International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

That’s gonna suck for that spy satellite that Russia sent up to tail the recently launched American spy satellite…
Partially.... they does have other stations and it isn't confirmed that stuff had been destroyed.
While reality is that it is first station where they might get data from sattelites flowing over some delays to get info for sure will happen IF station really is damaged.
im assuming a mig-31 even a mig-29 only operate at 51,000ft give or take
Well, more irl...
And AA missile launched from aircraft might be used against aircraft flying in higher attitude than airplane who had launched missile against this airplane.
Russia also does have ground launched SAM missiles with ceiling 100000 ft and some more...

While their claims are even that they had destroyed more tanks than Ukr EVER had...and more HIMARS ever had been produced .... so....and videos might be doctored and created with AI and doctored and rendered again plus meta data might be corrected ....
It's not looking good for Putin's Russia.

Partially.... they does have other stations and it isn't confirmed that stuff had been destroyed.
While reality is that it is first station where they might get data from sattelites flowing over some delays to get info for sure will happen IF station really is damaged.
It should be interesting to speculate, since we will probably never find out.

Now I would really be intrigued if another station happens to become decommissioned..
It should be interesting to speculate, since we will probably never find out.

Now I would really be intrigued if another station happens to become decommissioned..
Russians are 15 y.o HS hooligans level bullies mentality. They does respect only direct death threat or brutal force. Ppl attempting to negotiate with them they are considering as weak loosers and idiots.
Sadly both possible Biden or Trump they too are considering as weak loosers living in fear.
One nice example: Ukraine had signed naval base rent agreement for Russia in Sevastopol 2010 th and oligarch Poroshenko later attempted to balance on 2 chairs.. To trade with west and east. Outcome was occupation of Crimea and shit in Dumbass.
Moldova was neutral and outcome is poorest country in Europe and 32 years in row financed by Kremlin separatists controlled area receiving natural gas cos transit via Ukraine, mainly paid by russians average in Russia.
It should be interesting to speculate, since we will probably never find out.

Now I would really be intrigued if another station happens to become decommissioned..
Most likely. We IRL don't know real situation and youtubers are ...mainly for clickbaits and €/$ in reality lurking to get wievership, subs and best thing is to get clients watching also all ads ... so one is opting for pro rus one for pro ukr oriented clients.
So easy to pick up info more suitable for each kind of clients.

While ppl who does have access to classified info had signed NDA and additional notifications....

Only stuff with maps and.... claims about destroyed technique to compare with ammount of such technique manufactured or delivered etc...
About bodies died etc no one will IRL care if replacement might be hired. So most likely December 2024 th we still will have " War in Ukraine ".
And even if ceasefire will be here, Putin might prolong discussions 1 month or 5 years till next war escalation without signing anything serious. Or even if will sign, it still will be lying and nasty 15 y.o HS papers will be worth 0.
I'm thinking how valuable is for european countries to purchase for example ATACMS missiles from U.S?
If Biden's and Trump's administration is so concerned not to escalate we anyway will be forced to switch off GPS modules and some other stuff and use them only with inertial guidance if we will need them to defend against loved by U.S politicians Russia.
So maybe better to purchase cheaper stuff from other countries and instead of a bit GMRLS to pay for damn a lot of cheap Grad missiles?
The Biden administration is moving toward lifting a de facto ban on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine, four US officials familiar with the matter told CNN, to help the country’s military maintain and repair US-provided weapons systems.

The change would mark another significant shift in the Biden administration’s Ukraine policy, as the US looks for ways to give Ukraine’s military an upper hand against Russia.

The policy is still being worked on by administration officials and has not received final sign-off yet from President Joe Biden, officials said.

“We have not made any decisions and any discussion of this is premature,” said one administration official. “The president is absolutely firm that he will not be sending US troops to Ukraine.”

At first it had been proved that talks from U.S are useless bullshit and waste of time.
Also U.N is useless waste of taxpayers money where China and their vassal Russia and affilates does have veto right. Vinners aren't judged and any country does have full legal rights to develop and use nuclear, chemical and biogical waepaons and pussy sanctions doesn't work.
Deal with reality.
Why someone should cope with idiotic russia's appeasement from Biden and Trump? Does U.S have anymore power or balls together with their chinesse and russian comrades to rule the word? Doesn't have and never will have anymore, cope like Russian friends...comrades. It is business and nothing personal. U.N doesn't works, no one fears from U.S and Matushka comrades nukes etc. Piss off.
Fuck Ukraine
Fuck Israel

Why can't we spend that money at home, we could live like kings

Israel is the size of New Jersey and produces and creates technology way out of proportion to its population. Some of the most advanced technology is coming out of Isreal. Putins doctors are all in Israel. The Royal Saudis doctors are all in israel. Coincidence?

The jews created the most important military tech ever, some of the most important medical tech ever, they created the internet. Israel will continue to create and stimulate technological breakthroughs so America is happy to invest in Israel because its a guarantee more innovation will come from there. It's Silicon Valley 2.0. It's a smart investment.

Ukraine on the other hand doesn't create anything. It's an inflation vehicle and WW3 escalation vehicle. Dump it.
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Russia had re located and installed forces addition in form of approx 1 pro marines brigade and approx 0,5 pro paratroopers brigade size units plus " meat " approx 2 brigades size.
Ukraine, sorry for reality, is compensating this with adding " meat " approx 6 -7 brigades ....