Richmond, VA - Free trial month of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (April)


Gold Belt
Platinum Member
Jun 26, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I am offering a free trial month of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at my school, Revolution BJJ.

I'm aware that most of the people who post on this forum already train at various academies, and that's great. That's not who this is for- this offer is for anyone who has never tried Brazilian Jiu Jitsu before.

You do NOT need to purchase a gi to try out this offer.

You will NOT sign up for a year before trying your free offer.

You WILL get quality, basic BJJ instruction from an accomplished competitor and coach who will take the time to help each student get the concepts and positions.

Got any friends who you've been trying to convince to try jiu jitsu? This is your opportunity to get them to train.
There are classes at the academy 7 days a week (albeit, 2 of those days are kids' classes). Check out for the full schedule. See (some of) you on the mats!
holy crap man, this is a great way to introduce people to the sport! Keep up the good fight :)
Thanks! Will do my best to hook them on jiu jitsu. :)
Sweet idea. I hope it works out well for you. I train with Gordon Emery in charlottesville.
Is this strictly for new beginners? Or all non-members?

Technically, it is geared towards beginners, BUT if you have someone who may be interested, let me know. I am definitely interested in adding more experienced folks to my school.
TTT - I'm looking forward to having some new guys in the gym!
Damn, wish I lived a little closer. I'm down in the Hampton Roads area (Hampton specifically actually) and have been interested in trying it out for a while now. Just a little too far away with my work schedule :(. Nice offer though!
Yeah, that's me. What's up? How is training going?

training is going well. I have been swamped with work lately, so I haven't been able to train as much as I would like, but I'm getting in an hour or so a day at least, then 4 on my off nights.

And to answer the guy from UVA, richmond is about 65 miles from UVA, and I live about 10 miles from UVA, so hit me up for the addresses of school(s) in Charlottesville.
FYI, my friend and student/teammate Gordon runs a school in Charlottesville:

My school is actually only about 45 minutes from C'ville. It's in the west end of Richmond. Charlottesvillians who want to try BJJ are welcome to make the trip in April.