International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

Will Pres. Putin recall them to defend Mother Russia or leave them in the desert to be cut to pieces?

West does support Putin a lot and they are protecting Putin a lot.
There ofc some ykr are just small village with naked cavemans for west.
While Putin is unique genuise capable to rack up base key interest rate more than 20%. Je already achieved 19% therefore we have dream to be closer to reality.
Long life Mr Putin.
BTW I'm interested when actually de facto pro Kremlin oriented Zelensky administration will grow pair of balls.
Zelensky administration still is ensuring russian natural gas transit and crude oil transit for Slovakian and Hungarian refineries, also Zelensky didn't had AFAIK balls to sanction Rosatom while ofc had balls to order idiotism like busification etc stupidity.
Zelensky directly also is responsible for too low recruiting numbers because we are sending money really enough to hire soldiers and pay them normally. There aren't other problems than Zelensky administration not capable to handle funding properly and recruit more soldiers.
Putin has ordered the Russian army to be expanded to 1.5 million by adding 180k troops.

I actually don't think he will actually expand. Those 180k troops are most likely cover for killed, wounded and combat rotations for existing units for the past year. Unlike Ukraine that has forced mobilization, Putin needs to project an image of normalcy at home.
There also ofc is big question why Zelensky administration can't hire enough new meat easily. We had sent them nice macro financial assistance package again.
Under Zelensky regime there isn't mandatory mobilization for these younger than 25 y.o IF they didn't had military training before this.
So we might see 24 y.o lads drinking in pubs and 59 y.o objects after busification.
While IMHO Mr Zelensky might just to be more generous with offered payments and then he might hire meat smoothly like Putin is doing.
Putin has ordered the Russian army to be expanded to 1.5 million by adding 180k troops.

I actually don't think he will actually expand. Those 180k troops are most likely cover for killed, wounded and combat rotations for existing units for the past year. Unlike Ukraine that has forced mobilization, Putin needs to project an image of normalcy at home.
Some low level officers need more "pretend men" to collect their pay.
Some low level officers need more "pretend men" to collect their pay.
would be interesting to hear if the death benefits hes touting are actually being paid in full to families, you know he aint giving squat to African and N korean cannon fodder, i doubt the criminals killed are compensated either, must be costing a fortune to sign new bodies up for the grinder..
I won't be confident that humanity has a future until the likes of Russia no longer exists. I have more faith in China because Taiwan shows what's possible; a glimpse of a possible future China. Russia has been a land of idiot shitstains for centuries, and their current behavior doesn't bode well for their future. Russia will be an anchor around humanity's neck for as long as it is allowed to exist. Over the longer term, humanity might even benefit from a full nuclear exchange, so long as a meaningful part of the world survives and none of Russia.

Ugly thoughts I know, but those are the kinds of thoughts Russia forces me to entertain: a world without Russia, whatever it takes.
Sounds a little genocidal. Is that your intention?
Vadym Ivchenko, a member of Ukraine’s parliament from the Batkivshchyna party, told Defense News that Ukraine has been interested in acquiring the Viper helicopters since 2022. “These helicopters are crucial for our soldiers fighting on the front lines in Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, and conducting operations in the Kursk region,” Ivchenko said.

The AH-1Z Viper helicopters were initially ordered by Pakistan under two U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) agreements in 2015 and 2016, making Pakistan the first foreign customer for this advanced helicopter. The 12 helicopters were produced between mid-2017 and mid-2018 at Bell’s manufacturing facility in Amarillo, Texas. However, following the U.S. government’s decision in January 2018 to halt military aid to Pakistan due to political reasons—primarily over concerns that Pakistan was not doing enough to combat Taliban forces and radical Islamist groups near the Afghan border—the helicopters were never delivered.

As a result, all 12 AH-1Z helicopters were transferred to temporary storage at the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG) at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona between 2018 and 2019.

Ukraine’s interest in acquiring these helicopters comes amid its ongoing war with Russia, where the need for advanced military equipment has grown. The Vipers, equipped with cutting-edge technology and capable of precision strikes, could provide Ukrainian forces with a much-needed edge on the battlefield.

they may get the 12 AH-1Z

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Putin has ordered the Russian army to be expanded to 1.5 million by adding 180k troops.

I actually don't think he will actually expand. Those 180k troops are most likely cover for killed, wounded and combat rotations for existing units for the past year. Unlike Ukraine that has forced mobilization, Putin needs to project an image of normalcy at home.

Is that a bit of a spin saying Russia is good and UKR is bad? And as for the extra troops I'm guessing he realizes he needs more if he is going to conquer more destroyed villages and farm fields. Taking another 180,000 military aged men out of his already labor short economy will just make things worse especially if they die shortly after.
Is that a bit of a spin saying Russia is good and UKR is bad? And as for the extra troops I'm guessing he realizes he needs more if he is going to conquer more destroyed villages and farm fields. Taking another 180,000 military aged men out of his already labor short economy will just make things worse especially if they die shortly after.
Putin is paying more than employers are offering, therefore really some sectors are experiencing labour shortage.
Especially bad for economy is that recruiters are focusing to hire 21-35 y.o males who had mandatory military service under belt and are in good condition.
There construction industry, factories etc.
More interesting that the same Putin had ordered to deliver bags ( for sand and cement ), armature and reinforced concrete panels, cement and excavators, trench and tunnels digging machinery and new batches with shovels. This is because Putin loves to order to dig trenches etc after they had took some area....

