International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

Last Rybar (Rus) update on Kursk:

end of October 5, 2024

In the Kursk direction, Ukrainian formations do not abandon attempts to expand the zone of control at several lines at once. At the same time, Russian troops are systematically working to search for and destroy enemy equipment and positions in both the Kursk and Sumy regions.

In the Glushkovsky district, clashes were noted in the area of Vesyole. Judging by the footage that appeared on the Internet, the enemy managed to advance in the forest belts to the southeast of the village and pull up UAV units.

One of them was "covered" by Russian artillery fire. Probably, in the near future, the Ukrainian Armed Forces will also launch attacks along the railway in order to secure the right flank of their group, gradually covering Vesyole.

At the same time, Russian air raids continue. Thus, Russian Aerospace Forces crews destroyed another M777 howitzer, which was firing from a position in a forest in the Dibrova area, and also carried out a series of strikes on places where Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel were concentrated in Volfino, Bondarevshchina and Katerinovka.

In the Korenevsky district, the Russian Armed Forces repelled enemy attacks in the Lyubimovka area and on the eastern approaches to Obukhovka. To the west of Kremyanoye, Russian UAV operators hit an armored vehicle of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and after it overturned due to loss of control, they finished off the surviving crew members.

In the Sudzhansky district, Ukrainian formations attempted to break through Russian defenses in the Kamyshevka and Plekhovo area. Russian Armed Forces units repelled all attacks. At the same time, Russian aviation struck the enemy's rear infrastructure in Guevo, Melovy and Kolmakov.
According to Mr Putin small special operation is going as had been planned and will be continued ( he now is at least 72 y
o and very rich ).
According to Mr Putin small special operation is going as had been planned and will be continued ( he now is at least 72 y
o and very rich ).

That supreme thief in early August said Ukr forces must be COMPLETELY pushed out of Rus borders by October 1st and that was a strict ORDER from the supreme theif to the Rus MoD. I see on the calendar it's Oct 6th already and not much changes yet.
According to Mr Putin small special operation is going as had been planned and will be continued ( he now is at least 72 y
o and very rich ).

Yes, it will be continued as he cant stop until he gets his 4 oblast back. That's Russian territory and must be taken back as well as Kursk... so the special military operation will be going on until Russia collapses, there is no way out for Putler.

Banning childlessness to boost the population?

Too little, too late.

Just shows the insanity of Putler basically saying I have killed so many of my own people with SMO that you will need to breed more to make up for my fuckup... this will be a hard prob to fix anytime soon.
A side view of the Large Hadron Collider, a huge circular machine.

Harold Cunningham/Getty Images
  • CERN is revoking access for 500 Russian scientists over the Ukraine war, cutting them off from key facilities.

CERN is about to revoke access for about 500 scientists affiliated with Russian institutions, cutting Russia's researchers off from its state-of-the-art facilities.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN — home to the world's only Large Hadron Collider — announced the number of affected scientists on Monday, Reuters reported, finalizing a pledge first made after the outbreak of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Well this is interesting apparently Russia newest stealth drone a ripoff of Boeing own stealth drone is now in Ukrainians hands lol.


There are just a handful of the 65-foot-wingspan, jet-powered drones in existence. Now one of them—or its wreckage, at least—is in Ukrainian and allied hands. “They will disassemble it down to the last screw and, of course, familiarize themselves with its rich internal contents,” moaned Fighterbomber, the unofficial Telegram channel of the Russian air force.

It’s not clear what happened to bring down the radar-evading drone. Video shot from the ground apparently depicts a warplane firing a missile at the arrow-shaped Okhotnik, sending it tumbling to the ground.

Was the shooter a Ukrainian fighter? Or was it a Russian fighter? The former might seem more likely, but the latter isn’t inconceivable. If the Okhotnik malfunctioned, the Russians may have opted to shoot it down rather than risk it crash-landing mostly intact inside Ukrainian lines.

“I really want to hope that it was a loss of control due to something failing … or the UAV’s brains went crazy for their own reasons, and not the drone being intercepted by the enemy,” Fighterbomber wrote.

One strong possibility is that the Okhotnik ran afoul of the heavy radio jamming along that sector of the 700-mile front line. The drone likely lacks full autonomy, and instead depends on a steady connection to operators on the ground. That’s a design detail Ukrainian and allied analysts can now confirm as they inspect the Okhotnik’s remains.

It’s an embarrassing loss for the battered Russian air force, which has written off more than 100 warplanesincluding at least one Sukhoi Su-57 stealth fighter—to Ukrainian guns, missiles and drones.

