Running On Weekends

Henry Swanson

Excitement’s my game
May 19, 2003
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I need to get my 1.5 mile time down again for a possible fitness test in June. I know it's only November but I want to start preparing early this time.

I'm currently also training for another fitness test coming up in a couple of months so I'm looking to run on the weekends only.

Have any of you made progress running back to back, Sat/Sun. before? Having 5 days between running days seems like a lot, but as long as I can progress I'm willing to do it.
one trick you should know you can run til you die keep breathing and you can't fail!
ryun253 said:
one trick you should know you can run til you die keep breathing and you can't fail!

Till I die? Aren't you thinking about horses?
How fast do you currently run your mile? I know you have to run 1.5, but it is easier to compare mile times since I have to run 2. And what time are you trying to get on the test?
Cheney said:
How fast do you currently run your mile? I know you have to run 1.5, but it is easier to compare mile times since I have to run 2. And what time are you trying to get on the test?

My cardio is pretty shitty. Last time I ran a 1.5 mile it was 10 minutes and 30 seconds. I know, I know, REALLY crappy. For the test we have to run it in under 12 minutes but I'd like to finish at the top of the group so I don't want to scrape by and finish it in 11:59.
Quick, dirty, and easy way to build up your mile time:

Hop on a tread mill. Do a 5min warm up at 5.5mph. Now alternate sprinting @ 11.5mph with jogging at 5.5mph. Sprint for 60s, jog for 180s. Repeat for 20min. Cool down for 5min at 5.5mph. Do this three times a week and you'll get your "wind" up very quickly. Do as many sprints as you can. If you crap out and can't do any more sprints, take a longer rest period, but do NOT get off the treadmill. Stick it out for the thirty minutes. Make sure you do this no more than 3 times a week.

Using this technique I went from running a 13:11 mile (I'm not shitting you) to a 5:35 mile in 4mos. Obviously I was using a higher intensity by the end (considering my mile speed will be equal to your sprints), so make sure you progressively ramp up the intensity (shorter rest periods etc.) as you improve.
What are you training for?

The above sounds like a tabata type method. Try body for life's cardio workouts. They are 20 minutes I think and they'll get you going.
Sonny said:
I need to get my 1.5 mile time down again for a possible fitness test in June. I know it's only November but I want to start preparing early this time.

I'm currently also training for another fitness test coming up in a couple of months so I'm looking to run on the weekends only.

Have any of you made progress running back to back, Sat/Sun. before? Having 5 days between running days seems like a lot, but as long as I can progress I'm willing to do it.
I was running on the weekends every day in prep for my fitness tests for a comission into the army, it worked pretty well for me, I found it worked well to alternate steady pace running one day with interval training the next.
SmashiusClay said:
I was running on the weekends every day.

You mean you were running every day on the weekend right?
Unless they allow you to test on the treadmill I would not recommend training on one. It may improve your speed a little but realistic training, i.e. training under the conditions which you are tested, will be more beneficial.

The interval training mentioned above works fairly well, but I like to trim the rest periods down to 120s rather than 180s.
Cheney said:
Unless they allow you to test on the treadmill I would not recommend training on one. It may improve your speed a little but realistic training, i.e. training under the conditions which you are tested, will be more beneficial.

The interval training mentioned above works fairly well, but I like to trim the rest periods down to 120s rather than 180s.

Yeah I'm currently running a route in my neighbourhood as I prefer running outdoors. It's roughly 3-4 km in distance but there's a good mix of inclined and declined terrain.

I ran yesterday and today and feel pretty good. Most of my training during the week is devoted to lifting and conditioning (i.e. burpees/tabata). I'm just hoping that the 5 days off between my running workouts won't harm my progress.
Tread 30 min workout

Start running a slower speed and every minute raise the incline up 1 notch. So minute 2 you should be a incline 2, every mintue keep raising the incline. You can change the speed if you want, up to you. When you have worked up to your highest level, say 15, then every mintue, go back down and slowly increase speed, so by the end of the workout your on 0 incline, but your speed will be really fast!!!!!!!

Every time you do the workout, work more on increasing the speed as you are coming back down on the incline, you will increae your overall speed in no time for the 1.5 miles.
Two words: Fart Lick.

(really... "fartlek")

Oh and bike to and from work everyday. Nothing I have ever done has improved my cardio as much as this.
Biking is not a good exercise for men. I am sure you can guess why?