Rib Pain


White Belt
Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
A few hours after class my rib started hurting. I cant pin point when this happened during training. It hurts close to the middle of my chest under my right peck. Is this something that is common and will it go away quickly? I just starded a few weeks ago and have only had sore muscles and neck and am a little concerned.
Rib injuries are very common in grappling. Normally they are the lower ribs that get hurt from non-impact.
So should i continue attending class as i usually do or take some time off? i really dont want to stop i am learning fast and my cardio is finally starting to be where it should.
I broke my sternum and have bruised my ribs many times. Its not going to get any worse unless someone is jumping on your chest, so just keep at it.

If you really injured your ribs you wouldn't even be able to breathe.
I would say take it easy maybe train every other day and if it gets worse go see a doc.

Could be anything at this point.
I've bruised my ribs before and it took a while for the real pain to set in (about 2 days later)
As long as you can breathe you should be fine. Take the acid test and yawn or sneeze. If there's no added pain then I'd keep training.

I'm actually looking forward to coming back to the mat after a broken rib in another two weeks. If you broke it you would def know. You immediatly stop rolling. There was no doubt in my mind it was broken.

Just remember to do alot of core strength training to prevent injury in the future. Take a multi vitamin everyday and a little time off never hurt any one.
make sure you don't relax and flatten out on your back when you grapple. i see a lot of beginners do this. this is a sure way to get rib injuries when your opponent rides your body or puts knee on belly or even jams an elbow into your ribs to get a better position.

make sure to engage your core, like doing a crunch. this activates your intercostals and oblique muscles which protect your ribcage and also your abdominal wall.

my advice is to take a week or two off until you completely heal. if you rush back in and re-injure, you'll be out for at least 6 weeks. torn ligaments and tendons take longer than broken bones to heal. keep that in mind.
make sure you don't relax and flatten out on your back when you grapple. i see a lot of beginners do this. this is a sure way to get rib injuries when your opponent rides your body or puts knee on belly or even jams an elbow into your ribs to get a better position.

make sure to engage your core, like doing a crunch. this activates your intercostals and oblique muscles which protect your ribcage and also your abdominal wall.

my advice is to take a week or two off until you completely heal. if you rush back in and re-injure, you'll be out for at least 6 weeks. torn ligaments and tendons take longer than broken bones to heal. keep that in mind.

Good call, I would definitely take some time off. I did something similar and it turned out to be a torn muscle. Figure out what it is first and then try to fix it.
It works out I have to go to DC for a business trip for 8 days. I havent trained since it started hurting. I usually am pretty flat on my back so im sure that had something to do with it. When i get back im gonna work on my core and strengthen it. I am usually so tired and out of breath after rolling for 30 min i just let people get the best of me.
thanks guys
Bruised Rib - you can deal with the pain, take it easy

Cracked Cartiledge- You cant train, you need to let it heal

Broken Rib - Need to let it heal

Torn Inercostal Muscle- Worst pain ever, wont be able to train.
Torn Inercostal Muscle- Worst pain ever, wont be able to train.
I had vauge but regular "rib pain" for a few weeks and pretty much just ignored it. After a month or two of that I ended up tearing my intercostals in class (I'd begun noticing my movement was getting awkward and made a point to move naturally on day--oops, I guess my body had been avoiding stressing my injuries =).

Not making any recommendations one way or another, but I was out for over a month (couldn't even lift weights for the most part). My thinking was that I overtrained and set myself up for acute injury over the preceding months. Not trying to scare you, just take care and watch yourself. If it's not getting better (or getting worse) then you might try taking it light for a little while (e.g. skipping the rolling part of class for a week or two). <-- just a thought, not a medical doctor here =)

Edit: My rib pain was more along the sides of my rib cage, not so much towards the back (though I'd have a sore back occasionally, but that's separate I think). Not sure how comparable our experiences are.
I pulled an intercostal muscle a year ago.

It was also just under the pec.

It would hurt a lot when i sneezed / coughed, but it was never debilitating pain.

I took about 6 weeks off to let it heal properly, and it never bothered me again.

You have to watch out, bro. You can get some chronical/permanent shit from that if you don't let it heal.

Be patient, don't roll until it doesn't hurt anymore. Focus on your technique in the meantime.
Bruised Rib - you can deal with the pain, take it easy

Cracked Cartiledge- You cant train, you need to let it heal

Broken Rib - Need to let it heal

Torn Inercostal Muscle- Worst pain ever, wont be able to train.

i had the results of my Xray last week. I've got both!! Hourra!!!! Borcken rib (right) and Cracked Cartiledge( left)

So i'm going to dojo anyway, but i'm just walking around giving some advives...You will need rest, if the pain is tolorable, then you can train, but it can take more time to heal.

Time is your friend. :icon_twis
Thanks guys im taking some time off but i really want to get back in there. I just dont want to really mess things up and miss even more time.
Yeah, I've had it for about 2 months and another guy at my dojo had the same thing. Not much you can do about it other than avoiding chest exercises and pressure on your chest. Unfortunately, that means you cannot do bench presses, etc., and it can be aggravated by doing BJJ like side control pressure when you're on the bottom. I've tried to avoid re-aggravating, but it's tough when rolling live in BJJ. Also I've had to cut out most chest exercises, but I still do dips and pushups where I don't touch my chest to the ground. It's painful, but it's not dangerous really from what I hear. Can be exacerbated or even started by coughing severely, such as during a cold/sore throat episode. Good luck.
A few months ago, we were rolling starting from back mount, and I was one of the people starting from back mount, and I got quite squished. After class, my ribs on my left side were hurting, and when I would lay down flat and then try to get up in the morning it hurt a lot, and I was avoiding taking full breaths, and then that weekend I got sick and was coughing a lot (ended up getting diagnosed with bronchitis) and every cough hurt. I went to class the next week for one day, which made it feel worse after it had started feeling better, but after about two weeks I was good to go again.