Crime Russian influence campaign, yup all those right wing grifting dorks!

Ronaldo's grandma is an immigrant from African Islands and the guy himself could pass as hispanic.

Also he is not a hateful pos that blames immigrants for his hardships in life. You could maybe learn a thing or two from the guy and become a better person.

Portuguese are homogeneous like the Japanese. A lot of us can look swarthy though, but that doesn’t mean they are all mixed. Passing hispanic in Ronaldo’s case is really just Iberian phenotypes. Ether way, I don’t believe Ronaldo wants Portugal to be Africanized or Islamified. Neither do the Portuguese and that doesn’t make them racist. You simply don’t take so many foreigners that it replaces your culture and ethnicity. That is fucking insane. Stop with this gaslighting shit.
Portuguese are homogeneous like the Japanese. A lot of us can look swarthy though, but that doesn’t mean they are all mixed. Passing hispanic in Ronaldo’s case is really just Iberian phenotypes. Ether way, I don’t believe Ronaldo wants Portugal to be Africanized or Islamified. Neither do the Portuguese and that doesn’t make them racist. You simply don’t take so many foreigners that it replaces your culture and ethnicity. That is fucking insane. Stop with this gaslighting shit.
Ah so you are a white nationalist type? But yeah, Ronaldo is mixed whether you like it or not, you are likely not a 100% white too. So stop crying about “Africanization” , whatever that means.
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Ah so you are a white nationalist type? But yeah, Ronaldo is mixed whether you like it or not, you are likely not a 100% white too. So stop crying about “Africanization” , whatever that means.
Not a white nationalists. Just want Portugal to stay Portuguese. The same way a Japanese wants Japan to stay Japanese. That doesn’t mean we can’t take immigrants. Just not too many where it replaces your culture and ethnicity. I don’t give a fuck if the Portuguese aren’t considered white. I don’t want Portugal to turn into Africa or an Islamic country. Neither does Ronaldo. We don’t even want too many Spaniards in our country and they are the same Iberian ethnicity as the Portuguese with a very similar culture.
Not a white nationalists. Just want Portugal to stay Portuguese. The same way a Japanese wants Japan to stay Japanese. That doesn’t mean we can’t take immigrants. Just not too many where it replaces your culture and ethnicity. I don’t give a fuck if the Portuguese aren’t considered white. I don’t want Portugal to turn into Africa or an Islamic country. Neither does Ronaldo. We don’t even want too many Spaniards in our country and they are the same Iberian ethnicity as the Portuguese with a very similar culture.
So are black people born in Portugal, Portuguese, or not?

Are Portuguese people limited to an appearance. What do you mean you don’t want it to turn into Africa?
So are black people born in Portugal, Portuguese, or not?

Are Portuguese people limited to an appearance. What do you mean you don’t want it to turn into Africa?
Are black people born in Japan considered Japanese? Honest question. When you think of Japanese, do you really think of black people? Sorry if it hurts your feelings but ethnicity in a homogeneous nation is a thing. Especially from an old country like Portugal where generations fought to preserve its sovereignty and people from 1095.

You would probably have the biggest fit if an African country’s population was being replaced by the Chinese or Europeans.
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Are black people born in Japan considered Japanese? Honest question. When you think of Japanese, do you really think of black people? Sorry if it hurts your feelings but ethnicity in a homogeneous nation is a thing. Especially from an old country like Portugal where generations fought to preserve its sovereignty and people from 1095.

You would probably have the biggest fit if an African country’s population was being replaced by the Chinese or Europeans.
fuck all that and just answer the question instead running away. It’s really a yes or no question…
Way to overlook the uncanny talking points about fear mongering White Americans into thinking nonwhite Americans/govt. is out to get them. These are like Nick Fuentes tier talking points, just they are not even coming from a genuine fucktard like him, they are coming a foreign government to brainwash our citizens.

in this battle of brainwashing, who do you think spends more money?

Foreign governments of America itself?
fuck all that and just answer the question instead running away. It’s really a yes or no question…
Jesus, I wasn’t running away. I already answered your question in my previous post. The answer is no.

Also, I am not even mentioning the high crime rates and terrorism, churches being burnt down, old crosses that are centuries old being destroyed, migrants that don’t work and only receive benefits paid by native tax payers. Which are obviously major problems.

Portugal was the third safest country in the world. It’s not even the top ten anymore.
Are black people born in Japan considered Japanese? Honest question. When you think of Japanese, do you really think of black people? Sorry if it hurts your feelings but ethnicity in a homogeneous nation is a thing. Especially from an old country like Portugal where generations fought to preserve its sovereignty and people from 1095.