Americans are considered as pro Kremlin oriented hardcore pussies and traitors and Russia: simple HS hooligan level bully Biden loves damn a lot. Exactly Biden and his administration always will do everything in order to protect their friends in Putin and Co.
All excuses are worth 0 and if to talk about U.S taxpayers money at first I don't think that Europe should pay 1 cent for weapons from pro Kremlin oriented U.S.
Better 0 cent.

Biden administration had been enough generous in order to relocate 2 aircraft carrier groups in order to support Israel. While if after relocating embassy perssonel from Kiev and fleet from Black Sea Huelensky still had dreams that west is their friend and partner. Total idiot. De facto stupid idiots.
Biden's administration is not lesser pro Kremlin oriented that Donald and Co.
A side view of the Large Hadron Collider, a huge circular machine.

Harold Cunningham/Getty Images
  • CERN is revoking access for 500 Russian scientists over the Ukraine war, cutting them off from key facilities.

CERN is about to revoke access for about 500 scientists affiliated with Russian institutions, cutting Russia's researchers off from its state-of-the-art facilities.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN — home to the world's only Large Hadron Collider — announced the number of affected scientists on Monday, Reuters reported, finalizing a pledge first made after the outbreak of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Kind of bullshit no? Russia helped fund CERN.
Well this is interesting apparently Russia newest stealth drone a ripoff of Boeing own stealth drone is now in Ukrainians hands lol.


There are just a handful of the 65-foot-wingspan, jet-powered drones in existence. Now one of them—or its wreckage, at least—is in Ukrainian and allied hands. “They will disassemble it down to the last screw and, of course, familiarize themselves with its rich internal contents,” moaned Fighterbomber, the unofficial Telegram channel of the Russian air force.

It’s not clear what happened to bring down the radar-evading drone. Video shot from the ground apparently depicts a warplane firing a missile at the arrow-shaped Okhotnik, sending it tumbling to the ground.

Was the shooter a Ukrainian fighter? Or was it a Russian fighter? The former might seem more likely, but the latter isn’t inconceivable. If the Okhotnik malfunctioned, the Russians may have opted to shoot it down rather than risk it crash-landing mostly intact inside Ukrainian lines.

“I really want to hope that it was a loss of control due to something failing … or the UAV’s brains went crazy for their own reasons, and not the drone being intercepted by the enemy,” Fighterbomber wrote.

One strong possibility is that the Okhotnik ran afoul of the heavy radio jamming along that sector of the 700-mile front line. The drone likely lacks full autonomy, and instead depends on a steady connection to operators on the ground. That’s a design detail Ukrainian and allied analysts can now confirm as they inspect the Okhotnik’s remains.

It’s an embarrassing loss for the battered Russian air force, which has written off more than 100 warplanesincluding at least one Sukhoi Su-57 stealth fighter—to Ukrainian guns, missiles and drones.

its closer the LM polecat then anything boeing has.
Kind of bullshit no? Russia helped fund CERN.
Yes. Most likely because they wanted to get access for something.

There is not only CERN.
USSR and Russia had cooperated with western europe and U.S in fields called used nuclear fuel reprocessing, MoX fuel and fuel elements manufacturing for commercial power plants, conversion of research reactors from HEU to LEU fuel, research about more modern cladding for fuel elements etc.
West had helped to improve control mechanisms for RMBK reactors and Russia used control rods Partially manufactured in
western europe.... exactly if about RMBK type reactors....

Russia also had relatively large stockpiles with 36% U235 fuel for research reactors and they had downblended this to 2,4 ...2,6....2.
,8....3..., 3,6... 4....4,4 % to be usable for commercial power reactors.
Then Putin was younger and normal.
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its closer the LM polecat then anything boeing has.
There already in 1970 ies were some large jet powered drones for recon missions. They had some 2 models called Tu and with 3 digits number like Tuxxx , Tuxxx.
Some from these had also Ukraine....ofc they should be very old and dunno are they in working condition or no.
Tu 141 and Tu 143 were these old large drones, Kim in North Korea too does have these.
Looks that this month Ukraine will not get any serious supplies just nice talks.
U.S doesn't wants to escalate anything before elections.
Europe doesn't want to deplete stockpiles and for a reason.
They should prepare for scenario that they maybe will have necessity to de block Suez Canal and install occupation forces in Yemen even without U.S support.ofc this if shit will be enough problematic.

European countries also now does have budgets approval processes and no one wants to " escalate " anything....

So Putin does have nice opportunities to press ukr this month, next month and in is life.
If about training of military level in Ukraine: it depends from ....will guy get good instructors or bad instructor...really simple phrase " it depends ".

In Ukraine relatively recently guy killed colonel. Most likely without intent because if he wanted to kill this colonel, he might had used AK-74 ( he had ) to be sure that colonel will die. Toy used was TT pistol...1 shot. Btw it is rumoured that this colonel had issued him this pistol (TT) and they didn't had conflict or like this.