AI generated bio based on the profile created of you by your browsing and social media metadata.
Be an amusing read.

benny johnson used to work for breitbart too lol. right before he moved over to buzzfeed only to get shitcanned from there as well. for plagiarism lol. i guess benny boy just can't ever seem to come up with an original thought of his own. no big deal for him these days i guess, when putin is paying him to say what he tells him to say.

I suppose originality is not required. Just a willingness to work for the highest bidder, a capability for shameless self promotion and the ability to read/pander to your audience.
Yeah, it's a pity you can't get an AI generated bio based on the profile created of you by your browsing and social media metadata.
Be an amusing read.

oh i'm sure there'd be a way to do that if there isn't already.

speaking of systems using algorythms based on users browser metadata and shit, our good friend benny johnson doesn't really know about how google adsense works. it delivers targeted ads based on a users browsing habits.

well, get a load of benny boy in his full glory:

you can clearly see the google adsense icon on the top right of the ad in his screenshot lol. which begs the question: who did benny johnson book a gay cruise with?

from what's came out lately about him, tim pool, lauren chen, and those other propagandist chuds over at "tenet media", benny johnson may have very well went on a gay russian cruise with big daddy vladdy himself.
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oh i'm sure there'd be a way to do that if there isn't already.

speaking of systems using algorythms based on users browser metadata and shit, our good friend benny johnson doesn't really know about how google adsense works. it delivers targeted ads based on a users browsing habits.

well, get a load of benny boy in his full glory:

you can clearly see the google adsense icon on the top right of the ad in his screenshot lol. which begs the question: who did benny johnson go on a gay cruise with?

from what's came out lately about him, tim pool, lauren chen, and those other propagandist chuds over at "tenet media", benny johnson may have very well went on a gay russian cruise with big daddy vladdy himself.

To be fair, adsense isn't targeted particularly well.
After I was booking accommodation and organising some activities for a friend's wedding in Thailand, I got hit non-stop for about a month with adverts for Thai mail order brides and "Waifu" Mobile games (I've never owned a personal mobile).
He was probably just looking up gay porn.
Yeah, cognitive dissonance to act like population replacement isn’t a thing with all the proof there in Twitter. You have Conor McGregor out of all people wanting to run for President of Ireland to combat it.
Well if you're gonna derail the thread, Tell us more about your admiration of Andrew tate and your 9 inch penis...
whataboutism? Your shit leftists policies are destroying all western countries.

Because the police said there was no problem then it must be true???

If anyone is a Russian plant, it's certainly female Shapiro here. Culture warrior talking points about how scary trans people and immigrants are, that's all you've got. Outrage porn and fear mongering.
Portuguese are homogeneous like the Japanese. A lot of us can look swarthy though, but that doesn’t mean they are all mixed. Passing hispanic in Ronaldo’s case is really just Iberian phenotypes. Ether way, I don’t believe Ronaldo wants Portugal to be Africanized or Islamified. Neither do the Portuguese and that doesn’t make them racist. You simply don’t take so many foreigners that it replaces your culture and ethnicity. That is fucking insane. Stop with this gaslighting shit.
Interesting take.

By the way I am half Portuguese.

Only half though

My father grew up in Fermentelos before he moved to Venezuela and ultimately landed in USA with my mom.

Lots of mixed Portuguese people (like myself) in my family and neighborhood.
Thats what the content creator gets from YouTube. Why you see so many content creators have a sponsor at the start of their video. For instance "this video is brought to you by Manscape" ad read. Will net that 700K video view average content creator 5k to 12K from Manscape.

When a content creator signs with a media company to produce side content. The typical contract adjusts the payout depending upon the views generated. So someone receiving 100K for four videos or 100K for each video thats generating sub 10K views is a massive red flag to everyone in the content creator space.
This is precisely why I don't like giving any of these people clicks if I can avoid it.
So are black people born in Portugal, Portuguese, or not?

Are Portuguese people limited to an appearance. What do you mean you don’t want it to turn into Africa?
Is he fearful of European colonization, stealing of natural resources and European subjugation?
If anyone is a Russian plant, it's certainly female Shapiro here. Culture warrior talking points about how scary trans people and immigrants are, that's all you've got. Outrage porn and fear mongering.
Its not outrage porn if less people are fine with gay marriage more recently...
Interesting take.

By the way I am half Portuguese.

Only half though

My father grew up in Fermentelos before he moved to Venezuela and ultimately landed in USA with my mom.

Lots of mixed Portuguese people (like myself) in my family and neighborhood.
What is mixed to you? Having dark hair and dark eyes? A lot of Portuguese think they aren’t white but look white as fuck. It’s a serious question. I feel like Portuguese are gaslighted to believe this shit. Not angry at you.

Is this mixed?

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What is mixed to you? Having dark hair and dark eyes? A lot of Portuguese think they aren’t white but look white as fuck. It’s a serious question. I feel like Portuguese are gaslighted to believe this shit. Not angry at you.

Is this mixed?

all these people look more mixed than Logic and he has a black dad lmao

But yeah sorry to break it to you chief, you probably have a couple or more black ancestors. stop crying about it 🤣
