
D Train

Gold Belt
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
I've got it. What's the fastest way to get rid of it?
If its somewhat contained go to the drug store and get cream. If its scattered go to the doctor and get anti fungal pills. Either way take a few days off untill its gone.
It's localized. What's the best type of cream?
Lamsil! Or Lotriman.

You should really stay off the mats all together until it is all gone. Tape and rashguards only hide it, its still contagious and dangerous....
Im going to say lamsil because i think it used to be prescription now its OTC
I won't be training for a week anyway, so I'll be off the mats. I've heard both Lamisil and Lotramin, but which one works faster?
Lamasil, apply it every 4-6 hours, do your best to keep it dry at all times
lamasil has worked very well for me. apply every couple of hours (as prescribed). and def. stay off the mats until it is 100% gone
yea, lamasil worked for me. also, check your schools mat. make sure it's cleaned after every practice. There are some funky shit going around out there that anti-biotics can't even kill. be careful.
i had it on my neck and and head. owwwww.

and armpit!

i used bacterian zinc. healed up but left nasty scars.
i just got rid of ringworm (on my face, no less). i used lamisil at cream. the directions said apply once daily, but i doubled up, morning and evening. before i applied it i washed my face with head and shoulders (i read the active ingredient, pyrithione zinc, was supposed to help also). it took about a week for it to go away, and i don[t really notice any discoloration or anything.

for maximum embarrassment at the pharmacy, get the package of lamisil thats for jock itch, not athletes foot. its the exact same shit except for the look of disgust you'll get from the cashier.
Go to a doctor and they'll give you really powerful shit to get rid of it. I had it and couldn't get rid of it for months because of a weakened immune system. It's a bitch and ugly as hell, especially on your face.
I have had great success with a combination of Tea Tree Oil, Iodine, Nizoral Shampoo, and Hydrogen Peroxide which I apply in succession to the affected area.

It usually disappears within 2 days.

It is also very important to keep the area as dry as possible. So when you shower, use a hair dryer on low to really dry out the area before applying your other treatments.
try applying a little of your own mid-flow morning piss. no joke, clean that shit right up. also an incredibly effective treatment for razor burn!!! you just have to wash your face all over again afterward.
I generally use the over the counter stuff. If it is a tough case I will alternate morning and night between to different brands. The one that has clotrimazole or miconazole or tolfunate switching back and forth this usually works like a charm. Look at the percentage of the active ingredient a couple have double the amount. Crazy wrestlers will use bleach and alcohol.
try applying a little of your own mid-flow morning piss. no joke, clean that shit right up. also an incredibly effective treatment for razor burn!!! you just have to wash your face all over again afterward.

or distilled vinegar...but why not use piss to spice up your life a bit!