International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

BTW I think that west will not mind against in reality ( not in talks ofc ) IF Russia will occupy all Luhansk and Donetsk oblastjs.

Mining industry anyway private business and doesn't matter oligarch A ot oligarch B will use this.
However not likely anyone is willing to pay these huge bills for reconstruction in Luhansk and Donetsk oblastj.
I get this when Zelensky started to talk about giant size sums ukr wants to get from EU and West for re construction in these areas.

While voters more willing might be to support Ukr to repel attacks, things will get different if they will be told that they should sponsor construction projects and industry in some Ukraine....
We don’t get along because he constantly attacks me. I don’t ever comment on his posts-it’s always him coming after me.
You literally tagged me in your pathetic little cop thread. Retired loser cop with a victim complex, go to therapy FFS.
You literally tagged me in your pathetic little cop thread. Retired loser cop with a victim complex, go to therapy FFS.

See, there you go again, cunt. I don’t know a damn thing about you. Don’t care to. But it’s easy to hide when you don’t put yourself out there. You’re a snarky little bitch. Oh no, some random on an anonymous forum called me a loser. That gets me in the feels
Cop. Former military service. It sucks you both will never get along but I respect both of you because I would never want to be in those lines of service.
I respect both their lines of service as well and appreciate the different insight and knowledge the vets have provided. However we also had a so called vet that had opinions off the rails and predictions so wrong he basically had to go the way of the Dodo bird after being so wrong so much.
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I respect both their lines of service as well and appreciate the different insight and knowledge the verts and provided. However we also had a so called vet that had opinions off the rails and predictions so wrong he basically had to go the way of the Dodo bird after being so wrong so much.
Lol, yeah unfortunately there are some dorks that go the way of Flynn and San Marino.
Now I will test who here is able to speak russian....reaction will show this.
1. Soviet Union 1986 th.
Chernobyl catastrophe.
2. Kremlin decided to hide this from general society and scheduled usual 1.V. mass events in Kiev.

3. Step showed chauvinism and dual standards + lying as norm.
Widely known common joke quickly spreading in all USSR.

I will post tanscript how this is pronounced :
[ u hohlov rvanul reaktor a u nas na polje mirno pashit traktor ].
hohol and ukrop are words like negr* in U.S to be used.....
Despite in Chernobyl more than 50% engineers were ethnic russians....

Words chohol [ hohol ]and ukrop are used by russian speakers in the same mening like in U.S had been used word neg*o in era when segregation was legal and is used to describe lower class ppl due their origin..
Ofc intelligent russians doesn't use such stuff, unfortunately their % in Russia is low.
If someone is thinking that he might appease and support Kremlin and cos this appease russian nationalists there is clear example : Belarus ppl in general more than 120 years were pro Kremlin oriented...
They does have Putin best friend in Lukashenko 30 years ruling Belarus.
Still nickname for Belarus origin ppl in russian nationalists Circles remains : [ bulbash] and nothing had changed. This nickname developed when they had good potatoes harvest even in bad times...jelous and envy hate. Also ofc desire to achieve 100% rusification till they ...let's be fair, will forget their language and start to think in russian...
Tzars were more realistically thinking...until they get too old and too sick.
Going to be interesting if support from france changes since they got pro russia guy now
Going to be interesting if support from france changes since they got pro russia guy now
President still is Macron and looks that support for 2024 is approwed.
So will depend from who is PM, MoD, MoE and MoF.
Le Pen looks that most likely will not get enough to rule alone.
While guess, French weapons sales for all countries who does have border with Russia, Belarus or Ukraine or Moldova already will be with reduced interest from these countries due to risk...
I don't think that Finland etc now will be willing to purchase even Mistral MANPADS from France cos risk that now or after next elections aunt Le Pen might get more votes and start to cry : don't use weapons we had sold vs matushka where my friends are ruling....damn.

If Micron does have a bit of brains he quickly will sign a lot of delivery orders...ASAP. until new cabinet will be approwed.
Ukrainians should woke up in reality that europeans aren't idiots to milk them ( especially countries who didn't had signed Budapesht clownade btw ) and therefore does not have any legal duty to help Ukraine and easily might tell to piss off and cope If ukr ambitions will be too much. Maybe Uzrula next week will ask about generators donated etc stuff? Will happen BIG fun. For dreamers to be on paychecks till end of life.

A lot of Ukrainians are smiling today.

She going to be a star no question move over Bolt.
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Russia bombs a children's hospital in Kyiv. Of course they did, because hat's who and what Russians are—a cancer on the face of the planet that only knows how to destroy.

They somehow managed to get pro-putin pro-immigration mix

What a time to be french lol

Just shows difference between east and west euro conserning russia

If politician said ukr war is natos fault or crimea takeover was a good thing here it would end hes career lol
Just shows difference between east and west euro conserning russia

If politician said ukr war is natos fault or crimea takeover was a good thing here it would end hes career lol
Tbh doubt also if East hard similar situation of France, pro-immigration stance would fly either lol