RICKSON GRACIE (The FUTURE of Jiu-Jitsu, ENDORSES Ryron & Rener's Curriculum, Gracie University)

Published on Jun 7, 2016
Jiu-Jitsu has reached a critical point in it's evolution. On one hand, it is one of the fastest growing sports on the planet, on the other hand, it is at risk of losing its identity and suffering the same fate that has negatively affected nearly all other martial arts. What made made jiu-jitsu famous in the 80s and 90s was its unprecedented effectiveness in real fights, yet today, most jiu-jitsu academies do not teach the elements that make the art applicable in a real fight.

In this groundbreaking gathering, Rickson, Pedro, Ryron and Rener sit down to discuss the current state of jiu-jitsu and the critical steps that must be taken to preserve its original identity as a complete system of self-defense. Acknowledging that the formative years are most critical for any jiu-jitsu student, Rickson discusses his vision for the "perfect blue belt" and the critical roll of a structured curriculum in preserving this path.

To fully align themselves with the Jiu-Jitsu Global Federation, and Rickson's vision for the perfect blue belt, Ryron and Rener have made three significant changes to the Gracie Academy belt system:

1) Creation of a "Gracie Combatives” Belt
All students who complete the Gracie Combatives course, which takes approximately 12 months, will earn a "Gracie Combatives” belt as a symbol of their foundational self-defense proficiency. The belt is white with a navy blue stripe running through its center.

2) Sparring Required Before Blue Belt
Upon earning the Gracie Combatives belt, a student will start the Master Cycle, the Gracie Academy’s advanced jiu-jitsu program. In the Master Cycle, the student will learn techniques for defending against a jiu-jitsu trained opponent while continuing to enhance their arsenal of street self-defense techniques. Most importantly, the student will develop resiliency and adaptiveness through live sparring against resistant opponents (with and without strikes). Only after 6-12 months in the Master Cycle, will a student be considered for promotion to blue belt.

3) No More "Online Blue Belts"
The Gracie Combatives belt is the only Gracie Jiu-jitsu belt that can be earned through the Gracie University video evaluation process. The fact that the course is comprised of set number of techniques (approximately 75), which are exclusively designed for an non jiu-jitsu street aggressor, means that an experienced instructor can effectively verify a student’s proficiency visually, in person or via video upload. All other belts, including blue belt, can only be earned via hands-on live sparring evaluation at an authorized Certified Training Center.

For more information on the Jiu-Jitsu Global Federation visit http://www.JJGF.com

For more information on the Gracie Combatives program or to find a Certified Training Center near you, visit http://www.GracieUniversity.com
nobody owns any martial art. i could care less what anybody does. i know what i do.
Brilliant way to double up your money.

On a side note, I always thought the self defense aspect of martial arts was partially to blame for the dumbing down of traditional martial arts.
nobody owns any martial art. i could care less what anybody does. i know what i do.

The Gracie's are the custodians of the art they developed.

How so? Looks to me this is to shut the haters up for good.

Brilliant way to double up your money.

On a side note, I always thought the self defense aspect of martial arts was partially to blame for the dumbing down of traditional martial arts.

How is this making them more money? They are limiting online belts to a GC blue.

GJJ exists as a self defense system. SD is not dumbing down, it is serving the fundamental purpose of GJJ --- self defense. Anyone can get in attacked at any time. What percentage of BJJ students compete? 5% if we were being generous, so why focus on that only?

As a student of a Level 4 GTC (Which is the highest and basically means a legit BB became a GTC) I approve of this move.

It was funny how many posted on social media about Rickson bitching out Rener/Ryron, and now it looks like the haters are getting shut the fuck up for good, although they will possibly still lament like the women.

I'm not suprised mother fuckers

Rickson is losing his identity. He's been gone for so long, no blame to him as if I lost a son it would be tough too, and his injuries prevent him from rolling.

Rener and Ryron are on the right stack of mail. A little help from there Dad or Uncles is not a bad thing.
no more online blue belts is a good change.
The Gracie's are the custodians of the art they developed.

why?? by whos authority?? yours?? theirs??

the Gracie family has no more right to tell others how BJJ should be than Kool Hercs family has to tell others what hip hop should be.
It should make them more money because the majority of people quit after they receive their blue belt. So now they will get 2 years out of a student instead of 1, plus an extra testing fee.

