International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

I think that there is misconception in determination between social democracy, socialism and communism.
In communism laws usually had banned private persons to own trucks. Are trucks banned to own in Vietnam, China or Russian Federation ? No.
This is just one from clear signs what stuff is communism vs socialism or social democracy.
Ofc for maga retards posting copy paste type bullshit it doesn't matter. Copy paste bullshit and m***( in puffy cubicles.
I will post one stuff for someone. I you are using templars symbols and do not believe that God will ask something...God is great and he does not have borders or timefrime. Everything will be paid sooner or later.
I do know that this today will induce fun however remember this when you will have to talk with Creator. God is great and does not have nor borders nor timeframe to ask.
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Exiled Syrian Assad began to 'cough violently and choke' in attempted poisoning in Moscow​

"An attempt was made to poison deposed Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, according to an unconfirmed report in Moscow.
On Sunday, the former Syrian president "complained to his security about feeling unwell and having trouble breathing," reported Telegram channel General SVR without citing sources.

There has been no confirmation from the Russian authorities nor sources close to the ex-president of Syria.

Assad reportedly asked for medical help, and "almost immediately" he "began to cough violently and...choke", alleged the channel, which said that it was a suspected "assassination attempt."

He was "given water, and this helped to ease the attack a little, but normal breathing was still not restored, and headaches and stomach pains were added to this.

"By the time the medics arrived, the former Syrian president's condition was deteriorating. Representatives of the Russian leadership were promptly informed about Bashar al-Assad's condition."

He was not admitted to the hospital, but a treatment ward was set up in Assad's apartment.

The condition stabilized on Monday, said the Russian channel, with more than 350,000 subscribers."

I guess Vladimir has eyes on Assad's "Pri$e"

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Exiled Syrian Assad began to 'cough violently and choke' in attempted poisoning in Moscow​

"An attempt was made to poison deposed Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, according to an unconfirmed report in Moscow.
On Sunday, the former Syrian president "complained to his security about feeling unwell and having trouble breathing," reported Telegram channel General SVR without citing sources.

There has been no confirmation from the Russian authorities nor sources close to the ex-president of Syria.

Assad reportedly asked for medical help, and "almost immediately" he "began to cough violently and...choke", alleged the channel, which said that it was a suspected "assassination attempt."

He was "given water, and this helped to ease the attack a little, but normal breathing was still not restored, and headaches and stomach pains were added to this.

"By the time the medics arrived, the former Syrian president's condition was deteriorating. Representatives of the Russian leadership were promptly informed about Bashar al-Assad's condition."

He was not admitted to the hospital, but a treatment ward was set up in Assad's apartment.

The condition stabilized on Monday, said the Russian channel, with more than 350,000 subscribers."

I guess Vladimir has eyes on Assad's "Pri$e"

he has no use for him anymore m even his wife wants out...he's a dead man walking ....
he has no use for him anymore m even his wife wants out...he's a dead man walking ....
Yup. He isn't usable anymore. Putin needed him when he was in Syria. Putin most likely is very angry because he had ordered to spend damn a lot of money in order to support Assad regime in Assad can't rule Syria and therefore isn't usable for Kremlin. Outin is very scared...
Gazprom does wants to continue supply Fico and Orban with natural gas cos they are paying money.
However Transistria as usually doesn't pay anything. Earlier qutin had paid them

If Gazprom will decide to drop pressure in natural gas pipelines for supplies to Ukr, they might finish manipulation procedures in some 80-90 hours...
There is thing that valves and compressors used in high pressure pipelines networks does have physical resource and they are expensive and not easy to replace.
Therefore in order to rise or reduce pressure is advisable to do this slowly, step by step.

Gazprom had started pressure reduction procedures.
I doubt anyone is curious, but just in case: This video is from the Times of India (disguised to look like an MSM link) and contains quotes from Tulsi Gabbard and Jordan fucking Peterson of all people.

In sum, pretty much the shittiest source you could find for a Ukraine war update. Only someone lying about being the US military would ever post something of such poor quality.
What’s wrong with that? I usually consult Jordan Peterson for his tactical and strategic analysis. He’s the only “US Official” I trust on the matter tbh.

Exiled Syrian Assad began to 'cough violently and choke' in attempted poisoning in Moscow​

"An attempt was made to poison deposed Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, according to an unconfirmed report in Moscow.
On Sunday, the former Syrian president "complained to his security about feeling unwell and having trouble breathing," reported Telegram channel General SVR without citing sources.

There has been no confirmation from the Russian authorities nor sources close to the ex-president of Syria.

