Rory and GSP


Orange Belt
Sep 24, 2012
Reaction score
In case you haven't heard ;) they call Rory the next GSP. He's a great and exciting fighter just like GSP was in his early days. of course GSP is still great, top three P4P but in case you havent heard some say GSP is no longer exciting. Do you see Rory losing his killer instinct like GSP has?
they cant be compared George is pretty and french the other guy suffers from acne and speak the language of the foul and petty

show some respect for crying out loud
If you haven't heard, things change when you go from being the hunter to the hunted
This is nothing new, GSP would destroy Rory he showed alot more potential in his early carrer too and he has never been dominated the way Condit dominated Rory.
Do you see Rory losing his killer instinct like GSP has?

He's a better finisher than GSP...

Lets all get together and have a good cry about it..

Oh so that's what gsp fans do in their alone time. You guys hide it well.
Must explain why Anderson stopped getting finishes....oh wait.

Hey man it's you!! How are ya?

Simple Anderson's style. He is primarily a counter striker with flawless timing and accuracy, and when the hunters come into his world, they pay the price. However, you just need to look at the Maia and Leites fights (and to a lesser degree the Cote fight as Cote was a bit reluctant to engage since also a counter striker) to see that Anderson being the hunted gets to choose the rules for engagement as those fights were not the most "action-packed".

Please allow me to clarify -- I am not saying every fighter who is the "hunter" looking to become champion fights the same and every champion who is the "hunted" also fights the same. I am saying the rules of engagement change, and this will modify each fighter's unique styles slightly or perhaps markedly.
Oh so that's what gsp fans do in their alone time. You guys hide it well.

Most of us are actually MMA fans in general and have lots of issues to discuss.. We don't hang out here just to rip on 1 fighter... Know anyone like that?
show me one person who says hes the next GSP...i want an actual quote predated from this thread
I think Rory is getting closer to GSP's level. I bet he would give him a good run today, but would probably have trouble with his grappling and take a beating on the ground. The Condit fight should be a good barometer for where Rory stands. I expect it to be a very close fight.
Most of us are actually MMA fans in general and have lots of issues to discuss.. We don't hang out here just to rip on 1 fighter... Know anyone like that?

Yeah, CarloSpcyWeiner.
Most of us are actually MMA fans in general and have lots of issues to discuss.. We don't hang out here just to rip on 1 fighter... Know anyone like that?

TheRassler does troll it up constantly. Always looking to run GSP or his fans down. Sounds like someone has some unresolved GSP issues. In a way it's almost a compliment that he spends this much time finding things to hate on about an otherwise great fighter.
Real mma fans can not hate rory or gsp as they are awesome.
Rory will always go for the finish. He fights to hurt dudes. Dude is a legit beast, can't wait for his next fight..
TheRassler does troll it up constantly. Always looking to run GSP or his fans down. Sounds like someone has some unresolved GSP issues. In a way it's almost a compliment that he spends this much time finding things to hate on about an otherwise great fighter.

Ah yes, only on sherdog... where if someone speaks the truth about your favorite fighter and you're too blind to see it, just call them a troll. It's much easier than writing something that means something.