I don’t really buy this. If Putin was so petrified of NATO neighboring him. Why did Russia illegally annex land to move closer to NATO countries?
Ofc there ukrainians dreamers about NATO and russian propaganda machine allowed for random mainstream media customers create these talks as reason for imperialistic war.
Ukraine had 0 chances to be accepted im EU or NATO in 2022 th or today if war didn't happened.
For NATO reason was cos Ukraine does have unpredictable elections results, they usually are electing populists with better PR campaigns, sometimes pro kremlin oriented, sometimes dreamers etc ....
Ukraine also was financially unstable. It does matter more than poor or rich country btw.
Ukraine in 1999 th was strategic weapons supplier for Russia....I don't talk about these nukes etc they had literally sold to Russia in 1994 th.
About these 575 long range cruise missiles and 9 strategic bombers they had sold in 1999 th....
Btw from these Pitin still does have at least 460 and these might be refubrished and launched on Ukr...with conventional warheads ....
Russia already had used these missiles and bombers against Ukraine...
Abdirstantowich skazkoterapia : russia soon will run out missiles reserves. 2022 th....ofc ....
Ofc also constant politic 32 years to make de facto deMilitarization and just empty talks about their militarization...... Jesus.
Putin needed just to wait till next elections.
West does have Orban, Fico etc beauties and will not make such mistakes again.