Assad reportedly asked for medical help, and "almost immediately" he "began to cough violently and...choke", alleged the channel, which said that it was a suspected "assassination attempt."

He was "given water, and this helped to ease the attack a little, but normal breathing was still not restored, and headaches and stomach pains were added to this.

"By the time the medics arrived, the former Syrian president's condition was deteriorating. Representatives of the Russian leadership were promptly informed about Bashar al-Assad's condition."

He was not admitted to the hospital, but a treatment ward was set up in Assad's apartment.

The condition stabilized on Monday, said the Russian channel, with more than 350,000 subscribers."

I guess Vladimir has eyes on Assad's "Pri$e"

Finally , a feel-good story!

Exiled Syrian Assad began to 'cough violently and choke' in attempted poisoning in Moscow​

"An attempt was made to poison deposed Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, according to an unconfirmed report in Moscow.
On Sunday, the former Syrian president "complained to his security about feeling unwell and having trouble breathing," reported Telegram channel General SVR without citing sources.

There has been no confirmation from the Russian authorities nor sources close to the ex-president of Syria.

Assad reportedly asked for medical help, and "almost immediately" he "began to cough violently and...choke", alleged the channel, which said that it was a suspected "assassination attempt."

He was "given water, and this helped to ease the attack a little, but normal breathing was still not restored, and headaches and stomach pains were added to this.

"By the time the medics arrived, the former Syrian president's condition was deteriorating. Representatives of the Russian leadership were promptly informed about Bashar al-Assad's condition."

He was not admitted to the hospital, but a treatment ward was set up in Assad's apartment.

The condition stabilized on Monday, said the Russian channel, with more than 350,000 subscribers."

I guess Vladimir has eyes on Assad's "Pri$e"

This is why you always use a window for your assassinations
Downgrading that 6 months prediction finally after two+ years?
I can't believe San Ritter still shows his keyboard around here after being wrong so often. But just like Scott Ritter who has been saying same things for 3 years now and been wrong almost about everything he keeps beating the same drum over and over.
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he has no use for him anymore m even his wife wants out...he's a dead man walking ....
nah! haven't you heard? that was refuted by her father (who is in russia) and by Russian official sources.
Instead she is now gravely ill in leukemia and held in isolation with a 50/50 chance of survival...(rounded off to 0% i expect)
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Fico had cryed and attempted to beg Uzrula to do something in order ensure for Slovakia to continue to get russian natural gas by using Ukraine as transit route....otherwise he threats to halt electricity supplies for Ukraine.

He really is playing game with devil and is an idiot.
Slovakia does have land border with Ukraine...Fico hates immigrants and especially refugees.... so he didn't had get that Slovakia will have risk to get even more refugees?

Poland confirmed that for them doesn't make sense will Slovakia recieve natural gas or no.
If Fico will bark too much Slovakia might not get next subsidies portions from EU and Urzula might start to press Slovakia to improve financial condition...i.e reduce budget spendings and increase budget income...

Interestingly what will do Fico if will not get even these payments for electricity? Plus more refugees...

EU will attempt negotiate with Poland to increase electricity supplies for Ukr....if Slovakia will halt these supplies..and then Poland will get € for more electricity supplies.

It is assumed that Slovakia might even halt fuel ( diesel, gasoline, kerosene and lunricants ) export in worst case....for Ukr.

Europe then will show Fico hell.
In general other EU countries refineries does have capacity easily replace Slovakian stuff... while transport distance to Ukr will be longer and therefore transport expenses ofc will be higher...
nah! haven't you heard? that was refuted by her father (who is in russia) and by Russian official sources.
Instead she is now gravely ill in leukemia and held in isolation with a 50/50 chance of survival...(rounded off to 0% i expect)
I think that for him doesn't makes sense anymore.
Putin ofc will not continue to pay him money because he was usable when ruled in Syria...

Putin is brutal and pragmatic.
Didn't had forget what happened with Girkin and Prigozin?

Girkin was hardcore Putinoid...he not only helped with green mans special operation in dumbass...he also agitated to apply for russian citizenship and had hired teams with agitators in order to recruit more appliciants for russian citizenship and to participate in special operation....

When dumbass wasn't liberated quickly angry Putin had locked Girkin in prison.
Prigozin was criminal when was young...later started to do some legal businesses....
Putin later get him contracts for his catering companies...
They were friends....

Then there was nazi in Utkin...most likely because Prigozin appeared better seller , they had used him as recruiters boss for wagner PMC and to negotiate with these african oligarchs about payments...

When deNazification appeared too slow, where they are today? Putin was angry... he excepted to deNazify Luhansk, Donetsk and Kherson and Zaporozia oblastjs....