You would probably have the biggest fit if an African country’s population was being replaced by the Chinese or Europeans.

Also, I am not even mentioning the high crime rates and terrorism, churches being burnt down, old crosses that are centuries old being destroyed, migrants that don’t work and only receive benefits paid by native tax payers. Which are obviously major problems.

Portugal was the third safest country in the world. It’s not even the top ten anymore.

Portugal is a country that was invaded by the celtic tribes and Romans…

They are only Christian due to the invasions

Passing it off as “muh culture” is cute lol

when was Portugal the safest country in the world? Lol
Jesus, I wasn’t running away. I already answered your question in my previous post. The answer is no.

Also, I am not even mentioning the high crime rates and terrorism, churches being burnt down, old crosses that are centuries old being destroyed, migrants that don’t work and only receive benefits paid by native tax payers. Which are obviously major problems.

Portugal was the third safest country in the world. It’s not even the top ten anymore.

Gotcha, so you have to look a certain way to be a “real” Portuguese person, so being born there isn’t enough. How white does someone have to be? Like if they have a black parent and a white parent but they are born in Portugal, are they still Portuguese? What if they have one black grandparent? How far do they need to go to be accepted as a real “Portuguese” person…
Portugal is a country that was invaded by the celtic tribes and Romans…

They are only Christian due to the invasions

Passing it off as “muh culture” is cute lol

when was Portugal the safest country in the world? Lol
That was before Portugal came into existence. The U.K. And Germany was invaded by the Romans too if you’re going to play that game.

Do a google search on the safest country through out the years.
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Gotcha, so you have to look a certain way to be a “real” Portuguese person, so being born there isn’t enough. How white does someone have to be? Like if they have a black parent and a white parent but they are born in Portugal, are they still Portuguese? What if they have one black grandparent? How far do they need to go to be accepted as a real “Portuguese” person…
If their family tree is full of Portuguese and pass as a Portuguese in terms of looks and has Portuguese culture, then we will consider them Portuguese. This is what Germans, Italians, and English people think too. I am just telling the honest truth about Europeans. Don’t kill the messenger.
If their family tree is full of Portuguese and pass as a Portuguese in terms if looks then we will consider them Portuguese. This is what Germans, Italians, and English people think too. I am just telling the honest truth about Europeans. Don’t kill the messenger.
Not all Europeans are racist like you lol

You should also tell Kape that he should stop carrying around your country’s flag since he isn’t a “real Portuguese” person.

also, England had a brown PM LMAO
Not all Europeans are racist like you lol

You should also tell Kape that he should stop carrying around your country’s flag since he isn’t a “real Portuguese” person.

also, England had a brown PM LMAO
But a lot Europeans do think like that, and that doesn’t make me or them racist. You just won’t accept that homogeny is a thing. Sorry if it hurts your feelings. At least we aren’t as bad as some Middle Eastern countries that don’t let anyone in that isn’t Muslim except for a few expats.

Oh by the way, I am sure Kape doesn’t want the Angola population to be replaced by the Portuguese. They slaughter and exile Portuguese out of their country after the Colony war, even though we built their country. They fought for their independence fighting and killing Portuguese soldiers and civilians because they didn’t want to be ruled by the Portuguese. Now they want to immigrate to Portugal that is ruled by the Portuguese. They have no say when Portuguese are concerned about Population replacement.
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But a lot Europeans do think like that, and that doesn’t make me or them racist. You just won’t accept that homogeny is a thing. Sorry if it hurts your feelings. At least we aren’t as bad as some Middle Eastern countries that don’t let anyone in that isn’t Muslim except for a few expats.
Whataboutism. Yes, you are racist filth, gatekeeping a fucking nationality because that’s only thing that you have going for yourself…lmao, eurocucks say Americans are so obsessed with race when they are the most racist shitters.
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Whataboutism. Yes, you are racist filth, gatekeeping a fucking nationality…lmao, eurocucks say Americans are so obsessed with race when they are the most racist shitters.
The racist fuck is you, not giving a fuck and shaming people wanting to prevent genocide of their ethnicity.
do you mean that 2k goes to the content creator or that's the total revenue split between YT and the creator?

Thats what the content creator gets from YouTube. Why you see so many content creators have a sponsor at the start of their video. For instance "this video is brought to you by Manscape" ad read. Will net that 700K video view average content creator 5k to 12K from Manscape.

When a content creator signs with a media company to produce side content. The typical contract adjusts the payout depending upon the views generated. So someone receiving 100K for four videos or 100K for each video thats generating sub 10K views is a massive red flag to everyone in the content creator space.