The self defense aspect of martial dumbs it down because of the no sparring mentality. The most effective martial arts are the ones with a strong sporting/competition characteristic. Why does someone need to learn how to deal with an untrained person, when you can deal with a trained person?
It should make them more money because the majority of people quit after they receive their blue belt. So now they will get 2 years out of a student instead of 1, plus an extra testing fee.

Wouldn't this be true of every BJJ place that does the "keep coming and you'll get your blue belt when we feel like you should have it"?
Yes, but the goal post can only be moved so many times before someone gets frustrated and leaves.

One thing I didn't mention in my other post the no sparring Gracie combatives also helps retain the people who can't handle/don't like live grappling.
It should make them more money because the majority of people quit after they receive their blue belt. So now they will get 2 years out of a student instead of 1, plus an extra testing fee.

The self defense aspect of martial dumbs it down because of the no sparring mentality. The most effective martial arts are the ones with a strong sporting/competition characteristic. Why does someone need to learn how to deal with an untrained person, when you can deal with a trained person?

Gracie Academy has a higher retention rate than most schools. So yeah, if actually retaining students is a cash grab then I guess it is.
Just FYI, most people quit as white belts.

There is no sparring until you finish gracie combatives. After you finish this you start sparring right away. This is what the GC blue belt does now. It makes you have a lot of sparring before you get your blue belt so it is more like other schools, but it still recognizes you finished GC.

PS - GC is not learning how to deal with untrained people and master cycle for trained people. GC is how to win in a no rules street fight. MC is more for competition against other people who train (whether rolls in practice or competition).

Why NOT train both??? Then you don't have be a black belt who gets herbed on a white belt choke defense.

To put it as an analogy, competition is masturbation and street fighting is fucking. Do you want to jerk off forever, or do you plan on getting laid???

Yes, but the goal post can only be moved so many times before someone gets frustrated and leaves.

One thing I didn't mention in my other post the no sparring Gracie combatives also helps retain the people who can't handle/don't like live grappling.

It helps EASE them in. And as someone who started back in the days of no beginner classes, the GA way is wayyyyy better.
But....I almost got my Technical BlueBelt and was gonna open a gym....
Oh. No.

Not this again.

Disappointing to see that Rickson is now endorsing the no rolling and earn a belt online stuff.

Anyway, how is his federation doing?

Is he still trying to change the skills of the members of his federation?
Is he offering something better than the ibjjf?
Or is it just anothet attempt at getting more students?
Self defense... a last ditch Gracie claim to relevancy in a fantasy world where the chance is almost certain that you'll engage in one on one, hand to hand combat against someone that is interested in nothing other than fighting you to the death, pretty much every day of your life, in the streets. And you can feel confidently prepared for this scenario by sending some dude a check and some video tapes.
I never said it was a crash grab. It is a good way to make more money. I just don't like how they act like it is for the good of jiu jitsu.

2) Sparring Required Before Blue Belt
Upon earning the Gracie Combatives belt, a student will start the Master Cycle, the Gracie Academy’s advanced jiu-jitsu program. In the Master Cycle, the student will learn techniques for defending against a jiu-jitsu trained opponent while continuing to enhance their arsenal of street self-defense techniques. Most importantly, the student will develop resiliency and adaptiveness through live sparring against resistant opponents (with and without strikes). Only after 6-12 months in the Master Cycle, will a student be considered for promotion to blue belt.

This makes it seem like there is no live sparring during Gracie Combatives belt portion but I could be wrong.

Personally I think it is dumb to dedicate years of your life to learn how to defend your self just in case you are in a street fight. If the threat is real you would be much better off saving your money and moving somewhere safer.

Maybe I should have just stayed a lurker.
Regarding the cash grab.
Like any good pyramid scheme, you need an infrastructure to test all this customers and that is what they are using as the carrot: earn your online belt, open a CTC and you promote others while we come down on regular basis for charging more for seminars.