International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V7

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India in a tough position they want Western technology and China and Russia are behind it and China melting over it.
Parachuted? Seagal? They must have used those heavy duty parachutes used for tank air drops.

All you guys missed a golden chance at a mom joke here
He would have been more than fine parachuting in a tank if he used your mom’s undies
Hold your butt coco nut.
This is the end maaan

Welllllll look at this... This is the replacement for the Aim-120 is rearing its head today

The big headline for R1 is that it prepares the Raptor for JATM – the secretive new AIM-260 Joint Air Tactical Missile, designed to give U.S. fighters a new edge in air combat. “We are in the middle of getting ready for live-fire tests this summer, part of a huge joint test effort between the operational testers at Nellis, and the developmental testers at Edwards AFB, California. The JATM program is completely dependent on RACR-standard, and the F-22 needs R1 and R2 – to an extent – to shoot JATM. That’s everything from integrating the missile into our software, the indications we see in the cockpit, the information we can share with the missile, and the way we interact with the missile from a targeting perspective. There’s a lot of new technology in JATM that is much more advanced than our current [AIM-120 AMRAAM] missile’s technology.”

there are 3 Air 2 air missile programs going on. One that is the replacement for the Aim-120 which is JATM. The 2 staged extreme range phoenix successor and the micro missile to replace the Aim-9.
Since the west is happy to be allied to the 2 biggest state sponsors of terrorism, does that really mean anything?

For the world this is a drop in the bucket, but for us domestically yeah, this is somewhat important. Now it's legal to crack down on people who support Russia in this conflict.

Assisting a terrorist regime and/or spreading their message is a no-no. It will have legal consequences.
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Well there actually was a lot of knee jerk hatred towards Muslims after September 11th. It wasn’t right then either though. Yes this is stupid and racist the way they’re acting towards those Russians
Yeah I don't know how I feel about actions targeting the average Russian citizen. Really how much are they a victim of their autocratic leadership too? But sanctions are going to affect the average Russian citizen far harder than Putin or any of his cronies, except for the fact they that won't be able to travel to non-Russian friendly destinations for their holidays but we have to do something.
People have repeated that line about Germany being reliant on cheap Gas constantly, while ignoring that obviously every country would like cheap resources and some do have cheap gas as well, but also that Germany having access to normal prices gas greatly benefits the EU as a whole. What do you think is going to happen to the Southern European countries, and then also to the EU, if the biggest net payer can’t pay anymore? Keep in mind that gas is only one part of the equation. Electricity prices are the highest in Germany, we have the highest taxes and social safety and pension costs and also have the most refugees in all European countries. Gas prices further increasing will impact tens of millions of people in Germany. Choose your poison.
Let's be honest. Plenty of people were warning Germany not to get over-reliant on Russia for their energy supplies. They didn't listen. So it's not a great surprise that many are now saying 'We told you so'. Even the UK who love laundering those Russian billionaires money warned Germany against getting into bed with the Russians.
Let's be honest. Plenty of people were warning Germany not to get over-reliant on Russia for their energy supplies. They didn't listen. So it's not a great surprise that many are now saying 'We told you so'. Even the UK who love laundering those Russian billionaires money warned Germany against getting into bed with the Russians.

Sagar from breaking points claimed that he asked them once about being so reliant on Russia and how it's not a good idea. He said they laughed in his face and said that they weren't reliant on Russia, Russia was the one who was becoming reliant on them because of how much money they are making off of them. At least we can hope now that a valuable lesson has been learned here.
Sagar from breaking points claimed that he asked them once about being so reliant on Russia and how it's not a good idea. He said they laughed in his face and said that they weren't reliant on Russia, Russia was the one who was becoming reliant on them because of how much money they are making off of them. At least we can hope now that a valuable lesson has been learned here.
Too true. They really badly misjudged Putin. I had a lot of respect for Merkel whilst she was in office but her legacy is in tatters now. She really fell hook line and sinker for the long con. She just couldn't comprehend or refused to recognise that she was doing deals with a sociopath.
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Too true. They really badly misjudged Putin. I had a lot of respect for Merkel whilst she was in office but her legacy is in tatters now. She really fell hook line and sinker for the long con. She just couldn't comprehend or refused to recognise that she was doing deals with a sociopath.

In a way I understand their line of thinking because it does makes sense. I don't really understand how they couldn't see that they were also becoming reliant on Russia and that they could end up playing a game of chicken with Russia. If they had some sort of nuclear power plants that they could boot back up in case of emergency it would make more sense but they literally had no plan in place.
To just keep the thread going. Russian perspective:

On the fronts - practically without changes. The offensive near Donetsk has stalled, there is no progress. There were no reports of progress in Bakhmut.
On the Kherson front - mutual artillery strikes on positions and rear areas. The good work of our artillery on the enemy bridgehead on the river is noted. Ingulets. In turn, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continued to hit all the bridges across the Dnieper (at the moment, all stationary bridge structures are damaged to varying degrees). The enemy also showed activity in the Davydov Brod area (I expect clarifications).
In the Zaporozhye area, the enemy is actively moving combat equipment to the front from the deep rear.
I have no information about the battles in the Zarkov region.


Another set of pictures purportedly showing parts of a U.S.-made AGM-88 High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile, or HARM, in Ukraine has surfaced online. This comes just days after U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Colin Kahl confirmed that American authorities had sent unspecified air-launched anti-radiation missiles to the Ukrainian military. It's also less than a week after the first pictures appeared on social media indicating HARMs were in use against Russian forces in the country. You can read more about all of this and how the Ukrainian Air Force may be putting these missiles to use here.

The newly emerged images show what appears to be a portion of the rear body and a tail fin from an AGM-88 missile, which were said to have been recovered recently after they hit a house in Ukraine's southeastern Kherson region. There has been a notable uptick in fighting in this part of the country recently.

There is no indication that the house was the target, which has prompted speculation that the missile might have suffered a malfunction or, based on possible shrapnel holes in the body and fin, have been intercepted. Though the exact mode of operation can vary, anti-radiation missiles like HARM are designed primarily to zero in on hostile signal emitters, particularly enemy air defense radars, and disable or destroy them.

AGM-88D and E variants, as well as the still-in-development and substantially different AGM-88G, can also be used in a more general stand-off strike role against fixed targets using their GPS-assisted inertial navigation system guidance capability. You can read more about the capabilities of the different AGM-88 variants and what options for employing them Ukrainian forces might have here.
I would have thought for sure Seagull would be sharing a flat in Russia with that traitor Jeff Monson.
I'm pretty sure Monson actually renounced his us citizenship. Or was that someone else I'm thinking of?
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I'm pretty sure Monson actually renounced his us citizenship. Or was that someone else I'm thinking of?
He probably did. I hope he keeps his word and stays the fuck out of the US when shit gets worse over there.
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