Ronaldo Jacare vs Roger Gracie


Purple Belt
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
i was wondering if someone could list for me all the fights between Jacare and Roger.

-what year and what event...and who won

i've seen most of the fights but i'm sure i haven't seen 1 or 2 of the older ones...i'm also curious of how many wins each guy has...i'm assuming roger is in the lead but i'm curious if he's way ahead of if it's really close.

thanks in advance!
Man, u guys are weak..heres the list:

1. Jacare DEFEATS Roger Gracie on points in ADCC 2003 (he also beats Ryan)
2. Roger Gracie DEFEATS Jacare on points in the European Open in 2004-Brown Belt Open Division
3. Jacare DEFEATS Roger Gracie on points after running away from the fight after Roger broke his arm and becomes the World Tournament open class champion in 2004 Brown Belt open division
4. Roger Gracie SUMBITS Jacare' via Rear Naked Choke in ADCC 2005 and becomes the open class champion of ADCC
5. Jacare DEFEATS Roger Gracie by a controversial takedown in the World Tournament in 2005, and becomes the open class champion.
Jacare has a record of 3-2 against Roger Gracie...Honestly, I think Jacare is still the better grappler (I dont care if Roger's a is irrevelant)

Jacare is the more explosive, technical BJJ fighter...and his Judo and takedowns are SUPERB. The way he controls the pace of the fight is amazing, he is ALWAYS moving...Yes, we have seen him work on his back, check out his highlight and you will know what i mean by explosive, always moving, and controls the fight, and, of course, his AMAZING TAKEDOWNS

Roger Gracie said that Jacare is afraid to exchange positions with him..IMO I think Jacare knows what Roger is capable of and Roger can see things through more steps ahead..and Jacare knows he has to surprise Roger...

Roger Gracie I think is the more laid back BJJ fighter, waits for you to mess up and capitalizes on it, and he does a VERY good job at this, submitting all 8 of his opponents at ADCC 2005, and became the Open Weight Division and the Champion of his weight class in ADCC 2005..including Jacare'

In my honest opinion Jacare>Roger, I just enjoy watching Jacare's style, hes very fun to watch
Oh, heres his Highlight Video:
Thanks GuardGame.

Anyone know a comprehensive list of all the Mundials results?
GuardGame said:
Jacare has a record of 3-2 against Roger Gracie...Honestly, I think Jacare is still the better grappler (I dont care if Roger's a is irrevelant)

Jacare is the more explosive, technical BJJ fighter...and his Judo and takedowns are SUPERB. The way he controls the pace of the fight is amazing, he is ALWAYS moving...Yes, we have seen him work on his back, check out his highlight and you will know what i mean by explosive, always moving, and controls the fight, and, of course, his AMAZING TAKEDOWNS

Roger Gracie said that Jacare is afraid to exchange positions with him..IMO I think Jacare knows what Roger is capable of and Roger can see things through more steps ahead..and Jacare knows he has to surprise Roger...

Roger Gracie I think is the more laid back BJJ fighter, waits for you to mess up and capitalizes on it, and he does a VERY good job at this, submitting all 8 of his opponents at ADCC 2005, and became the Open Weight Division and the Champion of his weight class in ADCC 2005..including Jacare'

In my honest opinion Jacare>Roger, I just enjoy watching Jacare's style, hes very fun to watch
Oh, heres his Highlight Video:

First thing. Great post. I'll be surfing over to that HL in mere moments ...

Second thing. I think that Roger is a "Gracie" is very relevant in one sense. From what I've heard, his old school, "waits for you to mess up and capitalizes on it" is classic "Gracie Jiu Jitsu". A lot of folks really don't like it, and prefer a style like Jacare. But the fact that Roger did so well (does so well) with old school Gracie-style jiu jitsu is great for the sport.

If Roger were winning matches merely with points and advantages it would be one thing, but the fact that his old school Gracie jiu jitsu is submitting people is pretty cool in its own right.
i think Guardgame has got it wrong.... they didnt fight each other at ADCC in 2003

also the list is...

July 2002 Brown Belt Absolute Mundial Roger wins on points
July 2004 Black Belt Absolute Mundial Jacare wins on points - controversy due to jacare having badly damaged arm from rogers arm bar and ran away from the fight for nearly 2 mins
Jan 2005 European Black Belt Absolute Roger wins on points
May (?) 2005 Abu Dhabi Submission Wrestling Absolute Roger wins with rear naked
July 2005 Black Belt Absolute - Jacare wins with very debatable takedown

i think that makes it 3 - 2 to roger with both jacares 'wins' being very debatable...

as to who is the best.. who cares... they are both excellent and i look forward to another rematch at this years Mundial
Soulfly said:
Jacare by points.

End of discussion.
Thank you for PWNING this Guardgame & Paul.

Soulfly, if you're gonna post Rickson-like bullshit, post in the MMA Discussion.

If you wanna be a part of intelligent discussion, post intelligently.
Madmick said:
Thank you for PWNING this Guardgame & Paul.

Soulfly, if you're gonna post Rickson-like bullshit, post in the MMA Discussion.

If you wanna be a part of intelligent discussion, post intelligently.

maybe he is just not capable of posting something that has meaning.
Gracies preformance at Abu Dhabi last year was amazing. He won the most technical fighter award and subbed everyone he fought, including Jacare.

Both these guys are great. I really can't say who I like more.
I think it is a bad idea to say one is better than the other. They are two of the best in the world. Again and again it is them in the finals fighting for the absolute. Jacare is ahead by 1 fight.. That one fight could easily have been his controversial win with the broken arm.

Any day one could beat the other, and their record would continue to grow.

To say Jacare is better because he won by the slip of the rules is retarted.. He isnt better, he is just your favorite.

Now on to the more important issues.. Which is better.. Thin or thick crust pizza?
They are both awesome.

I believe Roger has gotten the better of Jacare overall in their matches, but Jacare IS more fun to watch.

If I had to make someone watch any sort of submission tournament, he would be the one I would make them watch. He embodies what I want my game to be.
triso said:
They are both awesome.

I believe Roger has gotten the better of Jacare overall in their matches, but Jacare IS more fun to watch.

If I had to make someone watch any sort of submission tournament, he would be the one I would make them watch. He embodies what I want my game to be.

Good post. Way to voice your opinion. Most of the posters are trying list facts as to why their opinion is in all actuality a fact it self.
I think both guys are pretty much in a class of their own. It's hard to say who's better, especially when you factor in Roger's big size advantage. But Roger taps guys like Saulo, Xande, and Margarida while Jacare occasionally loses to them or has close matches.
Roger is better on the ground. Jacare is better standing and in transition. Overall I think Roger is the better grappler.
hey where ould i find out this info. Like not just about jacare but Bjj touneys in general. i know of adcc's web site, but other than that? thanks in advance
I've seen a Jacare highlight or two. Great stuff.

Are there any highlights of Roger Gracie floating around--especially any that feature footage from his amazing ADCC run?