International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

He was in "neighbourhood watch"/teroborona which is extra eyes for police, catching drunks, enforcing curfew, handling emergency tasks for civvy population and so on,same as loma actually.Not combat troops. Pessimist in me says both were probably heavily protected due to morale reasons.

In any case its alright if organization let them leave, i just stumbled on news about 2 world kickboxing champs dying in ukr and was thinking about ukrainian ammy mma world champ i knew back in day so was bit in bad mood

Yeah on morale side probably remove them from the field (even just streets) does less damage than what their death would in the heads of already demoralized soldiers, at least historically in war of the past was like that
A symbol may help on psychological level, for that reason i liked lot see Usyk get the crown... maybe lot did'nt cared but maybe some had something to cheer for that night

BTW if about how to use talented in h2h guys.....if they also had ( it is mandatory here ) daTechStreet real experience...Is to teach them additional stuff and use them as instructors for h2h : for police, Self def, military if they are able at least to calibrate drills and sparring, ofc better if they are able to spar then even better....
Guys are different.

Guess best help these sport guys can do would be on general help fitness training to improve stamina, endurance, cardio, strenght... after all i guess in modern combat most important physical trait is the ability to carry equipment in long distances or difficult terrain in short time, possibly without end up exausted (wich increase chances of getting injuried) or at least having short recovering times do to same shit again the days after

But on reality even at that is'nt the athlete the one you should look for but who train him
Yeah on morale side probably remove them from the field (even just streets) does less damage than what their death would in the heads of already demoralized soldiers, at least historically in war of the past was like that
A symbol may help on psychological level, for that reason i liked lot see Usyk get the crown... maybe lot did'nt cared but maybe some had something to cheer for that night

Guess best help these sport guys can do would be on general help fitness training to improve stamina, endurance, cardio, strenght... after all i guess in modern combat most important physical trait is the ability to carry equipment in long distances or difficult terrain in short time, possibly without end up exausted (wich increase chances of getting injuried) or at least having short recovering times do to same shit again the days after

But on reality even at that is'nt the athlete the one you should look for but who train him
Yes, ability quickly move when carrying gear etc or to move items quickly is essential stuff.
Lukashenko threats and radioelectronic warfare experiments on EU borders looks that had positive effect for Ukr....
Lithuanian MoD had finally signed export permit for 6 radars manufactured in Lithuania and for batch with jammers.......
Ukr will get this stuff....
Funny thing that GPS spoofing does have impact on civies ....and looks that despite military doesn't care much, MoD should do something if civilians are asking to do something.
The Russian black sea fleet is a banana lol. Ukraine may have fired a drone from 930 or so kilometers away wow their drones are amazing. Hit oil tanks right on the Estonian border.

BTW now most likely Ukrsine had get that their partners actually wants Russia to win at least and aren't real friends.
" partners " so concerned that their weapons might hurt their business partners amd true friends in Russia.
Ukraine lashed strike with at least 108 cheap drones on matushka ....nice night despite Briben and Trump. Real fun for matushka...
Alright read another volunteer book, this one more interesting since guy was squad leader and sometimes company commander in ukr foreign legion

All the problems with organizations involved in this conflict have been brought up many times(theres some absolutely ridiculous shit from both sides in book,people dying for sheer stupidity) so i will just write few stories that stood out for me

One is about american volunteer who was history teacher and fundamentalist christian who got sick of eating constant artillery fire and not seeing enemy, ended up swimming across river with a knife between his teeth, walking through no mans land into russian camp, stealing someones weapon and opening fire then running it back to friendly line

He got fired from legion for that but cool story

Second was about how theres been hand to hand combat

Writers associate ended up fighting off russian after running out of ammo, russian hit him with a rifle, he hit him back, russian pulls out knife, he pulls out his

Associate ends up winning and has massive scar on him as memory

The history teacher saw Ramboo too many times <36>
In Harkov oblastj Russia mainly is targeting to shell and capture small, mostly almost abadoned villages near border...sometimes yelling that big achievement is to capture small, poor and abadoned village 3 -5 miles from frontline.
Russia increased usage of gliding bombs and sometimes they does have failure.
Their tactique is to fly airplane over russian controlled territory and then release gliding bombs in order to hit ukr controlled areas near frontline.
Sometimes bombs kits fail to deploy wings and then ....bomb is dropped in....Russia.
They today had dropped 2- 3300 lbs gliding bombs in forest in....Russia.
Ukraine claims that last month were approx 50 cases when gliding bombs had failed to function properly and landed in.....Russia.
While overall situation isn't good because Russia does have a lot of different gliding bombs....
They adopted add kits for old USSR era simple bombs in order to turn them into gliding bombs and they does have a lot of USSR era simple bombs...

14% of Russian oil production up in flames.

This isn't crude oil, it is diesel fuel and gasoline ...
Some sources stated that by 10% , some that by 14%...

If they manages to hit " fridges " for columns used for hydrocracking process it will not be fast repair process even with 0 sanctions.
Also transformators they might hit but Russia is capable to replace them quickly while will not be from old stockpiles, this will cost real money on the table immediately...
Since Ukr can't seriously impact crude oil production in Russia, Ukr actions can't IRL impact crude oil prices ....and EU & U.S & Japan does have oil refineries capacity more than enough....

The problem is Iran as threat and these Housithes and possible shit with Suez canal + OPEC and Putin reducing crude oil production... not rus refineries....

Europe is preparing again to pump portion in renewables : businesses and governments : now looks that 90-120 b EUR worth projects ......housithes, Russia, Iran and Gaza shit is reason why....
14% of Russian oil production up in flames.
Refinery capacity up in flames. Not production. Ukraine not allowed attack oil production.

Likely more than 14% also, this weeks attacks have reportedly been very successful with two refineries shut down completely in the past 3 days.
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Refinery capacity up in flames. Not production. Ukraine not allowed attack oil production.

Likely more than 14% also, this weeks attacks have reportedly been very successful with two refineries shut down completely in the past 3 days.
I have a feeling a lot of Russians who work on these refineries are providing key targeting on the ground. Having satellite images one thing but a ton of people are turning on Putin I bet.