Ricksons BJJ Opponents?


Brown Belt
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Who did Rickson grapple with in BJJ who are well known? I know he grappled agaisnt Rigan Machado... Was it close or did Rickson dominate?
I belive Rickson submitted him both times but I could be wrong.
Some months ago Fabio Gurgel came in Greece for a BJJ seminar, a friend of mine asked him about Ricksons BJJ/Grappling skills. He said that in the 2 years that he trained with Rickson as a BJJ BB he never Submited him or even come close in submiting him, he also said that when rolling with him no-gi it was even worse for him than rolling with the gi. Also one other BJJ teacher friend of the Gracie family saw Rickson submiting in a "family train" all family members present, among them it was Ryan, Renzo, Ralph and plenty others, one by one non stop, at least that's what he told me.
Thats awesome, I wonder who wins between him and Rolls... or if he would win ADCC
BJJWrestler said:
Thats awesome, I wonder who wins between him and Rolls... or if he would win ADCC

When Rolls was alive everyone says that he was better than everyone but, Rickson was very young back then. In ADCC i ain't sure if he would do well, it's a competition with TIME limits, he may lose a fight with a good opponent by point's but i can't imagine him losing by sub...
Rickson is the ultimate BJJ fighter.. He's unbeatable in BJJ... my friend was telling me about a seminar he went to.. and 1 of Ricksons lessons was the cross choke.. so he asked everybody if they knew what it was and how to apply it... so everyone was like "duh, of course we know that" Rickson then said if you really know,then spar with me and show me.. in the end, he tapped everyone, who sparred with him in the seminar, with the cross choke... Some of the details might be foggy, this story was told to me a long time ago..
Ask anyone who's ever trained with Rickson, or learned from him... he's an amazing person. Even beyond the art and the fights and the legends, he possesses an outlook on life that's pretty rare and beautiful. It's kind of tough to see what his name has become, especially on the internet with all the haters and the absurd talk back and forth. A couple of people on this board have seen Rickson train with a lot of blackbelts, especially before big events, and you know how easily he toys with them all. He just rolls and laughs, giving instruction while they roll, and if he gets in a bad position he does one little adjustment and he's out, laughing again. He makes BJJ beautiful, and displays it in destivating fashion ..
ARIS said:
When Rolls was alive everyone says that he was better than everyone but, Rickson was very young back then. In ADCC i ain't sure if he would do well, it's a competition with TIME limits, he may lose a fight with a good opponent by point's but i can't imagine him losing by sub...

Monson will beat him heh...............2-0!
BJJWrestler said:
I meant who would win between him and Roger, lol

Im sure that they have Rolled some times together they are family.
Rickson gets a lot of respect on the grappling forum, as it should be. This is one case in which there is no argument, there is no question: everybody who has ever rolled with Rickson and spoken about it has acknowledged inferiority. The man is a machine. And his confidence is his greatest weapon.
Dang it all. Now I really want to go to one of his seminars. Sounds like a cool experience.
Say whatever you want about his mma record, but respect Rickson's BJJ/Grappling. I watched Choke a while ago, and he seems like a great guy to boot.
tito ortiz once talked about rolling with rickson and said it was ridiculous. Something to the effect that it was like having a 400lbs weight on your chest...
David Terell has an article in onthemat.com about rolling with Rickson. Its pretty good. Its in the archives.
ARIS said:
Im sure that they have Rolled some times together they are family.

I believe Roger usually goes out to Renzo's in NY rather than Rickson's in Cali to train. I don't think they've actually trained together since Roger got his BB. Apparently Rickson rolled with him when he was a blue and brown belt though.
My teacher..Fabio Santos is a fifth degree under Rickson..anyone in the San Diego area should REALLY look into taking classes there....amazing instruction!!
DJGMuayThai said:
My teacher..Fabio Santos is a fifth degree under Rickson..anyone in the San Diego area should REALLY look into taking classes there....amazing instruction!!

Where is he located in San Diego DJG? If I wind back in San Diego, I'd like to continue under a Rickson BB.