Return of the Gladiators nov 12th winnipeg manitoba


Orange Belt
Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score
this is gunna be an awsome card. notable fights are:

Giuseppe Denatale vs. Kelly Leo

Dave Zuniga vs. Adam Higson

Mark Durant vs. Mark Bourgeois

and more

on top of that im fighting on the card so im real excited for this one.(lindsey hawkes vs mike koch) it will be my first fight with no head gear and no shin pads... so im looking foreward to a painful night!!

you can look up all the other stuff on

wish me luck
good luck, i used to train muay thai in winnipeg. i know dave zuniga well. i'll be in the crowd
good stuff loaf10..... where did you train?.. ive sparred zuniga, he is a tricky south paw and also a nice guy..... i hope he does well.

thanks for the luck
used to train at sik-tai with zuniga, like 7 years ago, was there for about 4 years
I'm not gonna be fighting this time due to an injury but it's gonna be an awesome show. I didn't know your fight was with no pads Lindsey, good luck to ya.
thanks ed.... im looking foreward to it..... it took us a while to convince giuseppi to let mike go in with no pads.... but im ready

hey loaf.... do you remember carlos aquiar from sik tai.... thats my trainer.... i think he was there in the earlier days though... about up till 97...then he faded and went back to portugul(sp?) ... if you do tell me about him in the old days... apparently he was a character
Bump, fights are this saturday guys. Be there if you can because it's gonna be awesome.
Eduardo R. said:
Bump, fights are this saturday guys. Be there if you can because it's gonna be awesome.

Are you Richard G?