Putin also is hiring mechanics and electricians, mining industry specialists, bulldozers and excavators drivers for small special operation.

Will Pres. Putin recall them to defend Mother Russia or leave them in the desert to be cut to pieces?

Mali stuff IMHO is cos gold mining industry potential. Looks that oligarchs wants to grab areas where are gold deposits.
Hitler most likely with happiness had sent wsgnerites cos it is fight for resources....
However there are toaregs tribes in Mali and these touaregs might process wagnerites....
BTW there is stuff called shit in Sudan and surprisingly this too is connected with fight for resources because Sudan does have gold and crude oil deposits.
There also is Central Africa area with huge potential get " liberated " because this country does have gold and diamonds deposits.
Ofc casual inhabitants as usually will not feel prosperity and better life. Fight for new world order most likely again will be fight for gold and diamonds mines...while plebs might be told about new wunderwaffe: new world order.
Usually in reality only oligarchs surnames who controls mines will change, plebs will continue to live in poverty and dreams about new world order.
BTW historically it wasn't good for countries to have a lot of resources for mining industry. Then oligarchs and local elite might get a lot of money easily and therefore might not bother to think about other sectors of economy...
The same Angola and Zaire are super rich lands with very huge agricultural potential... however if you have mining industry enough huge in order to satisfy oligarchs and local elite, then why to bother to develop something ...
Is that a bit of a spin saying Russia is good and UKR is bad? And as for the extra troops I'm guessing he realizes he needs more if he is going to conquer more destroyed villages and farm fields. Taking another 180,000 military aged men out of his already labor short economy will just make things worse especially if they die shortly after.
Funny how you view truth as "spin" after all that Slava Ukraini kool-aid.

Putin hasn't declare war and is still trying to frame invasion of Ukraine as a special military operation. Declaring war and mobilizing can destabilize his support, so he needs to sell an image of everything being relatively normal. That is why he is announcing expansion of the Russian army for an “additional" 180k troops, even though these are likely simply replacements. Ukraine has no such problem as it is in a state of total war. They are literally kidnapping men off the streets to press them into service.
Funny how you view truth as "spin" after all that Slava Ukraini kool-aid.

Putin hasn't declare war and is still trying to frame invasion of Ukraine as a special military operation. Declaring war and mobilizing can destabilize his support, so he needs to sell an image of everything being relatively normal. That is why he is announcing expansion of the Russian army for an “additional" 180k troops, even though these are likely simply replacements. Ukraine has no such problem as it is in a state of total war. They are literally kidnapping men off the streets to press them into service.
You love Russia and want to see Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia incorporated in Russian Federation.
You are a bit trolling and in reality breathing with Kremlin's propaganda. Maybe even dreaming that west didn't had threw ukr under bus long ago, btw long before 2008 and actually doesn't cares. They are supplying a bit, as usually too little and too late as had been planned. They loves Putin damn a lot....
Ofc refugees influx and threats, yelling from western best friends in matushka makes voters angry and therefore a little bit of aid should get provided, still cheaper and more easily doable rather than sent normal aid, not alone to install troops. And nope, west doesn’t fear from matushka, they loves Putin damn a lot and wants to keep Putin in power as long as it will be possible.

About your talks regards to declare war etc, Hitler will not do this because clauses in commercial loans contracts. Then he will be forced to bail out commercial banks and damn a lot of other kind of companies.
Now matushka is relocating Su 34 from airfields located closer than 360 from frontline.
Maybe when comrade Putin will finish this process, their friends in U.S will allow to strike matushka with 300 km range weapons.
Best protection Russia does have is provided exactly by NATO and White House, their real friends.

War laboratorium called war in Ukraine.
We will watch next cinema series. Take pop corn and maybe beer and enjoy cinema scenes with pleasure.
You love Russia and want to see Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia incorporated in Russian Federation.
You are a bit trolling and in reality breathing with Kremlin's propaganda. Maybe even dreaming that west didn't had threw ukr under bus long ago, btw long before 2008 and actually doesn't cares. They are supplying a bit, as usually too little and too late as had been planned. They loves Putin damn a lot....
Ofc refugees influx and threats, yelling from western best friends in matushka makes voters angry and therefore a little bit of aid should get provided, still cheaper and more easily doable rather than sent normal aid, not alone to install troops. And nope, west doesn’t fear from matushka, they loves Putin damn a lot and wants to keep Putin in power as long as it will be possible.

About your talks regards to declare war etc, Hitler will not do this because clauses in commercial loans contracts. Then he will be forced to bail out commercial banks and damn a lot of other kind of companies.
I have as much "love" for Russia as Ukraine, which is none at all. I merely provide a realist standpoint on where Ukraine will end up.

For all that chickenshit tough talk you do on here, you still haven't enlisted in the AFU.